Dieter Hink on Sat, 09 Oct 2004 15:42:22 +0200 |
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machine freezes |
Hello, I am using AMD Athlon 64 Processor 3200+ Linux SuSE 9.1 32-Bitmodus gp 2.2.7 32 Bit-Version compiled with gcc-3.3.3 (SuSE Linux) This little script (also in attachment) looks for social numbers, beginning with 276, here starting after iteration 823. After a short while, gp says "MPQS will take several hours", then the system freezes. Same effect with SuSE 9.1 64 Bitmodus and gp 2.2.7 64-Bit-Version. I do extended Hardware-Test with memtest for 24 hours or like repeated Kernel-Makes like in for 30 hours. After test anything looks good. Any idea? Thanks Dieter Hink ********************************************************************** bz(orig_zahl,iter,zahl) = { local(zahl_fak, zahl_fak_l,ts); local(out_file_str); out_file_str = concat( concat("bz0", orig_zahl), ".txt"); until( (1 == zahl) || (zahl == orig_zahl), zahl_fak = factor(zahl); zahl_fak_l = matsize(zahl_fak); write1( out_file_str, orig_zahl, " ", iter, " ", zahl, " "); print1( orig_zahl, " ", iter, " ", zahl, " "); write1( out_file_str, "[" ); print1( "[" ); for(n0 = 1,zahl_fak_l[1], write1( out_file_str, "[", zahl_fak[n0,1],",",zahl_fak[n0,2], "]" ); print1( "[", zahl_fak[n0,1],",",zahl_fak[n0,2], "]" ); ); write1( out_file_str, "]\n" ); print1( "]\n" ); ts = 1; for(n0 = 1,zahl_fak_l[1], ts = ts * ( (zahl_fak[n0,1]^(zahl_fak[n0,2]+1)-1) /( zahl_fak[n0,1]-1) ); zahl = ts - zahl; iter = iter + 1; ); } orig_zahl=276; iter=1 orig_zahl=276; iter=1; orig_zahl=276; iter=823+1; zahl= 160005870250543930988968005236726881741848752410655381035099105303321443479646363930; ts=1; fak=2; expo=1; ts=ts*((fak^(expo+1)-1)/(fak-1)); fak=3; expo=1; ts=ts*((fak^(expo+1)-1)/(fak-1)); fak=5; expo=1; ts=ts*((fak^(expo+1)-1)/(fak-1)); fak=1623863; expo=1; ts=ts*((fak^(expo+1)-1)/(fak-1)); fak=123919781830689141811; expo=1; ts=ts*((fak^(expo+1)-1)/(fak-1)); fak=26504806312518430066041786704745609834947751750369626167; expo=1; ts=ts*((fak^(expo+1)-1)/(fak-1)); zahl=ts-zahl; print1( orig_zahl, " ", iter, " ", zahl, "\n"); bz(orig_zahl,iter,zahl); quit(); ********************************************************************* -- dieter_hink
Description: Binary data