American Citizen on Thu, 24 Oct 2024 19:09:39 +0200

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Re: interesting discovery about elliptic curve [0,0,0, 393129,0]

Bill and John:

Thank you for your explanation and example.


On 10/24/24 05:13, Bill Allombert wrote:
On Thu, Oct 24, 2024 at 08:56:27AM +0100, John Cremona wrote:
This is not an explanation, but the condition that x is a square is
equivalent to the point (x,y) being in the image of the 2-isogeny from
[0,0,0,-4n^2,0].    Calling the curves E and E' and looking at how descent
by 2-isogeny works (e.g. in my book, other books are available!), roughly
speaking the rank of E comes partly  from E/phi'(E') and part from the
image under phi of E'/phi(E).  (Here phi:E --> E') and phi' is the dual.)
  Saying that "all" the points have square x-coordinates is therefore saying
that E/phi'(E') is trivial and all the points are coming from phi'(E').

But why that should be, apart from chance, I don't know.
The conclusion is that this can happen with positive probability
for curves having 2-torsion.

To give an example of John's explanation:
E = ellinit([393129,0]);
E is 2-isogenous to
F = ellinit([-1572516,0]);

Both curves are of rank r=3 and have same BSD values.

? ellbsd(F)/ellbsd(E)
%24 = 8.0000000000000000000000000000000000000
is equal to 2^r so (assuming they have the same Tate-Shafarevich group),
this implies that the image of F(Q) by phi^ is [2]E(Q),
so every x is a square.
