Jacques Gélinas on Fri, 17 Aug 2018 15:04:39 +0200

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RE: Equation solver

> I'm looking for an "Equation Solver" that would be able to solve equations like below
> (where: N=6, C(i,j)=0 or 1, with i=0..N-1, j=0..N1).

What is N1 ?

Please give the system of equations for N=1, N=2, and N=3 using variables such as x,y,z,...

In the example you gave, the (mod 4) could be deleted by rejecting the (0,0,0,...) and (1,1,1,...)
solutions later. We thus get a system of equations for variables restricted to the vertices of
the unit hypercube. 

And yes GP/PARI has sophisticated functions to explore this kind of space.
                  ?? forvec 

to start (new functions are added at each release, it seems).

Jacques Gélinas