I'm working with criptography, u
I choose a prime
? isprime(37462350986754834657874659823456747);
%1 = 0
? nextprime(37462350986754834657874659823456747);
%2 37462350986754834657874659823456849
? isprime(37462350986754834657874659823456849);
%3 = 1
So I find a generator and your order
? znprimroot(37462350986754834657874659823456849);
%5 Mod(17, 37462350986754834657874659823456849)
? g = Mod(17, 37462350986754834657874659823456849);
%6 Mod(17, 37462350986754834657874659823456849)
? znorder(g);
%7 37462350986754834657874659823456848
So I have a group Zp (p=37462350986754834657874659823456849)
and a generator g= Mod(17, 37462350986754834657874659823456849)
But I want to calculate g elevated to the number e= 5466093453756547, but I didn't finde the function to calculate this.
Anybody know?
Thanks in advance.