Index: L-functions

Theta functions, Data structures describing L and theta functions, Dirichlet L-functions, Hecke L-functions of finite order characters, General Hecke L-functions, Artin L functions, L-functions of algebraic varieties, Eta quotients / Modular forms, Low-level Ldata format, lfun, lfunan, lfunartin, lfuncheckfeq, lfunconductor, lfuncost, lfuncreate, lfundiv, lfundual, lfunetaquo, lfuneuler, lfungenus2, lfunhardy, lfuninit, lfunlambda, lfunmfspec, lfunmul, lfunorderzero, lfunparams, lfunqf, lfunrootres, lfunshift, lfunsympow, lfuntheta, lfunthetacost, lfunthetainit, lfuntwist, lfunzeros