Max Alekseyev on Sat, 12 Oct 2024 16:50:24 +0200

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computing all square root modulo a composite

On Tue, Oct 1, 2024 at 4:56 AM Bill Allombert <> wrote:

Internally, we have a function Zn_quad_roots that compute all the solution of x^2+b*x+c mod N
for composite N.
Maybe we could add it to GP if we find a GP interface to it.

Bill, I'd truly appreciate having such a function.

On a related note, below is my naive function computing all square roots of a given t_INTMOD. Somehow it badly loses to SageMath's built-in sqrt() function that provides an ability to get all the roots out of the box.
While there is no built-in alternative in PARI/GP, is there a way to speed up my function?

? sum(r=0,10^5, #asqrtintmod(Mod(r,1000000000000001000000000000001)) )
%14 = 111953
? ##
  ***   last result: cpu time 16,544 ms, real time 16,580 ms.

sage: %time sum(len(sqrt(Mod(r,1000000000000001000000000000001),all=True,extend=False)) for r in (0..10^5))
CPU times: user 1.92 s, sys: 280 µs, total: 1.92 s
Wall time: 1.92 s

{ asqrtintmod(q) = my(p, r, t, l);
    p = factor(q.mod);
    l = matsize(p)[1];
    t = vector(l,i, sqrt(lift(q) + O(p[i,1]^p[i,2])) );
    t = apply(x->Mod(x,x.p^padicprec(x,x.p)), t);

    r = List();
      listput(r, chinese(vector(l,i,t[i]*(-1)^s[i])) );