Ruud H.G. van Tol on Wed, 03 Jan 2024 18:16:37 +0100 |
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Re: Can I speed up / reduce the stack used by this PARI/GP script? |
On 2024-01-03 02:13, Joe Slater wrote:
I wrote the following script to calculate terms of A060322. It does a decent job, but takes a lot of memory: at present I can only calculate around 70 terms. Can anyone suggest a way to push it further?
The first differences are in A131450. A direct port of a variant of Jon E. Schoenfield's Magma-code there to PARI: first(N) = { my( a= Vec([1, 0, 0, 0], N), Y= [], X= [5], Z ); for( n=5, N , Z= Y; Y= X; X= List(); foreach( Z, x, listput(X, 4*x+1 )); foreach( Z, x, if( 1==x%6, listput(X, (4*x-1)\3))); foreach( Y, x, if( 5==x%6, listput(X, (2*x-1)\3))); X= Set(X); a[n]= #X; \\ print1( n, "=", a[n], ", " ); ); a; } ? default(parisizemax,2^33) *** Warning: new maximum stack size = 8589934592 (8192.000 Mbytes). Then, this first(70) takes about 6 minutes, using 4 GB RAM. For comparison, your A060322(70) takes about 4 minutes here, using 8 GB RAM. So that delta-approach isn't really getting it much further. -- Ruud