Ilya Zakharevich on Tue, 21 Apr 1998 08:29:25 +0200

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make etags

This makes 

     make etags

generate quite smart TAGS file.  How smart: read below.


--- ./src/make_tags~	Mon Apr 20 23:36:02 1998
+++ ./src/make_tags	Tue Apr 21 01:12:14 1998
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+# Generate a tags file which contains PARI functions, and allows going
+# to help-message for a PARI functions and to a PARI function of C function
+# by repeated C-u M-.
+# If you are reading this, you may enjoy imenu-go.el from
+# Skip language/init.c, gp/gp_init.c and language/helpmessages.c:
+excluded=`perl -e 'print join "\n", 
+                      grep { $_ ne "language/init.c" 
+			     and $_ ne "language/helpmessages.c"
+			     and $_ ne "gp/gp_init.c" }
+                           <*/*.[chs]>, <*/*/*.[chs]>'`
+etags $excluded
+# Process declarations like
+# {"polredord",1,(void*)ordred,6,"Gp"},
+# => an entry for polredord, and an entry for ordred as well
+# (so that one may find which PARI function is implemented by the C one)
+re='[ \t]*{[ \t]*"\([a-zA-Z_0-9]+\)"[ \t]*,[ \t]*[0-9]+[ \t]*,[ \t]*([ \t]*void[ \t]*\*[ \t]*)[ \t]*\([a-zA-Z0-9+]+\)[ \t]*,'
+etags -a -l c -o TAGS.tmp     -r "/$re/\\1/" -r "/$re/\\2/" language/init.c
+# Process helpmessages too:
+#  "printtex(a): outputs a in TeX format",
+helpre='[ \t]*"\([a-zA-Z_0-9]+\)[=(]'
+etags -a -l c -o TAGS.tmp     -r "/$re/\\1/" -r "/$re/\\2/" \
+    -r "/$helpre/\\1/"    gp/gp_init.c
+etags -a -l c -o TAGS.tmp     -r "/$helpre/\\1/"  language/helpmessages.c
+# This would produces a wrong entry size - though AFAIK, nobody uses it
+# uniq >> TAGS
+perl -w014pe 'if (s/^(.*\n)\1+/$1/mg) {		# Remove duplicate lines
+		  $chars = chomp;
+		  s/^((\n.+,)\d+)/ $2 . (length($_) - length($1) - 1) /e;
+		  $_ .= ("\f" x $chars);
+	      }' TAGS.tmp > TAGS.tm2
+# Since we generate *specific* definitions for the functions in the table,
+# they will be prefered by Emacs over non-specific ones for the code, so we 
+# convert non-specific definitions into specific ones (with \x1):
+perl -w014pe 'if (s/^( [^\n\x7F\x1]*\b	# 1:   TAG group
+	               (\w+)		#   2: word
+		       [^\w\x7X\x1\n]*	#      Most anything
+		       \x7F		#      End of description
+		     )
+		     (\d+,\d+\n)	# 3:   TAGS Trail
+		   /$1$2\x1$3/mgx) {	# Add specific marking
+		  $chars = chomp;
+		  s/^((\n.+,)\d+)/ $2 . (length($_) - length($1) - 1) /e;
+		  $_ .= ("\f" x $chars);
+	      }' TAGS > TAGS.tm1 && mv TAGS.tm1 TAGS
+cat TAGS.tm2 >> TAGS
--- ./config/TOP_Makefile.SH~	Sat Feb  7 11:15:26 1998
+++ ./config/TOP_Makefile.SH	Tue Apr 21 00:12:36 1998
@@ -71,6 +71,9 @@ bigtar: tar
 	rm -f $tarfile.gz
+	cd src ; sh make_tags
 case "`tar 2>&1`" in
   *"--help"*) cat >> $file << EOT