hermann on Sun, 03 Dec 2023 12:47:20 +0100 |
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PARI/GP pthread questions |
1) single threaded I can measure runtime: my(t0=getabstime()); foursquares(2^p-1); print(getabstime()-t0,"ms"); How can I measure runtime in a thread executed with parforeach(...)?I want to output the results a thread computed, with its own thread runtime. I tried getabstime() asa above, but that reported always icreasing deltas.
2) Under 3.4.22 nbthreads ... * pthread: number of threads (unlimited, default: number of cores) ... On 16C/32T AMD 7950X CPU I see 3200% CPU in top when starting GP script with parforeach. So should above doc be corrected to "default: #cores * #threads_per_cor" or better to be correct for multi-CPU systems: "default: #cpus * #cores * #threads_per_core" ? Regards, Hermann.