Louis . Granboulan on Sun, 30 Nov 1997 20:10:14 +0100

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Patch of gen3.c (it is working, now...)

The previous patch did not handle correctly the bug.
If you apply this patch instead of the other, you
can type :
and the answer will be
  [1/4*x^4, 1/3*x^3]

-- Ptitboul

*** ./src/basemath/gen3.c.orig  Fri Nov 14 04:53:28 1997
--- ./src/basemath/gen3.c       Sun Nov 30 17:28:46 1997
*** 1407,1413 ****
        return gerepileupto(av,y);
      case t_VEC: case t_COL: case t_MAT:
!       return triv_integ(x,v,tx,lx);
    return NULL; /* not reached */
--- 1407,1413 ----
        return gerepileupto(av,y);
      case t_VEC: case t_COL: case t_MAT:
!       lx=lg(x);
!       y=cgetg(lx,tx);
!       for (i=1; i<lg(x); i++) y[i]=linteg((GEN)x[i],v);
!       return y;
    return NULL; /* not reached */