Jan Jancar on Thu, 06 Apr 2017 10:52:06 +0200

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Re: libpari: ellsea & ellcard caches

On 04/06/2017 10:14 AM, Bill Allombert wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 05, 2017 at 10:25:12PM +0200, Jan Jancar wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm currently using the ellsea and ellcard functions in
>> libpari with some "cryptographic" sized curves.
>> over F_p with p prime \in (2^128, 2^521) and
>> over F_2^m with m \in (160, 512)
>> I am doing so repeatedly in one execution of my binary [1],
>> I noticed that even if I reset the stack pointer to a value
>> it was before calling ellcard, ellsea or ellff_get_card the
>> memory usage seems to go up more than I would expect.
>> Does ellsea use some caches or otherwise allocate memory
>> thats left after it returns? I am not getting memory leaks
>> so not that.
>> I attached an example output of this behavior under 
>> valgrind --tool=massif (read with ms_print [2]).
>> The memory usage there rises steadily even when the binary
>> only loops this (pseudo code):
>> pari_sp ltop = avma
>> generate random: field, a, b parameters
>> ellinit([a,b], field)
>> ellsea(e)
> Ah, I see: are you using PARI 2.9.1 ?
> Then upgrading to PARI 2.9.2 (released yesterday) should fix this bug:
>      31- ellsea leaked clones

Great! Will do!

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