Code coverage tests

This page documents the degree to which the PARI/GP source code is tested by our public test suite, distributed with the source distribution in directory src/test/. This is measured by the gcov utility; we then process gcov output using the lcov frond-end.

We test a few variants depending on Configure flags on the machine (x86_64 architecture), and agregate them in the final report:

The target is to exceed 90% coverage for all mathematical modules (given that branches depending on DEBUGLEVEL or DEBUGMEM are not covered). This script is run to produce the results below.

LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - language - hash.c (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: PARI/GP v2.18.1 lcov report (development 30060-c7c2f950fd) Lines: 167 190 87.9 %
Date: 2025-03-09 09:23:40 Functions: 31 32 96.9 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /* Copyright (C) 2000  The PARI group.
       2             : 
       3             : This file is part of the PARI/GP package.
       4             : 
       5             : PARI/GP is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
       6             : terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
       7             : Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
       8             : version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
       9             : ANY WARRANTY WHATSOEVER.
      10             : 
      11             : Check the License for details. You should have received a copy of it, along
      12             : with the package; see the file 'COPYING'. If not, write to the Free Software
      13             : Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */
      14             : #include "pari.h"
      15             : #include "paripriv.h"
      16             : 
      17             : /********************************************************************/
      18             : /*                                                                  */
      19             : /*                    GENERAL HASHTABLES                            */
      20             : /*                                                                  */
      21             : /********************************************************************/
      22             : /* */
      23             : static const ulong hashprimes[] = {
      24             :   53, 97, 193, 389, 769, 1543, 3079, 6151, 12289, 24593, 49157, 98317, 196613,
      25             :   393241, 786433, 1572869, 3145739, 6291469, 12582917, 25165843, 50331653,
      26             :   100663319, 201326611, 402653189, 805306457, 1610612741
      27             : };
      28             : static const int hashprimes_len = numberof(hashprimes);
      29             : 
      30             : INLINE void
      31       60599 : setlen(hashtable *h, ulong len) {
      32       60599 :   h->maxnb = (ulong)ceil(len * 0.65);
      33       60599 :   h->len  = len;
      34       60599 : }
      35             : 
      36             : static int
      37       55926 : get_prime_index(ulong len)
      38             : {
      39             :   int i;
      40       86414 :   for (i=0; i < hashprimes_len; i++)
      41       86414 :     if (hashprimes[i] > len) return i;
      42           0 :   pari_err_OVERFLOW("hash table [too large]");
      43             :   return -1; /* LCOV_EXCL_LINE */
      44             : }
      45             : 
      46             : /* link hashentry e to hashtable h, setting e->hash / e->next */
      47             : INLINE void
      48     1779860 : hash_link2(hashtable *h, hashentry *e, ulong hash)
      49             : {
      50             :   ulong index;
      51     1779860 :   e->hash = hash; index = e->hash % h->len;
      52     1779860 :   e->next = h->table[index]; h->table[index] = e;
      53     1779860 : }
      54             : INLINE void
      55       16475 : hash_link(hashtable *h, hashentry *e) { hash_link2(h,e,h->hash(e->key));}
      56             : 
      57             : hashtable *
      58       40577 : hash_create(ulong minsize, ulong (*hash)(void*), int (*eq)(void*,void*),
      59             :             int use_stack)
      60             : {
      61       40577 :   int i = get_prime_index(minsize);
      62       40577 :   ulong len = hashprimes[i];
      63             :   hashtable *h;
      64             : 
      65       40577 :   if (use_stack)
      66             :   {
      67       36766 :     h = (hashtable*)stack_malloc(sizeof(hashtable));
      68       36766 :     h->table = (hashentry**)stack_calloc(len * sizeof(hashentry*));
      69       36766 :     h->use_stack = 1;
      70             :   }
      71             :   else
      72             :   {
      73        3811 :     h = (hashtable*)pari_malloc(sizeof(hashtable));
      74        3811 :     h->table = (hashentry**)pari_calloc(len * sizeof(hashentry*));
      75        3811 :     h->use_stack = 0;
      76             :   }
      77       40577 :   h->pindex = i;
      78       40577 :   h->nb = 0;
      79       40577 :   h->hash = hash;
      80       40577 :   h->eq   = eq;
      81       40577 :   setlen(h, len); return h;
      82             : }
      83             : static ulong
      84      640382 : hash_id(void *x) { return (ulong)x; }
      85             : static int
      86      303101 : eq_id(void *x, void *y) { return x == y; }
      87             : hashtable *
      88        1071 : hash_create_ulong(ulong s, long stack)
      89        1071 : { return hash_create(s, &hash_id, &eq_id, stack); }
      90             : 
      91             : void
      92       15349 : hash_init(hashtable *h, ulong minsize, ulong (*hash)(void*),
      93             :                                        int (*eq)(void*,void*), int use_stack)
      94             : {
      95       15349 :   int i = get_prime_index(minsize);
      96       15349 :   ulong len = hashprimes[i];
      97       15349 :   if (use_stack)
      98       15349 :     h->table = (hashentry**)stack_calloc(len * sizeof(hashentry*));
      99             :   else
     100           0 :     h->table = (hashentry**)pari_calloc(len * sizeof(hashentry*));
     101       15349 :   h->use_stack = use_stack;
     102       15349 :   h->pindex = i;
     103       15349 :   h->nb = 0;
     104       15349 :   h->hash = hash;
     105       15349 :   h->eq   = eq;
     106       15349 :   setlen(h, len);
     107       15349 : }
     108             : 
     109             : void
     110       11692 : hash_init_GEN(hashtable *h, ulong minsize, int (*eq)(GEN,GEN), int use_stack)
     111       11692 : { hash_init(h, minsize,(ulong (*)(void*)) hash_GEN,
     112             :                        (int (*)(void*,void*)) eq, use_stack);
     113       11692 : }
     114             : 
     115             : void
     116        3657 : hash_init_ulong(hashtable *h, ulong minsize, int use_stack)
     117        3657 : { hash_init(h, minsize,hash_id, eq_id, use_stack); }
     118             : 
     119             : void
     120     1763385 : hash_insert2(hashtable *h, void *k, void *v, ulong hash)
     121             : {
     122             :   hashentry *e;
     123             :   ulong index;
     124             : 
     125     1763385 :   if (h->use_stack)
     126     1753997 :     e = (hashentry*) stack_malloc(sizeof(hashentry));
     127             :   else
     128        9388 :     e = (hashentry*) pari_malloc(sizeof(hashentry));
     129             : 
     130     1763385 :   if (++(h->nb) > h->maxnb && h->pindex < hashprimes_len-1)
     131             :   { /* double table size */
     132        4673 :     ulong i, newlen = hashprimes[++(h->pindex)];
     133             :     hashentry *E, **newtable;
     134        4673 :     if (h->use_stack)
     135        4673 :       newtable = (hashentry**)stack_calloc(newlen*sizeof(hashentry*));
     136             :     else
     137           0 :       newtable = (hashentry**)pari_calloc(newlen*sizeof(hashentry*));
     138     1359828 :     for (i = 0; i < h->len; i++)
     139     2238779 :       while ( (E = h->table[i]) )
     140             :       {
     141      883624 :         h->table[i] = E->next;
     142      883624 :         index = E->hash % newlen;
     143      883624 :         E->next = newtable[index];
     144      883624 :         newtable[index] = E;
     145             :       }
     146        4673 :     if (!h->use_stack) pari_free(h->table);
     147        4673 :     h->table = newtable;
     148        4673 :     setlen(h, newlen);
     149             :   }
     150     1763385 :   e->key = k;
     151     1763385 :   e->val = v; hash_link2(h, e, hash);
     152     1763385 : }
     153             : void
     154      783334 : hash_insert(hashtable *h, void *k, void *v)
     155      783334 : { hash_insert2(h,k,v,h->hash(k)); }
     156             : 
     157             : void
     158       54725 : hash_insert_long(hashtable *h, void *k, long v)
     159       54725 : { hash_insert2(h,k,(void*)v,h->hash(k)); }
     160             : 
     161             : /* the key 'k' may correspond to different values in the hash, return
     162             :  * one satisfying the selection callback */
     163             : hashentry *
     164          77 : hash_select(hashtable *h, void *k, void *E,int(*select)(void *,hashentry *))
     165             : {
     166          77 :   ulong hash = h->hash(k);
     167          77 :   hashentry *e = h->table[ hash % h->len ];
     168         147 :   while (e)
     169             :   {
     170          91 :     if (hash == e->hash && h->eq(k, e->key) && select(E,e)) return e;
     171          70 :     e = e->next;
     172             :   }
     173          56 :   return NULL;
     174             : }
     175             : 
     176             : GEN
     177        1077 : hash_keys(hashtable *h)
     178             : {
     179        1077 :   long k = 1;
     180             :   ulong i;
     181        1077 :   GEN v = cgetg(h->nb+1, t_VECSMALL);
     182      208098 :   for (i = 0; i < h->len; i++)
     183             :   {
     184      207021 :     hashentry *e = h->table[i];
     185      207886 :     while (e) { v[k++] = (long)e->key; e = e->next; }
     186             :   }
     187        1077 :   return v;
     188             : }
     189             : 
     190             : GEN
     191        3894 : hash_keys_GEN(hashtable *h)
     192             : {
     193        3894 :   long k = 1;
     194             :   ulong i;
     195        3894 :   GEN v = cgetg(h->nb+1, t_VEC);
     196      911582 :   for (i = 0; i < h->len; i++)
     197             :   {
     198      907688 :     hashentry *e = h->table[i];
     199     1301484 :     while (e) { gel(v,k++) = (GEN)e->key; e = e->next; }
     200             :   }
     201        3894 :   return v;
     202             : }
     203             : 
     204             : GEN
     205        2023 : hash_values(hashtable *h)
     206             : {
     207        2023 :   long k = 1;
     208             :   ulong i;
     209        2023 :   GEN v = cgetg(h->nb+1, t_VECSMALL);
     210      392462 :   for (i = 0; i < h->len; i++)
     211             :   {
     212      390439 :     hashentry *e = h->table[i];
     213      398614 :     while (e) { v[k++] = (long)e->val; e = e->next; }
     214             :   }
     215        2023 :   return v;
     216             : }
     217             : 
     218             : /* assume hash = h->hash(k) */
     219             : hashentry *
     220     3480948 : hash_search2(hashtable *h, void *k, ulong hash)
     221             : {
     222     3480948 :   hashentry *e = h->table[ hash % h->len ];
     223     4377581 :   while (e)
     224             :   {
     225     2845255 :     if (hash == e->hash && h->eq(k, e->key)) return e;
     226      896633 :     e = e->next;
     227             :   }
     228     1532326 :   return NULL; /* not found */
     229             : }
     230             : /* returns entry attached to key k or NULL */
     231             : hashentry *
     232     1652112 : hash_search(hashtable *h, void *k)
     233             : {
     234     1652112 :   if (h->nb == 0) return NULL;
     235     1646812 :   return hash_search2(h, k, h->hash(k));
     236             : }
     237             : 
     238             : int
     239      335509 : hash_haskey_long(hashtable *h, void *k, long *v)
     240             : {
     241      335509 :   hashentry * e = hash_search(h, k);
     242      335509 :   if (e) { *v = (long) e->val; return 1; }
     243       48138 :   else return 0;
     244             : }
     245             : 
     246             : GEN
     247      147474 : hash_haskey_GEN(hashtable *h, void *k)
     248             : {
     249      147474 :   hashentry * e = hash_search(h, k);
     250      147473 :   return e ? (GEN) e->val: NULL;
     251             : }
     252             : 
     253             : hashentry *
     254        3010 : hash_remove_select(hashtable *h, void *k, void *E,
     255             :   int (*select)(void*,hashentry*))
     256             : {
     257        3010 :   ulong hash = h->hash(k), index = hash % h->len;
     258        3010 :   hashentry **pE = &(h->table[index]), *e = *pE;
     259        3010 :   while (e)
     260             :   {
     261        3010 :     if (hash == e->hash && h->eq(k, e->key) && select(E,e)) {
     262        3010 :       *pE = e->next; h->nb--;
     263        3010 :       return e;
     264             :     }
     265           0 :     pE = &(e->next);
     266           0 :     e = e->next;
     267             :   }
     268           0 :   return NULL;
     269             : }
     270             : 
     271             : hashentry *
     272          24 : hash_remove(hashtable *h, void *k)
     273             : {
     274          24 :   ulong hash = h->hash(k), index = hash % h->len;
     275          24 :   hashentry **pE = &(h->table[index]), *e = *pE;
     276          24 :   while (e)
     277             :   {
     278          24 :     if (hash == e->hash && h->eq(k, e->key)) {
     279          24 :       *pE = e->next; h->nb--;
     280          24 :       return e;
     281             :     }
     282           0 :     pE = &(e->next);
     283           0 :     e = e->next;
     284             :   }
     285           0 :   return NULL;
     286             : }
     287             : void
     288        3766 : hash_destroy(hashtable *h)
     289             : {
     290             :   ulong i;
     291        3766 :   if (h->use_stack) return;
     292      466984 :   for (i = 0; i < h->len; i++)
     293             :   {
     294      463218 :     hashentry *e = h->table[i];
     295      469552 :     while (e) { hashentry *f = e; e = e->next; pari_free(f); }
     296             :   }
     297        3766 :   pari_free(h->table); pari_free(h);
     298             : }
     299             : 
     300             : static
     301       15862 : int strequal(void *a, void *b) { return !strcmp((char*)a,(char*)b); }
     302             : hashtable *
     303        3811 : hash_create_str(ulong s, long stack)
     304        3811 : { return hash_create(s, (ulong (*)(void *))&hash_str, strequal, stack); }
     305             : 
     306             : hashtable *
     307          25 : hashstr_import_static(hashentry *e, ulong size)
     308             : {
     309          25 :   hashtable *h = hash_create_str(size, 0);
     310       16500 :   for ( ; e->key; e++) { hash_link(h, e); h->nb++; }
     311          25 :   return h;
     312             : }
     313             : 
     314             : void
     315           0 : hash_dbg(hashtable *h)
     316             : {
     317           0 :   ulong n, Total = 0, Max = 0;
     318           0 :   hashentry *e, **table = h->table;
     319           0 :   for (n=0; n < h->len; n++)
     320             :   {
     321           0 :     ulong m=0;
     322           0 :     for (e=table[n]; e; e=e->next) m++;
     323           0 :     Total += m; if (Max < m) Max = m;
     324           0 :     pari_printf("%4ld:%2ld ",n,m);
     325           0 :     if (n%9 == 8) pari_putc('\n');
     326             :   }
     327           0 :   pari_printf("\nTotal = %ld, Max = %ld\n", Total, Max);
     328           0 : }
     329             : 
     330             : /********************************************************************/
     331             : /*                                                                  */
     332             : /*                          HASH FUNCTIONS                          */
     333             : /*                                                                  */
     334             : /********************************************************************/
     335             : 
     336             : INLINE ulong
     337   524439161 : glue(ulong h, ulong a) { return 404936533*h + a; }
     338             : ulong
     339   134585151 : hash_GEN(GEN x)
     340             : {
     341   134585151 :   ulong h = x[0] & ~CLONEBIT;
     342   134585151 :   long tx = typ(x), lx, i;
     343   134585151 :   switch(tx)
     344             :   { /* non recursive types */
     345    51013315 :     case t_INT:
     346    51013315 :       lx = lgefint(x);
     347    51013315 :       h &= TYPBITS;
     348   157745081 :       for (i = 1; i < lx; i++) h = glue(h, uel(x,i));
     349    51013315 :       return h;
     350    65903563 :     case t_REAL:
     351             :     case t_STR:
     352             :     case t_VECSMALL:
     353    65903563 :       lx = lg(x);
     354   429782930 :       for (i = 1; i < lx; i++) h = glue(h, uel(x,i));
     355    65903563 :       return h;
     356             :     /* one more special case */
     357           0 :     case t_LIST:
     358           0 :       x = list_data(x);
     359           0 :       if (!x) return h;
     360             :       /* fall through */
     361             :     default:
     362    17668273 :       lx = lg(x);
     363    18801124 :       for(i = 1; i < lontyp[tx]; i++) h = glue(h, x[i]);
     364    70270637 :       for (; i < lx; i++) h = glue(h, hash_GEN(gel(x,i)));
     365    17668273 :       return h;
     366             :   }
     367             : }
     368             : ulong
     369       17507 : hash_zv(GEN x)
     370             : {
     371       17507 :   long i, lx = lg(x);
     372             :   ulong h;
     373       17507 :   if (lx == 1) return 0;
     374       15701 :   h = x[1];
     375      108514 :   for (i = 1; i < lx; i++) h = glue(h, uel(x,i));
     376       15701 :   return h;
     377             : }

Generated by: LCOV version 1.16