Ilya Zakharevich on Wed, 10 Jul 2024 00:44:01 +0200

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Feature-deliberations: coverage

[ Background: I’m working on (very trivial and standard) routines in
  low-dim linear programming.  They are very simple, but take A LOT of
  branching.  Absolutely unclear how to debug… ]

Suppose we have a new default “storecoverage”.  The code compiled with
this default enabled reserves storage for collecting the info on which
branches of if()s, &&'s, ||'s (and possibly while()/until()'s) were
not yet taken.

  This seems to be very low-cost and easy/(trivial?) to implement.

Then I may imagine
to list non-fully covered branches (each in the same format as if an
error happened at this place.  And then maybe also
to be able to do this recursively (maybe anonymous too?).

This seems to be handable — but maybe there are easier ways to do the
same/similar things?!
