Code coverage tests

This page documents the degree to which the PARI/GP source code is tested by our public test suite, distributed with the source distribution in directory src/test/. This is measured by the gcov utility; we then process gcov output using the lcov frond-end.

We test a few variants depending on Configure flags on the machine (x86_64 architecture), and agregate them in the final report:

The target is to exceed 90% coverage for all mathematical modules (given that branches depending on DEBUGLEVEL or DEBUGMEM are not covered). This script is run to produce the results below.

LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - basemath - galconj.c (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: PARI/GP v2.17.0 lcov report (development 29484-15b3466a01) Lines: 1916 2301 83.3 %
Date: 2024-09-01 09:02:42 Functions: 121 153 79.1 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

Function Name Sort by function name Hit count Sort by hit count
Flm_newtonsum 17403
Flv_sympol_eval 11144
FlxV_Flx_gcd 0
FlxV_minpolymod 0
Flx_FlxV_minpolymod 0
FpXV_ffisom 91
Qevproj_RgX 4186
Vmatrix 5607
a4galoisgen 98
aut_to_groupelts 1246
automorphismlift 31541
br_get 0
brl_add 0
cc_char_det 56
cc_chartable 546
cc_id 36939
checkgal 30436
checkgaloischar 1491
checkgroup 3745
checkgroupelts 4634
chiFT 861
chival 3920
chk_perm 7434
conjclasses_count 308
conjcyclo 966
cyclic_pc 24150
embed_disc 135206
embed_roots 11103
f36galoisgen 14
f36releveauto2 910
f36releveauto4 35
factperm 0
findp 0
findpsi 77
fixedfieldfactmod 5292
fixedfieldfactor 91
fixedfieldinclusion 1057
fixedfieldorbits 11067
fixedfieldsurmer 11067
fixedfieldsympol 11067
freetest 5369
frobeniusliftall 2009
galois_find_totally_split 7
galois_group 3318
galois_test_perm 117383
galoisanalysis 96589
galoisborne 31002
galoischar_aut_charpoly 12355
galoischar_charpoly 1491
galoischar_dim 1547
galoischardet 56
galoischarpoly 1435
galoischartable 553
galoisconj 69999
galoisconj0 63
galoisconj1 35903
galoisconj4 0
galoisconj4_main 96653
galoisconj_monic 69999
galoisconjclasses 308
galoiscosets 91
galoisdolift 29652
galoisdoliftn 1302
galoisexport 28
galoisfindfrobenius 29456
galoisfindgroups 98
galoisfixedfield 5775
galoisfrobeniuslift 2219
galoisfrobeniuslift_nilp 27341
galoisfrobeniustest 59875
galoisgen 29645
galoisgenfixedfield 5292
galoisgenfixedfield0 5292
galoisgenlift 5271
galoisgenlift_nilp 0
galoisgenliftauto 6496
galoisidentify 504
galoisinit 51281
galoisinitfromaut 1253
galoisisabelian 224
galoisisnormal 56
galoismakepsi 1722
galoisperm_free 0
galoisperm_init 0
galoispermtopol 17878
galoispermtopol_i 17878
galoissplittinginit 1239
galoissubfields 84
galoissubgroups 2688
galoisvecpermtopol 8771
genorbit 0
get_image 6496
get_pow 0
getfr 0
gg_get_std 33586
group_is_elt 7826
groupelts_to_group_or_elts 826
improves 162246
init_group 96588
initgaloisborne 83307
initlift 29651
inittest 5369
inittestlift 1764
intheadlong 1358824
is2sparse 10955
is_group 12719
lincomb 320757
listznstarelts 1771
makeLden 29547
matheadlong 5607
matrixnorm 114527
mkliftpow 91
monomorphismratlift 31541
monoratlift 63641
muldiv 0
nilp_froblift 0
notgalois 66947
numberofconjugates 35903
padicisint 94731
pc_bracket 0
pc_evalcache 0
pc_exp 0
pc_inv 0
pc_mul 0
pc_normalize 0
pc_to_perm 0
pcgrp_get_br 0
pcgrp_get_ord 0
pcgrp_get_pow 0
pcgrp_insert 0
pcgrp_lift 0
permprodeval 0
permtoaut 0
permtopol 49620
polheadlong 38898
poltopermtest 65260
psi_order 29441
s4galoisgen 77
s4makelift 1456
s4releveauto 511
s4test 240221
stpow 14476
sympol_aut_evalmod 5292
sympol_eval 11067
sympol_eval_newtonsum 11144
sympol_is1to1_lg 11645
testpermutation 8680
vec_groupelts_to_group_or_elts 14
vecheadlong 57939
vecsmall_increase 0
vectopol 51219
vecvecsmall_increase 0
wpow 6496

Generated by: LCOV version 1.16