Code coverage tests
This page documents the degree to which the PARI/GP source code is tested by
our public test suite, distributed with the source distribution in directory
. This is measured by the gcov utility; we then
process gcov output using the lcov frond-end.
We test a few variants depending on Configure
on the
machine (x86_64
architecture), and agregate them in the final report:
- with GMP kernel
- with GMP kernel using --mt=pthread
- with native kernel, including micro-assembler code
- with native kernel, without micro-assembler
- with native kernel, without micro-assembler, disabling GCC extensions
- with GMP kernel, emulating an
architecture at
Configure time via setarch
The target is to exceed 90% coverage for all mathematical modules
(given that branches depending on DEBUGLEVEL
are not covered). This script is
run to produce the results below.
LCOV - code coverage report |
Directory  |
Line Coverage  |
Functions  |
basemath |
91.6 % |
125036 / 136526 |
93.7 % |
11497 / 12266 |
gp |
50.1 % |
348 / 695 |
45.9 % |
28 / 61 |
graph |
78.1 % |
1330 / 1703 |
76.9 % |
123 / 160 |
headers |
90.9 % |
1431 / 1574 |
90.2 % |
652 / 723 |
kernel/gmp |
96.2 % |
795 / 826 |
96.7 % |
58 / 60 |
kernel/none |
93.4 % |
3537 / 3788 |
86.0 % |
417 / 485 |
language |
79.7 % |
12209 / 15322 |
84.8 % |
1200 / 1415 |
modules |
95.5 % |
11782 / 12338 |
99.0 % |
791 / 799 |
mt |
93.7 % |
310 / 331 |
85.7 % |
48 / 56 |