Max Alekseyev on Mon, 21 Oct 2024 17:01:44 +0200

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Re: number of permutations with a given cycle structure

Also, any integer partition p can be treated as a size type of the set partitions of [n]. The number of the set partitions of a given type p equals
n! / vecprod(apply(x->x!,p)) / vecprod(apply(x->x!,a)),
where a is the vector of multiplicities ("exponents") of 1,2,...,n in p.

Similarly, how numbers of permutations of fixed cycle types form a partition of Stirling numbers of the first kind, the numbers of set partitions of fixed size type form a partition of Stirling numbers of second kind.

Long story short, it would be nice to have this function handy in PARI as well.


On Sat, Oct 19, 2024 at 10:08 AM Max Alekseyev <> wrote:

Any integer partition p of n can be treated as a cycle type of the permutations of n, and the number of those permutations is a fundamental function of p that would be nice to have handy in PARI.
Just in case, an explicit formula for this function can be seen in
I was not able to find it in PARI, and if it's indeed missing, could you please add it?

On a related note, I'd appreciate it if this function is not restricted to t_VECSMALL type, but can also accept t_VEC.
I already see trouble with that in permcycles() when a permutation is manually constructed as t_VEC. Btw, can permcycles() be made to accept t_VEC as well?
