Ramón Casero Cañas on Tue, 14 Jan 2003 12:27:47 +0100 (MET)

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how to include the u_FpM_inv() declaration (2)

I've tried also to just copy the funcion declaration, but it is not compiled
into the library, or so it seems

g++ -o bin/gamatrix -Wall   -ftemplate-depth-50 m_gamatrix.cpp
lib/gamatrix.o -lpari-2.2 -lboost_thread
-lstlport /usr/src/eo-0.9.2/src/utils/libeoutils.a
/usr/src/eo-0.9.2/src/libeo.a /usr/src/eo-0.9.2/src/ga/libga.a /usr/src/eo-0.9.2/src/es/libes.a 
/usr/lib/libgmp.a -lm
lib/gamatrix.o(.text+0x2f8): In function `inverse_mat_mod2(bool **, unsigned
int, bool)':
: referencia a `u_FpM_inv(long *, unsigned long)' sin definir
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [bin/gamatrix] Error 1


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