Bill Allombert on Fri, 08 Oct 2010 23:11:29 +0200

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Re: pari-2.4.3 (testing, ALPHA) released

On Fri, Oct 08, 2010 at 06:59:13PM +0200, Karim Belabas wrote:
> Dear PARI lovers,
> I would like to announce the release of pari-2.4.3-ALPHA. The sources
> can be obtained through the address
> It is also partly a bugfix release for the TESTING development branch
> (181 bugs fixed). Please help us test this ALPHA release!

If you missed Karim post to pari-announce, we just released pari-2.4.3-ALPHA.

The expected timeline is as follow:

December 2010 : release of pari-2.4.4-BETA
January  2011 : release of pari-2.5.0-STABLE

So you have two months to test PARI 2.4.3 !

We will probably have to make some more chnage to the interface.
