hermann on Tue, 16 Jul 2024 00:56:56 +0200

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Re: vector of t_FRAC questions

On 2024-07-15 23:19, Karim Belabas wrote:
Nope. You're creating invalid GP objects from libpari, doc no longer applies.

You are right, I already committed Bill's proposed "mkfrac_or_int()":

So now valid GP object, vector of t_INT:

? x=get_build_direction()
[81920, 917504, -40960]

And "gcd(x)" computes the gcd of all entries in vector x:

? gcd(x)

Simple gcd help does not mention x being t_VEC:

? ?gcd
gcd(x,{y}): greatest common divisor of x and y.


Detailed doc "??gcd" mentions t_VEC only if x and y are passed.

