Phil Carmody on Mon, 06 Sep 2004 20:44:58 +0200

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Alpha nightly build (test) problems

Firstly, apologies for the noise at -- I found >20 gp-sta's
thrashing around in a swapping frenzy this morning, knee-jerk killall-ed them,
and their builds each proceeded with an outgoing mail before I could stop them.
I shall try to spoon-feed a single top-of-tree (1.996 probably) build this
afternoon when I get home from work this evening.

It appears that the Itanic build wasn't too happy with 'elliptic' last night
either -- that was the test my gp's seemed to be stuck in, so perhaps this
isn't just an alpha issue, but a 64-bit one.


When inserting a CD, hold down shift to stop the AutoRun feature
In the Device Manager, disable the SbcpHid device.

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