hermann on Fri, 03 May 2024 14:52:34 +0200

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Simpler PARI/GP code than this?

GIMPS mprime software creates ".proof" files for fast verification of a completed (long time) PRP proof/disproof.

I asked about software to verify such .proof, and @Prime95 provided main.c and roots.c.
The missing rootsdata.txt can be created with GP:

// This is a compacted table computed in pari-gp of z(p) = znorder(Mod(2,p)), associating for each "z" entry
// the set of primes "p" that have that z(p) value.
// The keys "z" are stored as negative values to distinguish them from the primes that follow each z.
int merged[] = {
#include "rootsdata.txt"

$ head rootsdata.txt && echo "..." && tail -3 rootsdata.txt
-2, 3,
-3, 7,
-4, 5,
-5, 31,
-7, 127,
-8, 17,
-9, 73,
-10, 11,
-11, 23, 89,
-12, 13,
-65322, 65323,
-65356, 65357,
-65370, 65371,

I came up with this GP script to create rootsdata.txt, verify_PRP could be compiled and used (generation of PRP proof for 9.4million decimal digit prime took 6:12h (with 16 threads), verification took only 5:17min):


z(p) = znorder(Mod(2,p));
    print1("-", i,",");
    foreach(o[i],x,print1(" ",x,","));

I feel that rootsdata.txt can be created with a much smaller GP script, is that true?

