Laël Cellier on Sat, 18 Jan 2025 21:59:38 +0100

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Re: Some questions on how to improve Berlekamp‑Rabin algorithm’s implementation


Where can I find the source code of polrootsmod please ? I’m meaning in which file and which line ? Is there a Pari/ɢᴘ version or only C is available ? Anyway, I’d take the later if this is the only option…


Le 18/01/2025 à 19:50, Bill Allombert a écrit :
On Sat, Jan 18, 2025 at 02:47:18PM +0100, Laël Cellier wrote:

the is an
algorithm for computing square roots on prime numbers or prime powers.
It's description makes it mostly trivial to implement using Mod() operations
but I was wondering if it was possible to use more higher level functions
like factor() or even nfroots() ?
Berlekamp algorithm is implemented in the GP function polrootsmod.

Now if you want to reimplement it in GP, this is rather easy using
POLMOD of INTMOD, soing something like Mod(x-random(p),F)^((p-1)/2)
(the advice of replacing F by F(x+z) is not a good idea).
