hermann on Sun, 08 Oct 2023 01:25:14 +0200

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Re: efficient foursquare() and/or threesquare1m4() functions

On 2023-10-07 11:49, John Cremona wrote:
It's nice to see that an old talk by a Warwick student is still

For solving quadratic forms without factoring, see the work of Denis
Simon (who reads this list), as well as one of my papers, though that
would give you rational rather than integral solutions.

John Cremona

I will look later.

Because I already implemented generation of ternary quadratic form Q for n
- that represents n
- and has determinant 1.

Now I need to figure out how to determine matrix M, such that
M~*Q*M is diagonal matrix. The diagonal entries of M~*Q*M
are three square representation of n.

Is there a PARI/GP function that can determine M given Q?

Here is the initial gist:

Works for
- even numbers !=0 (mod 4)
- odd numbers !=7 (mod 8)
- odd numbers ==7 (mod 8)
- multiples of 4
as can be seen in 1st gist comment.

For even numbers first b needs to be determined such that -b is
quadratic residue (mod b*n-1) with b*n-1 prime, easy with GP:

                v=vv; break()));

First comment of gist also has links to presentation and article.

