Code coverage tests

This page documents the degree to which the PARI/GP source code is tested by our public test suite, distributed with the source distribution in directory src/test/. This is measured by the gcov utility; we then process gcov output using the lcov frond-end.

We test a few variants depending on Configure flags on the machine (x86_64 architecture), and agregate them in the final report:

The target is to exceed 90% coverage for all mathematical modules (given that branches depending on DEBUGLEVEL or DEBUGMEM are not covered). This script is run to produce the results below.

LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - language - init.c (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: PARI/GP v2.18.1 lcov report (development 30060-c7c2f950fd) Lines: 1149 1495 76.9 %
Date: 2025-03-09 09:23:40 Functions: 135 162 83.3 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /* Copyright (C) 2000-2003  The PARI group.
       2             : 
       3             : This file is part of the PARI/GP package.
       4             : 
       5             : PARI/GP is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
       6             : terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
       7             : Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
       8             : version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
       9             : ANY WARRANTY WHATSOEVER.
      10             : 
      11             : Check the License for details. You should have received a copy of it, along
      12             : with the package; see the file 'COPYING'. If not, write to the Free Software
      13             : Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */
      14             : 
      15             : /*******************************************************************/
      16             : /*                                                                 */
      17             : /*        INITIALIZING THE SYSTEM, ERRORS, STACK MANAGEMENT        */
      18             : /*                                                                 */
      19             : /*******************************************************************/
      20             : /* _GNU_SOURCE is needed before first include to get RUSAGE_THREAD */
      21             : #undef _GNU_SOURCE /* avoid warning */
      22             : #define _GNU_SOURCE
      23             : #include <string.h>
      24             : #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN32__)
      25             : #  include "../systems/mingw/mingw.h"
      26             : #  include <process.h>
      27             : #endif
      28             : #include "paricfg.h"
      29             : #if defined(STACK_CHECK) && !defined(__EMX__) && !defined(_WIN32)
      30             : #  include <sys/types.h>
      31             : #  include <sys/time.h>
      32             : #  include <sys/resource.h>
      33             : #endif
      34             : #if defined(HAS_WAITPID) && defined(HAS_SETSID)
      35             : #  include <sys/wait.h>
      36             : #endif
      37             : #ifdef HAS_MMAP
      38             : #  include <sys/mman.h>
      39             : #endif
      40             : #if defined(USE_GETTIMEOFDAY) || defined(USE_GETRUSAGE) || defined(USE_TIMES)
      41             : #  include <sys/time.h>
      42             : #endif
      43             : #if defined(USE_GETRUSAGE)
      44             : #  include <sys/resource.h>
      45             : #endif
      46             : #if defined(USE_FTIME) || defined(USE_FTIMEFORWALLTIME)
      47             : #  include <sys/timeb.h>
      48             : #endif
      49             : #if defined(USE_CLOCK_GETTIME) || defined(USE_TIMES)
      50             : #  include <time.h>
      51             : #endif
      52             : #if defined(USE_TIMES)
      53             : #  include <sys/times.h>
      54             : #endif
      55             : #define PARI_INIT
      56             : #include "pari.h"
      57             : #include "paripriv.h"
      58             : #include "anal.h"
      59             : 
      60             : const double LOG10_2 = 0.3010299956639812; /* log_10(2) */
      61             : const double LOG2_10 = 3.321928094887362;  /* log_2(10) */
      62             : 
      63             : GEN gnil, gen_0, gen_1, gen_m1, gen_2, gen_m2, ghalf, err_e_STACK;
      64             : 
      65             : static const ulong readonly_constants[] = {
      66             :   evaltyp(t_INT) | _evallg(2),  /* gen_0 */
      67             :   evallgefint(2),
      68             :   evaltyp(t_INT) | _evallg(2),  /* gnil */
      69             :   evallgefint(2),
      70             :   evaltyp(t_INT) | _evallg(3),  /* gen_1 */
      71             :   evalsigne(1) | evallgefint(3),
      72             :   1,
      73             :   evaltyp(t_INT) | _evallg(3),  /* gen_2 */
      74             :   evalsigne(1) | evallgefint(3),
      75             :   2,
      76             :   evaltyp(t_INT) | _evallg(3),  /* gen_m1 */
      77             :   evalsigne(-1) | evallgefint(3),
      78             :   1,
      79             :   evaltyp(t_INT) | _evallg(3),  /* gen_m2 */
      80             :   evalsigne(-1) | evallgefint(3),
      81             :   2,
      82             :   evaltyp(t_ERROR) | _evallg(2), /* err_e_STACK */
      83             :   e_STACK,
      84             :   evaltyp(t_FRAC) | _evallg(3), /* ghalf */
      85             :   (ulong)(readonly_constants+4),
      86             :   (ulong)(readonly_constants+7)
      87             : };
      88             : THREAD GEN zetazone, bernzone, eulerzone, primetab;
      89             : pari_prime *pari_PRIMES;
      90             : FILE    *pari_outfile, *pari_errfile, *pari_logfile, *pari_infile;
      91             : char    *current_logfile, *current_psfile, *pari_datadir;
      92             : long    gp_colors[c_LAST];
      93             : int     disable_color;
      94             : ulong   DEBUGLEVEL, DEBUGMEM;
      95             : THREAD  long    DEBUGVAR;
      96             : ulong   pari_mt_nbthreads;
      97             : long    precreal;
      98             : ulong   precdl, pari_logstyle;
      99             : gp_data *GP_DATA;
     100             : 
     101             : entree  **varentries;
     102             : THREAD long *varpriority;
     103             : 
     104             : THREAD pari_sp avma;
     105             : THREAD struct pari_mainstack *pari_mainstack;
     106             : 
     107             : static void ** MODULES;
     108             : static pari_stack s_MODULES;
     109             : const long functions_tblsz = 135; /* size of functions_hash */
     110             : entree **functions_hash, **defaults_hash;
     111             : 
     112             : void (*cb_pari_display_hist)(long n);
     113             : char *(*cb_pari_fgets_interactive)(char *s, int n, FILE *f);
     114             : int (*cb_pari_get_line_interactive)(const char*, const char*, filtre_t *F);
     115             : void (*cb_pari_quit)(long);
     116             : void (*cb_pari_init_histfile)(void);
     117             : void (*cb_pari_ask_confirm)(const char *);
     118             : int  (*cb_pari_handle_exception)(long);
     119             : int  (*cb_pari_err_handle)(GEN);
     120             : int  (*cb_pari_whatnow)(PariOUT *out, const char *, int);
     121             : void (*cb_pari_sigint)(void);
     122             : void (*cb_pari_pre_recover)(long);
     123             : void (*cb_pari_err_recover)(long);
     124             : int (*cb_pari_break_loop)(int);
     125             : int (*cb_pari_is_interactive)(void);
     126             : void (*cb_pari_start_output)(void);
     127             : void (*cb_pari_long_help)(const char *s, long num);
     128             : 
     129             : const char * pari_library_path = NULL;
     130             : 
     131             : static THREAD GEN global_err_data;
     132             : THREAD jmp_buf *iferr_env;
     133             : const long CATCH_ALL = -1;
     134             : 
     135             : static void pari_init_timer(void);
     136             : 
     137             : /*********************************************************************/
     138             : /*                                                                   */
     139             : /*                       BLOCKS & CLONES                             */
     140             : /*                                                                   */
     141             : /*********************************************************************/
     142             : /*#define DEBUG*/
     143             : static THREAD long next_block;
     144             : static THREAD GEN cur_block; /* current block in block list */
     145             : static THREAD GEN root_block; /* current block in block list */
     146             : 
     147             : static void
     148      337870 : pari_init_blocks(void)
     149             : {
     150      337870 :   next_block = 0; cur_block = NULL; root_block = NULL;
     151      337870 : }
     152             : 
     153             : static void
     154      334220 : pari_close_blocks(void)
     155             : {
     156     2221261 :   while (cur_block) killblock(cur_block);
     157      336814 : }
     158             : 
     159             : static long
     160 11433746590 : blockheight(GEN bl) { return bl? bl_height(bl): 0; }
     161             : 
     162             : static long
     163  2743739585 : blockbalance(GEN bl)
     164  2743739585 : { return bl ? blockheight(bl_left(bl)) - blockheight(bl_right(bl)): 0; }
     165             : 
     166             : static void
     167  2973189090 : fix_height(GEN bl)
     168  2973189090 : { bl_height(bl) = maxss(blockheight(bl_left(bl)), blockheight(bl_right(bl)))+1; }
     169             : 
     170             : static GEN
     171    61008894 : bl_rotright(GEN y)
     172             : {
     173    61008894 :   GEN x = bl_left(y), t = bl_right(x);
     174    61008894 :   bl_right(x) = y;
     175    61008894 :   bl_left(y)  = t;
     176    61008894 :   fix_height(y);
     177    61008892 :   fix_height(x);
     178    61008841 :   return x;
     179             : }
     180             : 
     181             : static GEN
     182    64019207 : bl_rotleft(GEN x)
     183             : {
     184    64019207 :   GEN y = bl_right(x), t = bl_left(y);
     185    64019207 :   bl_left(y)  = x;
     186    64019207 :   bl_right(x) = t;
     187    64019207 :   fix_height(x);
     188    64019439 :   fix_height(y);
     189    64019400 :   return y;
     190             : }
     191             : 
     192             : static GEN
     193  1664578232 : blockinsert(GEN x, GEN bl, long *d)
     194             : {
     195             :   long b, c;
     196  1664578232 :   if (!bl)
     197             :   {
     198   232333855 :     bl_left(x)=NULL; bl_right(x)=NULL;
     199   232333855 :     bl_height(x)=1; return x;
     200             :   }
     201  1432244377 :   c = cmpuu((ulong)x, (ulong)bl);
     202  1432245836 :   if (c < 0)
     203   577700415 :     bl_left(bl) = blockinsert(x, bl_left(bl), d);
     204   854545421 :   else if (c > 0)
     205   854545421 :     bl_right(bl) = blockinsert(x, bl_right(bl), d);
     206           0 :   else return bl; /* ??? Already exist in the tree ? */
     207  1432228686 :   fix_height(bl);
     208  1432211546 :   b = blockbalance(bl);
     209  1432220678 :   if (b > 1)
     210             :   {
     211    32991582 :     if (*d > 0) bl_left(bl) = bl_rotleft(bl_left(bl));
     212    32991597 :     return bl_rotright(bl);
     213             :   }
     214  1399229096 :   if (b < -1)
     215             :   {
     216    30968828 :     if (*d < 0) bl_right(bl) = bl_rotright(bl_right(bl));
     217    30968829 :     return bl_rotleft(bl);
     218             :   }
     219  1368260268 :   *d = c; return bl;
     220             : }
     221             : 
     222             : static GEN
     223  1523388710 : blockdelete(GEN x, GEN bl)
     224             : {
     225             :   long b;
     226  1523388710 :   if (!bl) return NULL; /* ??? Do not exist in the tree */
     227  1523388710 :   if (x < bl)
     228   531738792 :     bl_left(bl) = blockdelete(x, bl_left(bl));
     229   991649918 :   else if (x > bl)
     230   706902090 :     bl_right(bl) = blockdelete(x, bl_right(bl));
     231             :   else
     232             :   {
     233   284747828 :     if (!bl_left(bl) && !bl_right(bl)) return NULL;
     234    95174684 :     else if (!bl_left(bl)) return bl_right(bl);
     235    73941931 :     else if (!bl_right(bl)) return bl_left(bl);
     236             :     else
     237             :     {
     238    52413442 :       GEN r = bl_right(bl);
     239    75562450 :       while (bl_left(r)) r = bl_left(r);
     240    52413442 :       bl_right(r) = blockdelete(r, bl_right(bl));
     241    52417440 :       bl_left(r) = bl_left(bl);
     242    52417440 :       bl = r;
     243             :     }
     244             :   }
     245  1291035533 :   fix_height(bl);
     246  1291015848 :   b = blockbalance(bl);
     247  1291015807 :   if (b > 1)
     248             :   {
     249    14572870 :     if (blockbalance(bl_left(bl)) >= 0) return bl_rotright(bl);
     250             :     else
     251     2069317 :     { bl_left(bl) = bl_rotleft(bl_left(bl)); return bl_rotright(bl); }
     252             :   }
     253  1276442937 :   if (b < -1)
     254             :   {
     255     6005752 :     if (blockbalance(bl_right(bl)) <= 0) return bl_rotleft(bl);
     256             :     else
     257     1965218 :     { bl_right(bl) = bl_rotright(bl_right(bl)); return bl_rotleft(bl); }
     258             :   }
     259  1270437185 :   return bl;
     260             : }
     261             : 
     262             : static GEN
     263   768229004 : blocksearch(GEN x, GEN bl)
     264             : {
     265   768229004 :   if (isclone(x)) return x;
     266   593758875 :   if (isonstack(x) || is_universal_constant(x)) return NULL;
     267   891726868 :   while (bl)
     268             :   {
     269   888907312 :     if (x >= bl  && x < bl + bl_size(bl))
     270   229680238 :       return bl;
     271   659227074 :     bl = x < bl ? bl_left(bl): bl_right(bl);
     272             :   }
     273     2819556 :   return NULL; /* Unknown address */
     274             : }
     275             : 
     276             : static int
     277     1749596 : check_clone(GEN x)
     278             : {
     279     1749596 :   GEN bl = root_block;
     280     1749596 :   if (isonstack(x) || is_universal_constant(x)) return 1;
     281     2394277 :   while (bl)
     282             :   {
     283     2394277 :     if (x >= bl  && x < bl + bl_size(bl))
     284      276368 :       return 1;
     285     2117909 :     bl = x < bl ? bl_left(bl): bl_right(bl);
     286             :   }
     287           0 :   return 0; /* Unknown address */
     288             : }
     289             : 
     290             : void
     291   384302020 : clone_lock(GEN x)
     292             : {
     293   384302020 :   GEN y = blocksearch(x, root_block);
     294   383929569 :   if (y && isclone(y))
     295             :   {
     296   201851865 :     if (DEBUGMEM > 2)
     297           0 :       err_printf("locking block no %ld: %08lx from %08lx\n", bl_num(y), y, x);
     298   201851865 :     ++bl_refc(y);
     299             :   }
     300   383929569 : }
     301             : 
     302             : void
     303   325022538 : clone_unlock(GEN x)
     304             : {
     305   325022538 :   GEN y = blocksearch(x, root_block);
     306   324927654 :   if (y && isclone(y))
     307             :   {
     308   150170866 :     if (DEBUGMEM > 2)
     309           0 :       err_printf("unlocking block no %ld: %08lx from %08lx\n", bl_num(y), y, x);
     310   150170866 :     gunclone(y);
     311             :   }
     312   324927654 : }
     313             : 
     314             : void
     315    59316256 : clone_unlock_deep(GEN x)
     316             : {
     317    59316256 :   GEN y = blocksearch(x, root_block);
     318    59316256 :   if (y && isclone(y))
     319             :   {
     320    52125884 :     if (DEBUGMEM > 2)
     321           0 :       err_printf("unlocking deep block no %ld: %08lx from %08lx\n", bl_num(y), y, x);
     322    52125884 :     gunclone_deep(y);
     323             :   }
     324    59316256 : }
     325             : 
     326             : /* Return x, where:
     327             :  * x[-8]: AVL height
     328             :  * x[-7]: adress of left child or NULL
     329             :  * x[-6]: adress of right child or NULL
     330             :  * x[-5]: size
     331             :  * x[-4]: reference count
     332             :  * x[-3]: adress of next block
     333             :  * x[-2]: adress of preceding block.
     334             :  * x[-1]: number of allocated blocs.
     335             :  * x[0..n-1]: malloc-ed memory. */
     336             : GEN
     337   232331797 : newblock(size_t n)
     338             : {
     339   232331797 :   long d = 0;
     340             :   long *x;
     341   232331797 :   BLOCK_SIGINT_START
     342   232336737 :   x = (long *) pari_malloc((n + BL_HEAD)*sizeof(long)) + BL_HEAD;
     343             : 
     344   232337184 :   bl_size(x) = n;
     345   232337184 :   bl_refc(x) = 1;
     346   232337184 :   bl_next(x) = NULL;
     347   232337184 :   bl_prev(x) = cur_block;
     348   232337184 :   bl_num(x)  = next_block++;
     349   232337184 :   if (cur_block) bl_next(cur_block) = x;
     350   232337184 :   root_block = blockinsert(x, root_block, &d);
     351   232333959 :   if (DEBUGMEM > 2)
     352           0 :     err_printf("new block, size %6lu (no %ld): %08lx\n", n, next_block-1, x);
     353   232333959 :   cur_block = x;
     354   232333959 :   BLOCK_SIGINT_END
     355   232338001 :   return cur_block;
     356             : }
     357             : 
     358             : GEN
     359       37880 : gcloneref(GEN x)
     360             : {
     361       37880 :   if (isclone(x)) { ++bl_refc(x); return x; }
     362       37362 :   else return gclone(x);
     363             : }
     364             : 
     365             : void
     366           0 : gclone_refc(GEN x) { ++bl_refc(x); }
     367             : 
     368             : void
     369   382497706 : gunclone(GEN x)
     370             : {
     371   382497706 :   if (--bl_refc(x) > 0) return;
     372   232326742 :   BLOCK_SIGINT_START;
     373   232332872 :   root_block = blockdelete(x, root_block);
     374   232317855 :   if (bl_next(x)) bl_prev(bl_next(x)) = bl_prev(x);
     375             :   else
     376             :   {
     377    38307699 :     cur_block = bl_prev(x);
     378    38307699 :     next_block = bl_num(x);
     379             :   }
     380   232317855 :   if (bl_prev(x)) bl_next(bl_prev(x)) = bl_next(x);
     381   232317855 :   if (DEBUGMEM > 2)
     382           0 :     err_printf("killing block (no %ld): %08lx\n", bl_num(x), x);
     383   232317855 :   free((void*)bl_base(x)); /* pari_free not needed: we already block */
     384   232317855 :   BLOCK_SIGINT_END;
     385             : }
     386             : 
     387             : static void
     388   128202692 : vec_gunclone_deep(GEN x)
     389             : {
     390   128202692 :   long i, l = lg(x);
     391  3126145819 :   for (i = 1; i < l; i++) gunclone_deep(gel(x,i));
     392   128202648 : }
     393             : /* Recursively look for clones in the container and kill them. Then kill
     394             :  * container if clone. */
     395             : void
     396  3252048561 : gunclone_deep(GEN x)
     397             : {
     398             :   GEN v;
     399  3252048561 :   if (isclone(x) && bl_refc(x) > 1) { --bl_refc(x); return; }
     400  3199921627 :   BLOCK_SIGINT_START;
     401  3199921627 :   switch(typ(x))
     402             :   {
     403   128201314 :     case t_VEC: case t_COL: case t_MAT:
     404   128201314 :       vec_gunclone_deep(x);
     405   128201311 :       break;
     406        6175 :     case t_LIST:
     407        6175 :       if ((v = list_data(x))) { vec_gunclone_deep(v); gunclone(v); }
     408        6175 :       break;
     409             :   }
     410  3199921624 :   if (isclone(x)) gunclone(x);
     411  3199921492 :   BLOCK_SIGINT_END;
     412             : }
     413             : 
     414             : int
     415      386876 : pop_entree_block(entree *ep, long loc)
     416             : {
     417      386876 :   GEN x = (GEN)ep->value;
     418      386876 :   if (bl_num(x) < loc) return 0; /* older */
     419         455 :   if (DEBUGMEM>2)
     420           0 :     err_printf("popping %s (block no %ld)\n", ep->name, bl_num(x));
     421         455 :   gunclone_deep(x); return 1;
     422             : }
     423             : 
     424             : /***************************************************************************
     425             :  **                                                                       **
     426             :  **                           Export                                      **
     427             :  **                                                                       **
     428             :  ***************************************************************************/
     429             : 
     430             : static hashtable *export_hash;
     431             : static void
     432        1893 : pari_init_export(void)
     433             : {
     434        1893 :   export_hash = hash_create_str(1,0);
     435        1893 : }
     436             : static void
     437        1883 : pari_close_export(void)
     438             : {
     439        1883 :   hash_destroy(export_hash);
     440        1883 : }
     441             : 
     442             : /* Exported values are blocks, but do not have the clone bit set so that they
     443             :  * are not affected by clone_lock and ensure_nb, etc. */
     444             : 
     445             : void
     446          59 : export_add(const char *str, GEN val)
     447             : {
     448             :   hashentry *h;
     449          59 :   val = gclone(val); unsetisclone(val);
     450          59 :   h = hash_search(export_hash, (void*) str);
     451          59 :   if (h)
     452             :   {
     453          21 :     GEN v = (GEN)h->val;
     454          21 :     h->val = val;
     455          21 :     setisclone(v); gunclone(v);
     456             :   }
     457             :   else
     458          38 :     hash_insert(export_hash,(void*)str, (void*) val);
     459          59 : }
     460             : 
     461             : void
     462          24 : export_del(const char *str)
     463             : {
     464          24 :   hashentry *h = hash_remove(export_hash,(void*)str);
     465          24 :   if (h)
     466             :   {
     467          24 :     GEN v = (GEN)h->val;
     468          24 :     setisclone(v); gunclone(v);
     469          24 :     pari_free(h);
     470             :   }
     471          24 : }
     472             : 
     473             : GEN
     474        1500 : export_get(const char *str)
     475             : {
     476        1500 :   return hash_haskey_GEN(export_hash,(void*)str);
     477             : }
     478             : 
     479             : void
     480           6 : unexportall(void)
     481             : {
     482           6 :   pari_sp av = avma;
     483           6 :   GEN keys = hash_keys(export_hash);
     484           6 :   long i, l = lg(keys);
     485          24 :   for (i = 1; i < l; i++) mt_export_del((const char *)keys[i]);
     486           6 :   set_avma(av);
     487           6 : }
     488             : 
     489             : void
     490           6 : exportall(void)
     491             : {
     492             :   long i;
     493         816 :   for (i = 0; i < functions_tblsz; i++)
     494             :   {
     495             :     entree *ep;
     496        9090 :     for (ep = functions_hash[i]; ep; ep = ep->next)
     497        8280 :       if (EpVALENCE(ep)==EpVAR) mt_export_add(ep->name, (GEN)ep->value);
     498             :   }
     499           6 : }
     500             : 
     501             : /*********************************************************************/
     502             : /*                                                                   */
     503             : /*                       C STACK SIZE CONTROL                        */
     504             : /*                                                                   */
     505             : /*********************************************************************/
     506             : /* Avoid core dump on deep recursion. Adapted Perl code by Dominic Dunlop */
     507             : THREAD void *PARI_stack_limit = NULL;
     508             : 
     509             : #ifdef STACK_CHECK
     510             : 
     511             : #  ifdef __EMX__                                /* Emulate */
     512             : void
     513             : pari_stackcheck_init(void *pari_stack_base)
     514             : {
     515             :   if (!pari_stack_base) { PARI_stack_limit = NULL; return; }
     516             :   PARI_stack_limit = get_stack(1./16, 32*1024);
     517             : }
     518             : #  elif _WIN32
     519             : void
     520             : pari_stackcheck_init(void *pari_stack_base)
     521             : {
     522             :   ulong size = 1UL << 21;
     523             :   if (!pari_stack_base) { PARI_stack_limit = NULL; return; }
     524             :   if (size > (ulong)pari_stack_base)
     525             :     PARI_stack_limit = (void*)(((ulong)pari_stack_base) / 16);
     526             :   else
     527             :     PARI_stack_limit = (void*)((ulong)pari_stack_base - (size/16)*15);
     528             : }
     529             : #  else /* !__EMX__ && !_WIN32 */
     530             : /* Set PARI_stack_limit to (a little above) the lowest safe address that can be
     531             :  * used on the stack. Leave PARI_stack_limit at its initial value (NULL) to
     532             :  * show no check should be made [init failed]. Assume stack grows downward. */
     533             : void
     534      339750 : pari_stackcheck_init(void *pari_stack_base)
     535             : {
     536             :   struct rlimit rip;
     537             :   ulong size;
     538      339750 :   if (!pari_stack_base) { PARI_stack_limit = NULL; return; }
     539      339750 :   if (getrlimit(RLIMIT_STACK, &rip)) return;
     540      339764 :   size = rip.rlim_cur;
     541      339764 :   if (size == (ulong)RLIM_INFINITY || size > (ulong)pari_stack_base)
     542           0 :     PARI_stack_limit = (void*)(((ulong)pari_stack_base) / 16);
     543             :   else
     544      339765 :     PARI_stack_limit = (void*)((ulong)pari_stack_base - (size/16)*15);
     545             : }
     546             : #  endif /* !__EMX__ */
     547             : 
     548             : #else
     549             : void
     550             : pari_stackcheck_init(void *pari_stack_base)
     551             : {
     552             :   (void) pari_stack_base; PARI_stack_limit = NULL;
     553             : }
     554             : #endif /* STACK_CHECK */
     555             : 
     556             : /*******************************************************************/
     557             : /*                         HEAP TRAVERSAL                          */
     558             : /*******************************************************************/
     559             : struct getheap_t { long n, l; };
     560             : /* x is a block, not necessarily a clone [x[0] may not be set] */
     561             : static void
     562        6664 : f_getheap(GEN x, void *D)
     563             : {
     564        6664 :   struct getheap_t *T = (struct getheap_t*)D;
     565        6664 :   T->n++;
     566        6664 :   T->l += bl_size(x) + BL_HEAD;
     567        6664 : }
     568             : GEN
     569          84 : getheap(void)
     570             : {
     571          84 :   struct getheap_t T = { 0, 0 };
     572          84 :   traverseheap(&f_getheap, &T); return mkvec2s(T.n, T.l);
     573             : }
     574             : 
     575             : static void
     576       13412 : traverseheap_r(GEN bl, void(*f)(GEN, void *), void *data)
     577             : {
     578       13412 :   if (!bl) return;
     579        6664 :   traverseheap_r(bl_left(bl), f, data);
     580        6664 :   traverseheap_r(bl_right(bl), f, data);
     581        6664 :   f(bl, data);
     582             : }
     583             : 
     584             : void
     585          84 : traverseheap( void(*f)(GEN, void *), void *data)
     586             : {
     587          84 :   traverseheap_r(root_block,f, data);
     588          84 : }
     589             : 
     590             : /*********************************************************************/
     591             : /*                          DAEMON / FORK                            */
     592             : /*********************************************************************/
     593             : #if defined(HAS_WAITPID) && defined(HAS_SETSID)
     594             : /* Properly fork a process, detaching from main process group without creating
     595             :  * zombies on exit. Parent returns 1, son returns 0 */
     596             : int
     597          76 : pari_daemon(void)
     598             : {
     599          76 :   pid_t pid = fork();
     600          76 :   switch(pid) {
     601           0 :       case -1: return 1; /* father, fork failed */
     602           0 :       case 0:
     603           0 :         (void)setsid(); /* son becomes process group leader */
     604           0 :         if (fork()) _exit(0); /* now son exits, also when fork fails */
     605           0 :         break; /* grandson: its father is the son, which exited,
     606             :                 * hence father becomes 'init', that'll take care of it */
     607          76 :       default: /* father, fork succeeded */
     608          76 :         (void)waitpid(pid,NULL,0); /* wait for son to exit, immediate */
     609          76 :         return 1;
     610             :   }
     611             :   /* grandson. The silly '!' avoids a gcc-8 warning (unused value) */
     612           0 :   (void)!freopen("/dev/null","r",stdin);
     613           0 :   return 0;
     614             : }
     615             : #else
     616             : int
     617             : pari_daemon(void)
     618             : {
     619             :   pari_err_IMPL("pari_daemon without waitpid & setsid");
     620             :   return 0;
     621             : }
     622             : #endif
     623             : 
     624             : /*********************************************************************/
     625             : /*                                                                   */
     626             : /*                       SYSTEM INITIALIZATION                       */
     627             : /*                                                                   */
     628             : /*********************************************************************/
     629             : static int try_to_restore = 0;
     630             : THREAD VOLATILE int PARI_SIGINT_block = 0, PARI_SIGINT_pending = 0;
     631             : 
     632             : /*********************************************************************/
     633             : /*                         SIGNAL HANDLERS                           */
     634             : /*********************************************************************/
     635             : static void
     636           0 : dflt_sigint_fun(void) { pari_err(e_MISC, "user interrupt"); }
     637             : 
     638             : #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN32__)
     639             : int win32ctrlc = 0, win32alrm = 0;
     640             : void
     641             : dowin32ctrlc(void)
     642             : {
     643             :   win32ctrlc = 0;
     644             :   cb_pari_sigint();
     645             : }
     646             : #endif
     647             : 
     648             : static void
     649           0 : pari_handle_SIGINT(void)
     650             : {
     651             : #ifdef _WIN32
     652             :   if (++win32ctrlc >= 5) _exit(3);
     653             : #else
     654           0 :   cb_pari_sigint();
     655             : #endif
     656           0 : }
     657             : 
     658             : typedef void (*pari_sighandler_t)(int);
     659             : 
     660             : pari_sighandler_t
     661       20763 : os_signal(int sig, pari_sighandler_t f)
     662             : {
     663             : #ifdef HAS_SIGACTION
     664             :   struct sigaction sa, oldsa;
     665             : 
     666       20763 :   sa.sa_handler = f;
     667       20763 :   sigemptyset(&sa.sa_mask);
     668       20763 :   sa.sa_flags = SA_NODEFER;
     669             : 
     670       20763 :   if (sigaction(sig, &sa, &oldsa)) return NULL;
     671       20763 :   return oldsa.sa_handler;
     672             : #else
     673             :   return signal(sig,f);
     674             : #endif
     675             : }
     676             : 
     677             : void
     678           0 : pari_sighandler(int sig)
     679             : {
     680             :   const char *msg;
     681             : #ifndef HAS_SIGACTION
     682             :   /*SYSV reset the signal handler in the handler*/
     683             :   (void)os_signal(sig,pari_sighandler);
     684             : #endif
     685           0 :   switch(sig)
     686             :   {
     687             : #ifdef SIGBREAK
     688             :     case SIGBREAK:
     689             :       if (PARI_SIGINT_block==1)
     690             :       {
     691             :         PARI_SIGINT_pending=SIGBREAK;
     692             :         mt_sigint();
     693             :       }
     694             :       else pari_handle_SIGINT();
     695             :       return;
     696             : #endif
     697             : 
     698             : #ifdef SIGINT
     699           0 :     case SIGINT:
     700           0 :       if (PARI_SIGINT_block==1)
     701             :       {
     702           0 :         PARI_SIGINT_pending=SIGINT;
     703           0 :         mt_sigint();
     704             :       }
     705           0 :       else pari_handle_SIGINT();
     706           0 :       return;
     707             : #endif
     708             : 
     709             : #ifdef SIGSEGV
     710           0 :     case SIGSEGV:
     711           0 :       msg="PARI/GP (Segmentation Fault)"; break;
     712             : #endif
     713             : #ifdef SIGBUS
     714           0 :     case SIGBUS:
     715           0 :       msg="PARI/GP (Bus Error)"; break;
     716             : #endif
     717             : #ifdef SIGFPE
     718           0 :     case SIGFPE:
     719           0 :       msg="PARI/GP (Floating Point Exception)"; break;
     720             : #endif
     721             : 
     722             : #ifdef SIGPIPE
     723           0 :     case SIGPIPE:
     724             :     {
     725           0 :       pariFILE *f = GP_DATA->pp->file;
     726           0 :       if (f && pari_outfile == f->file)
     727             :       {
     728           0 :         GP_DATA->pp->file = NULL; /* to avoid oo recursion on error */
     729           0 :         pari_outfile = stdout; pari_fclose(f);
     730           0 :         pari_err(e_MISC, "Broken Pipe, resetting file stack...");
     731             :       }
     732             :       return; /* LCOV_EXCL_LINE */
     733             :     }
     734             : #endif
     735             : 
     736           0 :     default: msg="signal handling"; break;
     737             :   }
     738           0 :   pari_err_BUG(msg);
     739             : }
     740             : 
     741             : void
     742        3776 : pari_sig_init(void (*f)(int))
     743             : {
     744             : #ifdef SIGBUS
     745        3776 :   (void)os_signal(SIGBUS,f);
     746             : #endif
     747             : #ifdef SIGFPE
     748        3776 :   (void)os_signal(SIGFPE,f);
     749             : #endif
     750             : #ifdef SIGINT
     751        3776 :   (void)os_signal(SIGINT,f);
     752             : #endif
     753             : #ifdef SIGBREAK
     754             :   (void)os_signal(SIGBREAK,f);
     755             : #endif
     756             : #ifdef SIGPIPE
     757        3776 :   (void)os_signal(SIGPIPE,f);
     758             : #endif
     759             : #ifdef SIGSEGV
     760        3776 :   (void)os_signal(SIGSEGV,f);
     761             : #endif
     762        3776 : }
     763             : 
     764             : /*********************************************************************/
     765             : /*                      STACK AND UNIVERSAL CONSTANTS                */
     766             : /*********************************************************************/
     767             : static void
     768        1893 : init_universal_constants(void)
     769             : {
     770        1893 :   gen_0  = (GEN)readonly_constants;
     771        1893 :   gnil   = (GEN)readonly_constants+2;
     772        1893 :   gen_1  = (GEN)readonly_constants+4;
     773        1893 :   gen_2  = (GEN)readonly_constants+7;
     774        1893 :   gen_m1 = (GEN)readonly_constants+10;
     775        1893 :   gen_m2 = (GEN)readonly_constants+13;
     776        1893 :   err_e_STACK = (GEN)readonly_constants+16;
     777        1893 :   ghalf  = (GEN)readonly_constants+18;
     778        1893 : }
     779             : 
     780             : static void
     781      338306 : pari_init_errcatch(void)
     782             : {
     783      338306 :   iferr_env = NULL;
     784      338306 :   global_err_data = NULL;
     785      338306 : }
     786             : 
     787             : void
     788        1921 : setalldebug(long n)
     789             : {
     790        1921 :   long i, l = numberof(pari_DEBUGLEVEL_ptr);
     791      117181 :   for (i = 0; i < l; i++) *pari_DEBUGLEVEL_ptr[i] = n;
     792        1921 : }
     793             : 
     794             : /*********************************************************************/
     795             : /*                           INIT DEFAULTS                           */
     796             : /*********************************************************************/
     797             : void
     798        1893 : pari_init_defaults(void)
     799             : {
     800             :   long i;
     801        1893 :   initout(1);
     802             : 
     803        1893 :   precreal = 128;
     804        1893 :   precdl = 16;
     805        1893 :   DEBUGLEVEL = 0;
     806        1893 :   setalldebug(0);
     807        1893 :   DEBUGMEM = 1;
     808        1893 :   disable_color = 1;
     809        1893 :   pari_logstyle = logstyle_none;
     810             : 
     811        1893 :   current_psfile = pari_strdup("");
     812        1893 :   current_logfile= pari_strdup("pari.log");
     813        1893 :   pari_logfile = NULL;
     814             : 
     815        1893 :   pari_datadir = os_getenv("GP_DATA_DIR");
     816        1893 :   if (!pari_datadir)
     817             :   {
     818             : #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN32__)
     819             :     if (paricfg_datadir[0]=='@' && paricfg_datadir[1]==0)
     820             :       pari_datadir = win32_datadir();
     821             :     else
     822             : #endif
     823        1893 :       pari_datadir = pari_strdup(paricfg_datadir);
     824             :   }
     825           0 :   else pari_datadir= pari_strdup(pari_datadir);
     826       15144 :   for (i=0; i<c_LAST; i++) gp_colors[i] = c_NONE;
     827        1893 : }
     828             : 
     829             : /*********************************************************************/
     830             : /*                   FUNCTION HASHTABLES, MODULES                    */
     831             : /*********************************************************************/
     832             : extern entree functions_basic[], functions_default[];
     833             : static void
     834        1893 : pari_init_functions(void)
     835             : {
     836        1893 :   pari_stack_init(&s_MODULES, sizeof(*MODULES),(void**)&MODULES);
     837        1893 :   pari_stack_pushp(&s_MODULES,functions_basic);
     838        1893 :   functions_hash = (entree**) pari_calloc(sizeof(entree*)*functions_tblsz);
     839        1893 :   pari_fill_hashtable(functions_hash, functions_basic);
     840        1893 :   defaults_hash = (entree**) pari_calloc(sizeof(entree*)*functions_tblsz);
     841        1893 :   pari_add_defaults_module(functions_default);
     842        1893 : }
     843             : 
     844             : void
     845        1883 : pari_add_module(entree *ep)
     846             : {
     847        1883 :   pari_fill_hashtable(functions_hash, ep);
     848        1883 :   pari_stack_pushp(&s_MODULES, ep);
     849        1883 : }
     850             : 
     851             : void
     852        1893 : pari_add_defaults_module(entree *ep)
     853        1893 : { pari_fill_hashtable(defaults_hash, ep); }
     854             : 
     855             : /*********************************************************************/
     856             : /*                       PARI MAIN STACK                             */
     857             : /*********************************************************************/
     858             : 
     859             : #ifdef HAS_MMAP
     860             : #define PARI_STACK_ALIGN (sysconf(_SC_PAGE_SIZE))
     861             : #ifndef MAP_ANONYMOUS
     862             : #define MAP_ANONYMOUS MAP_ANON
     863             : #endif
     864             : #ifndef MAP_NORESERVE
     865             : #define MAP_NORESERVE 0
     866             : #endif
     867             : static void *
     868      338312 : pari_mainstack_malloc(size_t size)
     869             : {
     870             :   void *b;
     871             :   /* Check that the system allows reserving "size" bytes. This is just
     872             :    * a check, we immediately free the memory. */
     873      338312 :   BLOCK_SIGINT_START;
     874      338312 :   b = mmap(NULL, size, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0);
     875      338312 :   BLOCK_SIGINT_END;
     876      338312 :   if (b == MAP_FAILED) return NULL;
     877      338312 :   BLOCK_SIGINT_START;
     878      338312 :   munmap(b, size);
     879             : 
     880             :   /* Map again, this time with MAP_NORESERVE. On some operating systems
     881             :    * like Cygwin, this is needed because remapping with PROT_NONE and
     882             :    * MAP_NORESERVE does not work as expected. */
     883      338312 :   b = mmap(NULL, size, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE,
     884             :                        MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS|MAP_NORESERVE, -1, 0);
     885      338312 :   BLOCK_SIGINT_END;
     886      338312 :   if (b == MAP_FAILED) return NULL;
     887      338312 :   return b;
     888             : }
     889             : 
     890             : static void
     891      338302 : pari_mainstack_mfree(void *s, size_t size)
     892             : {
     893      338302 :   BLOCK_SIGINT_START;
     894      338302 :   munmap(s, size);
     895      338302 :   BLOCK_SIGINT_END;
     896      338302 : }
     897             : 
     898             : /* Completely discard the memory mapped between the addresses "from"
     899             :  * and "to" (which must be page-aligned).
     900             :  *
     901             :  * We use mmap() with PROT_NONE, which means that the underlying memory
     902             :  * is freed and that the kernel should not commit memory for it. We
     903             :  * still keep the mapping such that we can change the flags to
     904             :  * PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE later.
     905             :  *
     906             :  * NOTE: remapping with MAP_FIXED and PROT_NONE is not the same as
     907             :  * calling mprotect(..., PROT_NONE) because the latter will keep the
     908             :  * memory committed (this is in particular relevant on Linux with
     909             :  * vm.overcommit = 2). This remains true even when calling
     910             :  * madvise(..., MADV_DONTNEED). */
     911             : static void
     912      457945 : pari_mainstack_mreset(pari_sp from, pari_sp to)
     913             : {
     914      457945 :   size_t s = to - from;
     915             :   void *addr, *res;
     916      457945 :   if (!s) return;
     917             : 
     918          21 :   addr = (void*)from;
     919          21 :   BLOCK_SIGINT_START;
     920          21 :   res = mmap(addr, s, PROT_NONE,
     921             :              MAP_FIXED|MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS|MAP_NORESERVE, -1, 0);
     922          21 :   BLOCK_SIGINT_END;
     923          21 :   if (res != addr) pari_err(e_MEM);
     924             : }
     925             : 
     926             : /* Commit (make available) the virtual memory mapped between the
     927             :  * addresses "from" and "to" (which must be page-aligned).
     928             :  * Return 0 if successful, -1 if failed. */
     929             : static int
     930      457945 : pari_mainstack_mextend(pari_sp from, pari_sp to)
     931             : {
     932      457945 :   size_t s = to - from;
     933             :   int ret;
     934      457945 :   BLOCK_SIGINT_START;
     935      457945 :   ret = mprotect((void*)from, s, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE);
     936      457945 :   BLOCK_SIGINT_END;
     937      457945 :   return ret;
     938             : }
     939             : 
     940             : /* Set actual stack size to the given size. This sets st->size and
     941             :  * st->bot. If not enough system memory is available, this can fail.
     942             :  * Return 1 if successful, 0 if failed (in that case, st->size is not
     943             :  * changed) */
     944             : static int
     945      457945 : pari_mainstack_setsize(struct pari_mainstack *st, size_t size)
     946             : {
     947      457945 :   pari_sp newbot = st->top - size;
     948             :   /* Align newbot to pagesize */
     949      457945 :   pari_sp alignbot = newbot & ~(pari_sp)(PARI_STACK_ALIGN - 1);
     950      457945 :   if (pari_mainstack_mextend(alignbot, st->top))
     951             :   {
     952             :     /* Making the memory available did not work: limit vsize to the
     953             :      * current actual stack size. */
     954           0 :     st->vsize = st->size;
     955           0 :     pari_warn(warnstack, st->vsize);
     956           0 :     return 0;
     957             :   }
     958      457945 :   pari_mainstack_mreset(st->vbot, alignbot);
     959      457945 :   st->bot = newbot;
     960      457945 :   st->size = size;
     961      457945 :   return 1;
     962             : }
     963             : 
     964             : #else
     965             : #define PARI_STACK_ALIGN (0x40UL)
     966             : static void *
     967             : pari_mainstack_malloc(size_t s)
     968             : {
     969             :   char * tmp;
     970             :   BLOCK_SIGINT_START;
     971             :   tmp = malloc(s); /* NOT pari_malloc, e_MEM would be deadly */
     972             :   BLOCK_SIGINT_END;
     973             :   return tmp;
     974             : }
     975             : 
     976             : static void
     977             : pari_mainstack_mfree(void *s, size_t size) { (void) size; pari_free(s); }
     978             : 
     979             : static int
     980             : pari_mainstack_setsize(struct pari_mainstack *st, size_t size)
     981             : {
     982             :   st->bot = st->top - size;
     983             :   st->size = size;
     984             :   return 1;
     985             : }
     986             : 
     987             : #endif
     988             : 
     989             : static const size_t MIN_STACK = 500032UL;
     990             : static size_t
     991      676614 : fix_size(size_t a)
     992             : {
     993      676614 :   size_t ps = PARI_STACK_ALIGN;
     994      676614 :   size_t b = a & ~(ps - 1); /* Align */
     995      676614 :   if (b < a && b < ~(ps - 1)) b += ps;
     996      676614 :   if (b < MIN_STACK) b = MIN_STACK;
     997      676614 :   return b;
     998             : }
     999             : 
    1000             : static void
    1001      338312 : pari_mainstack_alloc(int numerr, struct pari_mainstack *st, size_t rsize, size_t vsize)
    1002             : {
    1003      338312 :   size_t sizemax = vsize ? vsize: rsize, s = fix_size(sizemax);
    1004             :   for (;;)
    1005             :   {
    1006      338312 :     st->vbot = (pari_sp)pari_mainstack_malloc(s);
    1007      338312 :     if (st->vbot) break;
    1008           0 :     if (s == MIN_STACK) pari_err(e_MEM); /* no way out. Die */
    1009           0 :     s = fix_size(s >> 1);
    1010           0 :     pari_warn(numerr, s);
    1011             :   }
    1012      338312 :   st->vsize = vsize ? s: 0;
    1013      338312 :   st->rsize = minuu(rsize, s);
    1014      338312 :   st->top = st->vbot+s;
    1015      338312 :   if (!pari_mainstack_setsize(st, st->rsize))
    1016             :   {
    1017             :     /* This should never happen since we only decrease the allocated space */
    1018           0 :     pari_err(e_MEM);
    1019             :   }
    1020      338312 :   st->memused = 0;
    1021      338312 : }
    1022             : 
    1023             : static void
    1024      338302 : pari_mainstack_free(struct pari_mainstack *st)
    1025             : {
    1026      338302 :   pari_mainstack_mfree((void*)st->vbot, st->vsize ? st->vsize : fix_size(st->rsize));
    1027      338302 :   st->top = st->bot = st->vbot = 0;
    1028      338302 :   st->size = st->vsize = 0;
    1029      338302 : }
    1030             : 
    1031             : static void
    1032         438 : pari_mainstack_resize(struct pari_mainstack *st, size_t rsize, size_t vsize)
    1033             : {
    1034         438 :   BLOCK_SIGINT_START;
    1035         438 :   pari_mainstack_free(st);
    1036         438 :   pari_mainstack_alloc(warnstack, st, rsize, vsize);
    1037         438 :   BLOCK_SIGINT_END;
    1038         438 : }
    1039             : 
    1040             : static void
    1041      337864 : pari_mainstack_use(struct pari_mainstack *st)
    1042             : {
    1043      337864 :   pari_mainstack = st;
    1044      337864 :   avma = st->top; /* don't use set_avma */
    1045      337864 : }
    1046             : 
    1047             : static void
    1048        1893 : paristack_alloc(size_t rsize, size_t vsize)
    1049             : {
    1050        1893 :   pari_mainstack_alloc(warnstack, pari_mainstack, rsize, vsize);
    1051        1893 :   pari_mainstack_use(pari_mainstack);
    1052        1893 : }
    1053             : 
    1054             : void
    1055           0 : paristack_setsize(size_t rsize, size_t vsize)
    1056             : {
    1057           0 :   pari_mainstack_resize(pari_mainstack, rsize, vsize);
    1058           0 :   pari_mainstack_use(pari_mainstack);
    1059           0 : }
    1060             : 
    1061             : void
    1062           0 : parivstack_resize(ulong newsize)
    1063             : {
    1064             :   size_t s;
    1065           0 :   if (newsize && newsize < pari_mainstack->rsize)
    1066           0 :     pari_err_DIM("stack sizes [parisizemax < parisize]");
    1067           0 :   if (newsize == pari_mainstack->vsize) return;
    1068           0 :   evalstate_reset();
    1069           0 :   paristack_setsize(pari_mainstack->rsize, newsize);
    1070           0 :   s = pari_mainstack->vsize ? pari_mainstack->vsize : pari_mainstack->rsize;
    1071           0 :   if (DEBUGMEM)
    1072           0 :     pari_warn(warner,"new maximum stack size = %lu (%.3f Mbytes)",
    1073             :               s, s/1048576.);
    1074           0 :   pari_init_errcatch();
    1075           0 :   cb_pari_err_recover(-1);
    1076             : }
    1077             : 
    1078             : void
    1079         445 : paristack_newrsize(ulong newsize)
    1080             : {
    1081         445 :   size_t s, vsize = pari_mainstack->vsize;
    1082         445 :   if (!newsize) newsize = pari_mainstack->rsize << 1;
    1083         445 :   if (newsize != pari_mainstack->rsize)
    1084         438 :     pari_mainstack_resize(pari_mainstack, newsize, vsize);
    1085         445 :   evalstate_reset();
    1086         445 :   s = pari_mainstack->rsize;
    1087         445 :   if (DEBUGMEM)
    1088         445 :     pari_warn(warner,"new stack size = %lu (%.3f Mbytes)", s, s/1048576.);
    1089         445 :   pari_init_errcatch();
    1090         445 :   cb_pari_err_recover(-1);
    1091           0 : }
    1092             : 
    1093             : void
    1094           0 : paristack_resize(ulong newsize)
    1095             : {
    1096           0 :   long size = pari_mainstack->size;
    1097           0 :   if (!newsize)
    1098           0 :     newsize = 2 * size;
    1099           0 :   newsize = minuu(newsize, pari_mainstack->vsize);
    1100           0 :   if (newsize <= pari_mainstack->size) return;
    1101           0 :   if (pari_mainstack_setsize(pari_mainstack, newsize))
    1102             :   {
    1103           0 :     if (DEBUGMEM)
    1104           0 :       pari_warn(warner, "increasing stack size to %lu", pari_mainstack->size);
    1105             :   }
    1106             :   else
    1107             :   {
    1108           0 :     pari_mainstack_setsize(pari_mainstack, size);
    1109           0 :     pari_err(e_STACK);
    1110             :   }
    1111             : }
    1112             : 
    1113             : void
    1114      119633 : parivstack_reset(void)
    1115             : {
    1116      119633 :   pari_mainstack_setsize(pari_mainstack, pari_mainstack->rsize);
    1117      119633 :   if (avma < pari_mainstack->bot)
    1118           0 :     pari_err_BUG("parivstack_reset [avma < bot]");
    1119      119633 : }
    1120             : 
    1121             : /* Enlarge the stack if needed such that the unused portion of the stack
    1122             :  * (between bot and avma) is large enough to contain x longs. */
    1123             : void
    1124          14 : new_chunk_resize(size_t x)
    1125             : {
    1126          14 :   if (pari_mainstack->vsize==0
    1127          14 :     || x > (avma-pari_mainstack->vbot) / sizeof(long)) pari_err(e_STACK);
    1128           0 :   while (x > (avma-pari_mainstack->bot) / sizeof(long))
    1129           0 :     paristack_resize(0);
    1130           0 : }
    1131             : 
    1132             : /*********************************************************************/
    1133             : /*                       PARI THREAD                                 */
    1134             : /*********************************************************************/
    1135             : 
    1136             : /* Initial PARI thread structure t with a stack of size s and
    1137             :  * argument arg */
    1138             : 
    1139             : static void
    1140      335895 : pari_thread_set_global(struct pari_global_state *gs)
    1141             : {
    1142      335895 :   setdebugvar(gs->debugvar);
    1143      335889 :   push_localbitprec(gs->bitprec);
    1144      335934 :   pari_set_primetab(gs->primetab);
    1145      335893 :   pari_set_seadata(gs->seadata);
    1146      335888 :   pari_set_varstate(gs->varpriority, &gs->varstate);
    1147      334537 : }
    1148             : 
    1149             : static void
    1150      335981 : pari_thread_get_global(struct pari_global_state *gs)
    1151             : {
    1152      335981 :   gs->debugvar = getdebugvar();
    1153      335981 :   gs->bitprec = get_localbitprec();
    1154      335981 :   gs->primetab = primetab;
    1155      335981 :   gs->seadata = pari_get_seadata();
    1156      335981 :   varstate_save(&gs->varstate);
    1157      335981 :   gs->varpriority = varpriority;
    1158      335981 : }
    1159             : 
    1160             : void
    1161      335981 : pari_thread_alloc(struct pari_thread *t, size_t s, GEN arg)
    1162             : {
    1163      335981 :   pari_mainstack_alloc(warnstackthread, &t->st,s,0);
    1164      335981 :   pari_thread_get_global(&t->gs);
    1165      335981 :   t->data = arg;
    1166      335981 : }
    1167             : 
    1168             : /* Initial PARI thread structure t with a stack of size s and virtual size v
    1169             :  * and argument arg */
    1170             : 
    1171             : void
    1172           0 : pari_thread_valloc(struct pari_thread *t, size_t s, size_t v, GEN arg)
    1173             : {
    1174           0 :   pari_mainstack_alloc(warnstackthread, &t->st,s,v);
    1175           0 :   pari_thread_get_global(&t->gs);
    1176           0 :   t->data = arg;
    1177           0 : }
    1178             : 
    1179             : void
    1180      335981 : pari_thread_free(struct pari_thread *t)
    1181             : {
    1182      335981 :   pari_mainstack_free(&t->st);
    1183      335981 : }
    1184             : 
    1185             : void
    1186      337855 : pari_thread_init(void)
    1187             : {
    1188             :   long var;
    1189      337855 :   pari_stackcheck_init((void*)&var);
    1190      337862 :   pari_init_blocks();
    1191      337858 :   pari_init_errcatch();
    1192      337855 :   pari_init_rand();
    1193      337855 :   pari_init_floats();
    1194      337849 :   pari_init_hgm();
    1195      337842 :   pari_init_parser();
    1196      337828 :   pari_init_compiler();
    1197      337810 :   pari_init_evaluator();
    1198      337799 :   pari_init_files();
    1199      337795 :   pari_init_ellcondfile();
    1200      337789 : }
    1201             : 
    1202             : void
    1203      337063 : pari_thread_close(void)
    1204             : {
    1205      337063 :   pari_thread_close_files();
    1206      334724 :   pari_close_evaluator();
    1207      336995 :   pari_close_compiler();
    1208      334639 :   pari_close_parser();
    1209      337023 :   pari_close_floats();
    1210      334869 :   pari_close_hgm();
    1211      334160 :   pari_close_blocks();
    1212      336635 : }
    1213             : 
    1214             : GEN
    1215      335970 : pari_thread_start(struct pari_thread *t)
    1216             : {
    1217      335970 :   pari_mainstack_use(&t->st);
    1218      335962 :   pari_thread_init();
    1219      335900 :   pari_thread_set_global(&t->gs);
    1220      334567 :   mt_thread_init();
    1221      334484 :   return t->data;
    1222             : }
    1223             : 
    1224             : /*********************************************************************/
    1225             : /*                       LIBPARI INIT / CLOSE                        */
    1226             : /*********************************************************************/
    1227             : 
    1228             : static void
    1229           0 : pari_exit(void)
    1230             : {
    1231           0 :   err_printf("  ***   Error in the PARI system. End of program.\n");
    1232           0 :   exit(1);
    1233             : }
    1234             : 
    1235             : static void
    1236           0 : dflt_err_recover(long errnum) { (void) errnum; pari_exit(); }
    1237             : 
    1238             : static void
    1239           0 : dflt_pari_quit(long err) { (void)err; /*do nothing*/; }
    1240             : 
    1241             : /* initialize PARI data. Initialize [new|old]fun to NULL for default set. */
    1242             : void
    1243        1893 : pari_init_opts(size_t parisize, ulong maxprime, ulong init_opts)
    1244             : {
    1245             :   ulong u;
    1246             : 
    1247        1893 :   pari_mt_nbthreads = 0;
    1248        1893 :   cb_pari_quit = dflt_pari_quit;
    1249        1893 :   cb_pari_init_histfile = NULL;
    1250        1893 :   cb_pari_get_line_interactive = NULL;
    1251        1893 :   cb_pari_fgets_interactive = NULL;
    1252        1893 :   cb_pari_whatnow = NULL;
    1253        1893 :   cb_pari_handle_exception = NULL;
    1254        1893 :   cb_pari_err_handle = pari_err_display;
    1255        1893 :   cb_pari_pre_recover = NULL;
    1256        1893 :   cb_pari_break_loop = NULL;
    1257        1893 :   cb_pari_is_interactive = NULL;
    1258        1893 :   cb_pari_start_output = NULL;
    1259        1893 :   cb_pari_sigint = dflt_sigint_fun;
    1260        1893 :   cb_pari_long_help = NULL;
    1261        1893 :   if (init_opts&INIT_JMPm) cb_pari_err_recover = dflt_err_recover;
    1262             : 
    1263        1893 :   pari_stackcheck_init(&u);
    1264        1893 :   pari_init_homedir();
    1265        1893 :   if (init_opts&INIT_DFTm) {
    1266           0 :     pari_init_defaults();
    1267           0 :     GP_DATA = default_gp_data();
    1268           0 :     pari_init_paths();
    1269             :   }
    1270             : 
    1271        1893 :   pari_mainstack = (struct pari_mainstack *) malloc(sizeof(*pari_mainstack));
    1272        1893 :   paristack_alloc(parisize, 0);
    1273        1893 :   init_universal_constants();
    1274        1893 :   pari_PRIMES = NULL;
    1275        1893 :   if (!(init_opts&INIT_noPRIMEm))
    1276             :   {
    1277           0 :     GP_DATA->primelimit = maxprime;
    1278           0 :     pari_init_primes(GP_DATA->primelimit);
    1279             :   }
    1280        1893 :   if (!(init_opts&INIT_noINTGMPm)) pari_kernel_init();
    1281        1893 :   pari_init_graphics();
    1282        1893 :   pari_thread_init();
    1283        1893 :   pari_set_primetab(NULL);
    1284        1893 :   pari_set_seadata(NULL);
    1285        1893 :   pari_init_functions();
    1286        1893 :   pari_init_export();
    1287        1893 :   pari_var_init();
    1288        1893 :   pari_init_timer();
    1289        1893 :   pari_init_buffers();
    1290        1893 :   (void)getabstime();
    1291        1893 :   try_to_restore = 1;
    1292        1893 :   if (!(init_opts&INIT_noIMTm)) pari_mt_init();
    1293        1893 :   if ((init_opts&INIT_SIGm)) pari_sig_init(pari_sighandler);
    1294        1893 : }
    1295             : 
    1296             : void
    1297           0 : pari_init(size_t parisize, ulong maxprime)
    1298           0 : { pari_init_opts(parisize, maxprime, INIT_JMPm | INIT_SIGm | INIT_DFTm); }
    1299             : 
    1300             : void
    1301        1883 : pari_close_opts(ulong init_opts)
    1302             : {
    1303             :   long i;
    1304             : 
    1305        1883 :   BLOCK_SIGINT_START;
    1306        1883 :   if ((init_opts&INIT_SIGm)) pari_sig_init(SIG_DFL);
    1307        1883 :   if (!(init_opts&INIT_noIMTm)) pari_mt_close();
    1308             : 
    1309        1883 :   pari_var_close(); /* must come before destruction of functions_hash */
    1310      256088 :   for (i = 0; i < functions_tblsz; i++)
    1311             :   {
    1312      254205 :     entree *ep = functions_hash[i];
    1313     2881027 :     while (ep) {
    1314     2626822 :       entree *EP = ep->next;
    1315     2626822 :       if (!EpSTATIC(ep)) { freeep(ep); free(ep); }
    1316     2626822 :       ep = EP;
    1317             :     }
    1318             :   }
    1319        1883 :   pari_close_mf();
    1320        1883 :   pari_thread_close();
    1321        1883 :   pari_close_export();
    1322        1883 :   pari_close_files();
    1323        1883 :   pari_close_homedir();
    1324        1883 :   if (!(init_opts&INIT_noINTGMPm)) pari_kernel_close();
    1325             : 
    1326        1883 :   free((void*)functions_hash);
    1327        1883 :   free((void*)defaults_hash);
    1328        1883 :   if (pari_PRIMES) pari_close_primes();
    1329        1883 :   free(current_logfile);
    1330        1883 :   free(current_psfile);
    1331        1883 :   pari_mainstack_free(pari_mainstack);
    1332        1883 :   free((void*)pari_mainstack);
    1333        1883 :   pari_stack_delete(&s_MODULES);
    1334        1883 :   if (pari_datadir) free(pari_datadir);
    1335        1883 :   if (init_opts&INIT_DFTm)
    1336             :   { /* delete GP_DATA */
    1337        1883 :     pari_close_paths();
    1338        1883 :     if (GP_DATA->hist->v) free((void*)GP_DATA->hist->v);
    1339        1883 :     if (GP_DATA->pp->cmd) free((void*)GP_DATA->pp->cmd);
    1340        1883 :     if (GP_DATA->help) free((void*)GP_DATA->help);
    1341        1883 :     if (GP_DATA->plothsizes) free((void*)GP_DATA->plothsizes);
    1342        1883 :     if (GP_DATA->colormap) pari_free(GP_DATA->colormap);
    1343        1883 :     if (GP_DATA->graphcolors) pari_free(GP_DATA->graphcolors);
    1344        1883 :     free((void*)GP_DATA->prompt);
    1345        1883 :     free((void*)GP_DATA->prompt_cont);
    1346        1883 :     free((void*)GP_DATA->histfile);
    1347             :   }
    1348        1883 :   BLOCK_SIGINT_END;
    1349        1883 : }
    1350             : 
    1351             : void
    1352        1883 : pari_close(void)
    1353        1883 : { pari_close_opts(INIT_JMPm | INIT_SIGm | INIT_DFTm); }
    1354             : 
    1355             : /*******************************************************************/
    1356             : /*                                                                 */
    1357             : /*                         ERROR RECOVERY                          */
    1358             : /*                                                                 */
    1359             : /*******************************************************************/
    1360             : void
    1361      143725 : gp_context_save(struct gp_context* rec)
    1362             : {
    1363      143725 :   rec->prettyp = GP_DATA->fmt->prettyp;
    1364      143725 :   rec->listloc = next_block;
    1365      143725 :   rec->iferr_env = iferr_env;
    1366      143725 :   rec->err_data  = global_err_data;
    1367      143725 :   varstate_save(&rec->var);
    1368      143725 :   evalstate_save(&rec->eval);
    1369      143725 :   parsestate_save(&rec->parse);
    1370      143725 :   filestate_save(&rec->file);
    1371      143725 : }
    1372             : 
    1373             : void
    1374       13005 : gp_context_restore(struct gp_context* rec)
    1375             : {
    1376             :   long i;
    1377             : 
    1378       13005 :   if (!try_to_restore) return;
    1379             :   /* disable gp_context_restore() and SIGINT */
    1380       13005 :   BLOCK_SIGINT_START
    1381       13005 :   try_to_restore = 0;
    1382       13005 :   if (DEBUGMEM>2) err_printf("entering recover(), loc = %ld\n", rec->listloc);
    1383       13005 :   evalstate_restore(&rec->eval);
    1384       13005 :   parsestate_restore(&rec->parse);
    1385       13005 :   filestate_restore(&rec->file);
    1386       13005 :   global_err_data = rec->err_data;
    1387       13005 :   iferr_env = rec->iferr_env;
    1388       13005 :   GP_DATA->fmt->prettyp = rec->prettyp;
    1389             : 
    1390     1768680 :   for (i = 0; i < functions_tblsz; i++)
    1391             :   {
    1392     1755675 :     entree *ep = functions_hash[i];
    1393    20774570 :     while (ep)
    1394             :     {
    1395    19018895 :       entree *EP = ep->next;
    1396    19018895 :       switch(EpVALENCE(ep))
    1397             :       {
    1398      420541 :         case EpVAR:
    1399      420996 :           while (pop_val_if_newer(ep,rec->listloc)) /* empty */;
    1400      420541 :           break;
    1401      703462 :         case EpNEW: break;
    1402             :       }
    1403    19018895 :       ep = EP;
    1404             :     }
    1405             :   }
    1406       13005 :   varstate_restore(&rec->var);
    1407       13005 :   try_to_restore = 1;
    1408       13005 :   BLOCK_SIGINT_END
    1409       13005 :   if (DEBUGMEM>2) err_printf("leaving recover()\n");
    1410             : }
    1411             : 
    1412             : static void
    1413       12930 : err_recover(long numerr)
    1414             : {
    1415       12930 :   if (cb_pari_pre_recover)
    1416       12930 :     cb_pari_pre_recover(numerr);
    1417           0 :   evalstate_reset();
    1418           0 :   killallfiles();
    1419           0 :   pari_init_errcatch();
    1420           0 :   cb_pari_err_recover(numerr);
    1421           0 : }
    1422             : 
    1423             : static void
    1424       13711 : err_init(void)
    1425             : {
    1426             :   /* make sure pari_err msg starts at the beginning of line */
    1427       13711 :   if (!pari_last_was_newline()) pari_putc('\n');
    1428       13711 :   pariOut->flush();
    1429       13711 :   pariErr->flush();
    1430       13711 :   out_term_color(pariErr, c_ERR);
    1431       13711 : }
    1432             : 
    1433             : static void
    1434       13571 : err_init_msg(int user)
    1435             : {
    1436             :   const char *gp_function_name;
    1437       13571 :   out_puts(pariErr, "  *** ");
    1438       13571 :   if (!user && (gp_function_name = closure_func_err()))
    1439        9893 :     out_printf(pariErr, "%s: ", gp_function_name);
    1440             :   else
    1441        3678 :     out_puts(pariErr, "  ");
    1442       13571 : }
    1443             : 
    1444             : void
    1445         760 : pari_warn(int numerr, ...)
    1446             : {
    1447             :   char *ch1;
    1448             :   va_list ap;
    1449             : 
    1450         760 :   va_start(ap,numerr);
    1451             : 
    1452         760 :   err_init();
    1453         760 :   err_init_msg(numerr==warnuser || numerr==warnstack);
    1454         760 :   switch (numerr)
    1455             :   {
    1456           7 :     case warnuser:
    1457           7 :       out_puts(pariErr, "user warning: ");
    1458           7 :       out_print1(pariErr, NULL, va_arg(ap, GEN), f_RAW);
    1459           7 :       break;
    1460             : 
    1461           0 :     case warnmem:
    1462           0 :       out_puts(pariErr, "collecting garbage in "); ch1=va_arg(ap, char*);
    1463           0 :       out_vprintf(pariErr, ch1,ap); out_putc(pariErr, '.');
    1464           0 :       break;
    1465             : 
    1466         753 :     case warner:
    1467         753 :       out_puts(pariErr, "Warning: "); ch1=va_arg(ap, char*);
    1468         753 :       out_vprintf(pariErr, ch1,ap); out_putc(pariErr, '.');
    1469         753 :       break;
    1470             : 
    1471           0 :     case warnprec:
    1472           0 :       out_vprintf(pariErr, "Warning: increasing prec in %s; new prec = %ld",
    1473             :                       ap);
    1474           0 :       break;
    1475             : 
    1476           0 :     case warnfile:
    1477           0 :       out_puts(pariErr, "Warning: failed to "),
    1478           0 :       ch1 = va_arg(ap, char*);
    1479           0 :       out_printf(pariErr, "%s: %s", ch1, va_arg(ap, char*));
    1480           0 :       break;
    1481             : 
    1482           0 :     case warnstack:
    1483             :     case warnstackthread:
    1484             :     {
    1485           0 :       ulong  s = va_arg(ap, ulong);
    1486             :       char buf[128];
    1487           0 :       const char * stk = numerr == warnstackthread
    1488           0 :                          || mt_is_thread() ? "thread": "PARI";
    1489           0 :       sprintf(buf,"Warning: not enough memory, new %s stack %lu", stk, s);
    1490           0 :       out_puts(pariErr,buf);
    1491           0 :       break;
    1492             :     }
    1493             :   }
    1494         760 :   va_end(ap);
    1495         760 :   out_term_color(pariErr, c_NONE);
    1496         760 :   out_putc(pariErr, '\n');
    1497         760 :   pariErr->flush();
    1498         760 : }
    1499             : void
    1500           0 : pari_sigint(const char *time_s)
    1501             : {
    1502           0 :   int recover=0;
    1503           0 :   BLOCK_SIGALRM_START
    1504           0 :   err_init();
    1505           0 :   mt_break_recover();
    1506           0 :   closure_err(0);
    1507           0 :   err_init_msg(0);
    1508           0 :   out_puts(pariErr, "user interrupt after ");
    1509           0 :   out_puts(pariErr, time_s);
    1510           0 :   out_term_color(pariErr, c_NONE);
    1511           0 :   pariErr->flush();
    1512           0 :   if (cb_pari_handle_exception)
    1513           0 :     recover = cb_pari_handle_exception(-1);
    1514           0 :   if (!recover && !block)
    1515           0 :     PARI_SIGINT_pending = 0;
    1516           0 :   BLOCK_SIGINT_END
    1517           0 :   if (!recover) err_recover(e_MISC);
    1518           0 : }
    1519             : 
    1520             : #define retmkerr2(x,y)\
    1521             :   do { GEN _v = cgetg(3, t_ERROR);\
    1522             :        _v[1] = (x);\
    1523             :        gel(_v,2) = (y); return _v; } while(0)
    1524             : #define retmkerr3(x,y,z)\
    1525             :   do { GEN _v = cgetg(4, t_ERROR);\
    1526             :        _v[1] = (x);\
    1527             :        gel(_v,2) = (y);\
    1528             :        gel(_v,3) = (z); return _v; } while(0)
    1529             : #define retmkerr4(x,y,z,t)\
    1530             :   do { GEN _v = cgetg(5, t_ERROR);\
    1531             :        _v[1] = (x);\
    1532             :        gel(_v,2) = (y);\
    1533             :        gel(_v,3) = (z);\
    1534             :        gel(_v,4) = (t); return _v; } while(0)
    1535             : #define retmkerr5(x,y,z,t,u)\
    1536             :   do { GEN _v = cgetg(6, t_ERROR);\
    1537             :        _v[1] = (x);\
    1538             :        gel(_v,2) = (y);\
    1539             :        gel(_v,3) = (z);\
    1540             :        gel(_v,4) = (t);\
    1541             :        gel(_v,5) = (u); return _v; } while(0)
    1542             : #define retmkerr6(x,y,z,t,u,v)\
    1543             :   do { GEN _v = cgetg(7, t_ERROR);\
    1544             :        _v[1] = (x);\
    1545             :        gel(_v,2) = (y);\
    1546             :        gel(_v,3) = (z);\
    1547             :        gel(_v,4) = (t);\
    1548             :        gel(_v,5) = (u);\
    1549             :        gel(_v,6) = (v); return _v; } while(0)
    1550             : 
    1551             : static GEN
    1552       56690 : pari_err2GEN(long numerr, va_list ap)
    1553             : {
    1554       56690 :   switch ((enum err_list) numerr)
    1555             :   {
    1556         140 :   case e_SYNTAX:
    1557             :     {
    1558         140 :       const char *msg = va_arg(ap, char*);
    1559         140 :       const char *s = va_arg(ap,char *);
    1560         140 :       const char *entry = va_arg(ap,char *);
    1561         140 :       retmkerr3(numerr,strtoGENstr(msg), mkvecsmall2((long)s,(long)entry));
    1562             :     }
    1563         390 :   case e_MISC: case e_ALARM:
    1564             :     {
    1565         390 :       const char *ch1 = va_arg(ap, char*);
    1566         390 :       retmkerr2(numerr, gvsprintf(ch1,ap));
    1567             :     }
    1568        2723 :   case e_NOTFUNC:
    1569             :   case e_USER:
    1570        2723 :     retmkerr2(numerr,va_arg(ap, GEN));
    1571           0 :   case e_FILE:
    1572             :     {
    1573           0 :       const char *f = va_arg(ap, const char*);
    1574           0 :       retmkerr3(numerr, strtoGENstr(f), strtoGENstr(va_arg(ap, char*)));
    1575             :     }
    1576          36 :   case e_FILEDESC:
    1577             :     {
    1578          36 :       const char *f = va_arg(ap, const char*);
    1579          36 :       retmkerr3(numerr, strtoGENstr(f), stoi(va_arg(ap, long)));
    1580             :     }
    1581        1854 :   case e_OVERFLOW:
    1582             :   case e_IMPL:
    1583             :   case e_DIM:
    1584             :   case e_CONSTPOL:
    1585             :   case e_ROOTS0:
    1586             :   case e_FLAG:
    1587             :   case e_PREC:
    1588             :   case e_BUG:
    1589             :   case e_ARCH:
    1590             :   case e_PACKAGE:
    1591        1854 :     retmkerr2(numerr, strtoGENstr(va_arg(ap, char*)));
    1592        1687 :   case e_MODULUS:
    1593             :   case e_VAR:
    1594             :     {
    1595        1687 :       const char *f = va_arg(ap, const char*);
    1596        1687 :       GEN x = va_arg(ap, GEN);
    1597        1687 :       GEN y = va_arg(ap, GEN);
    1598        1687 :       retmkerr4(numerr, strtoGENstr(f), x,y);
    1599             :     }
    1600       42640 :   case e_INV:
    1601             :   case e_IRREDPOL:
    1602             :   case e_PRIME:
    1603             :   case e_SQRTN:
    1604             :   case e_TYPE:
    1605             :     {
    1606       42640 :       const char *f = va_arg(ap, const char*);
    1607       42640 :       GEN x = va_arg(ap, GEN);
    1608       42640 :       retmkerr3(numerr, strtoGENstr(f), x);
    1609             :     }
    1610        3983 :   case e_COPRIME: case e_OP: case e_TYPE2:
    1611             :     {
    1612        3983 :       const char *f = va_arg(ap, const char*);
    1613        3983 :       GEN x = va_arg(ap, GEN);
    1614        3983 :       GEN y = va_arg(ap, GEN);
    1615        3983 :       retmkerr4(numerr,strtoGENstr(f),x,y);
    1616             :     }
    1617         214 :   case e_COMPONENT:
    1618             :     {
    1619         214 :       const char *f= va_arg(ap, const char *);
    1620         214 :       const char *op = va_arg(ap, const char *);
    1621         214 :       GEN l = va_arg(ap, GEN);
    1622         214 :       GEN x = va_arg(ap, GEN);
    1623         214 :       retmkerr5(numerr,strtoGENstr(f),strtoGENstr(op),l,x);
    1624             :     }
    1625        2771 :   case e_DOMAIN:
    1626             :     {
    1627        2771 :       const char *f = va_arg(ap, const char*);
    1628        2771 :       const char *v = va_arg(ap, const char *);
    1629        2771 :       const char *op = va_arg(ap, const char *);
    1630        2771 :       GEN l = va_arg(ap, GEN);
    1631        2771 :       GEN x = va_arg(ap, GEN);
    1632        2771 :       retmkerr6(numerr,strtoGENstr(f),strtoGENstr(v),strtoGENstr(op),l,x);
    1633             :     }
    1634         238 :   case e_PRIORITY:
    1635             :     {
    1636         238 :       const char *f = va_arg(ap, const char*);
    1637         238 :       GEN x = va_arg(ap, GEN);
    1638         238 :       const char *op = va_arg(ap, const char *);
    1639         238 :       long v = va_arg(ap, long);
    1640         238 :       retmkerr5(numerr,strtoGENstr(f),x,strtoGENstr(op),stoi(v));
    1641             :     }
    1642           0 :   case e_MAXPRIME:
    1643           0 :     retmkerr2(numerr, utoi(va_arg(ap, ulong)));
    1644          14 :   case e_STACK:
    1645          14 :     return err_e_STACK;
    1646           0 :   case e_STACKTHREAD:
    1647           0 :     retmkerr3(numerr, utoi(va_arg(ap, ulong)), utoi(va_arg(ap, ulong)));
    1648           0 :   default:
    1649           0 :     return mkerr(numerr);
    1650             :   }
    1651             : }
    1652             : 
    1653             : static char *
    1654        7308 : type_dim(GEN x)
    1655             : {
    1656        7308 :   char *v = stack_malloc(64);
    1657        7308 :   switch(typ(x))
    1658             :   {
    1659         133 :     case t_MAT:
    1660             :     {
    1661         133 :       long l = lg(x), r = (l == 1)? 1: lgcols(x);
    1662         133 :       sprintf(v, "t_MAT (%ld x %ld)", r-1,l-1);
    1663         133 :       break;
    1664             :     }
    1665         133 :     case t_COL:
    1666         133 :       sprintf(v, "t_COL (%ld elts)", lg(x)-1);
    1667         133 :       break;
    1668         252 :     case t_VEC:
    1669         252 :       sprintf(v, "t_VEC (%ld elts)", lg(x)-1);
    1670         252 :       break;
    1671        6790 :     default:
    1672        6790 :       v = (char*)type_name(typ(x));
    1673             :   }
    1674        7308 :   return v;
    1675             : }
    1676             : 
    1677             : static char *
    1678        3689 : gdisplay(GEN x)
    1679             : {
    1680        3689 :   char *s = GENtostr_raw(x);
    1681        3689 :   if (strlen(s) < 1600) return s;
    1682          35 :   if (! GP_DATA->breakloop) return (char*)"(...)";
    1683           0 :   return stack_sprintf("\n  ***  (...) Huge %s omitted; you can access it via dbg_err()", type_name(typ(x)));
    1684             : }
    1685             : 
    1686             : char *
    1687       21736 : pari_err2str(GEN e)
    1688             : {
    1689       21736 :   long numerr = err_get_num(e);
    1690       21736 :   switch ((enum err_list) numerr)
    1691             :   {
    1692           0 :   case e_ALARM:
    1693           0 :     return pari_sprintf("alarm interrupt after %Ps.",gel(e,2));
    1694         378 :   case e_MISC:
    1695         378 :     return pari_sprintf("%Ps.",gel(e,2));
    1696             : 
    1697           0 :   case e_ARCH:
    1698           0 :     return pari_sprintf("sorry, '%Ps' not available on this system.",gel(e,2));
    1699          14 :   case e_BUG:
    1700          14 :     return pari_sprintf("bug in %Ps, please report.",gel(e,2));
    1701          21 :   case e_CONSTPOL:
    1702          21 :     return pari_sprintf("constant polynomial in %Ps.", gel(e,2));
    1703          84 :   case e_COPRIME:
    1704         252 :     return pari_sprintf("elements not coprime in %Ps:\n    %s\n    %s",
    1705          84 :                         gel(e,2), gdisplay(gel(e,3)), gdisplay(gel(e,4)));
    1706         718 :   case e_DIM:
    1707         718 :     return pari_sprintf("inconsistent dimensions in %Ps.", gel(e,2));
    1708           0 :   case e_FILE:
    1709           0 :     return pari_sprintf("error opening %Ps: `%Ps'.", gel(e,2), gel(e,3));
    1710          36 :   case e_FILEDESC:
    1711          36 :     return pari_sprintf("invalid file descriptor in %Ps [%Ps]", gel(e,2), gel(e,3));
    1712          91 :   case e_FLAG:
    1713          91 :     return pari_sprintf("invalid flag in %Ps.", gel(e,2));
    1714         490 :   case e_IMPL:
    1715         490 :     return pari_sprintf("sorry, %Ps is not yet implemented.", gel(e,2));
    1716           0 :   case e_PACKAGE:
    1717           0 :     return pari_sprintf("package %Ps is required, please install it.", gel(e,2));
    1718         644 :   case e_INV:
    1719         644 :     return pari_sprintf("impossible inverse in %Ps: %s.", gel(e,2),
    1720         644 :                         gdisplay(gel(e,3)));
    1721          63 :   case e_IRREDPOL:
    1722         126 :     return pari_sprintf("not an irreducible polynomial in %Ps: %s.",
    1723          63 :                         gel(e,2), gdisplay(gel(e,3)));
    1724           0 :   case e_MAXPRIME:
    1725             :     {
    1726           0 :       const char * msg = "not enough precomputed primes";
    1727           0 :       ulong c = itou(gel(e,2));
    1728           0 :       if (c) return pari_sprintf("%s, need primelimit ~ %lu.",msg, c);
    1729           0 :       else   return pari_strdup(msg);
    1730             :     }
    1731           0 :   case e_MEM:
    1732           0 :     return pari_strdup("not enough memory");
    1733        1316 :   case e_MODULUS:
    1734             :     {
    1735        1316 :       GEN x = gel(e,3), y = gel(e,4);
    1736        1316 :       return pari_sprintf("inconsistent moduli in %Ps: %s != %s",
    1737        1316 :                           gel(e,2), gdisplay(x), gdisplay(y));
    1738             :     }
    1739           0 :   case e_NONE: return NULL;
    1740        2709 :   case e_NOTFUNC:
    1741        2709 :     return pari_strdup("not a function in function call");
    1742        3654 :   case e_OP: case e_TYPE2:
    1743             :     {
    1744        3654 :       pari_sp av = avma;
    1745             :       char *v;
    1746        3654 :       const char *f, *op = GSTR(gel(e,2));
    1747        3654 :       const char *what = numerr == e_OP? "inconsistent": "forbidden";
    1748        3654 :       GEN x = gel(e,3);
    1749        3654 :       GEN y = gel(e,4);
    1750        3654 :       switch(*op)
    1751             :       {
    1752          14 :       case '+': f = "addition"; break;
    1753         175 :       case '*': f = "multiplication"; break;
    1754        2744 :       case '/': case '%': case '\\': f = "division"; break;
    1755           0 :       case '=': op = "-->"; f = "assignment"; break;
    1756         721 :       default:  f = op; op = ","; break;
    1757             :       }
    1758        3654 :       v = pari_sprintf("%s %s %s %s %s.", what,f,type_dim(x),op,type_dim(y));
    1759        3654 :       set_avma(av); return v;
    1760             :     }
    1761         214 :   case e_COMPONENT:
    1762             :     {
    1763         214 :       const char *f= GSTR(gel(e,2));
    1764         214 :       const char *op= GSTR(gel(e,3));
    1765         214 :       GEN l = gel(e,4);
    1766         214 :       if (!*f)
    1767         154 :         return pari_sprintf("nonexistent component: index %s %Ps",op,l);
    1768          60 :       return pari_sprintf("nonexistent component in %s: index %s %Ps",f,op,l);
    1769             :     }
    1770        2661 :   case e_DOMAIN:
    1771             :     {
    1772        2661 :       const char *f = GSTR(gel(e,2));
    1773        2661 :       const char *v = GSTR(gel(e,3));
    1774        2661 :       const char *op= GSTR(gel(e,4));
    1775        2661 :       GEN l = gel(e,5);
    1776        2661 :       if (!*op)
    1777          42 :         return pari_sprintf("domain error in %s: %s out of range",f,v);
    1778        2619 :       return pari_sprintf("domain error in %s: %s %s %Ps",f,v,op,l);
    1779             :     }
    1780         189 :   case e_PRIORITY:
    1781             :     {
    1782         189 :       const char *f = GSTR(gel(e,2));
    1783         189 :       long vx = gvar(gel(e,3));
    1784         189 :       const char *op= GSTR(gel(e,4));
    1785         189 :       long v = itos(gel(e,5));
    1786         189 :       return pari_sprintf("incorrect priority in %s: variable %Ps %s %Ps",f,
    1787             :              pol_x(vx), op, pol_x(v));
    1788             :     }
    1789         161 :   case e_OVERFLOW:
    1790         161 :     return pari_sprintf("overflow in %Ps.", gel(e,2));
    1791         231 :   case e_PREC:
    1792         231 :     return pari_sprintf("precision too low in %Ps.", gel(e,2));
    1793          98 :   case e_PRIME:
    1794         196 :     return pari_sprintf("not a prime number in %Ps: %s.",
    1795          98 :                         gel(e,2), gdisplay(gel(e,3)));
    1796          63 :   case e_ROOTS0:
    1797          63 :     return pari_sprintf("zero polynomial in %Ps.", gel(e,2));
    1798          84 :   case e_SQRTN:
    1799         168 :     return pari_sprintf("not an n-th power residue in %Ps: %s.",
    1800          84 :                         gel(e,2), gdisplay(gel(e,3)));
    1801          14 :   case e_STACK:
    1802             :   case e_STACKTHREAD:
    1803             :   {
    1804          14 :     const char *what = numerr == e_STACK? "PARI": "thread";
    1805          14 :     const char *var = numerr == e_STACK? "parisizemax": "threadsizemax";
    1806          14 :     size_t s = numerr == e_STACK? pari_mainstack->vsize: GP_DATA->threadsizemax;
    1807          14 :     char *hint = (char *) pari_malloc(512*sizeof(char));
    1808          14 :     char *buf = (char *) pari_malloc(512*sizeof(char));
    1809          14 :     if (s)
    1810           0 :       sprintf(hint,"you can increase '%s' using default()", var);
    1811             :     else
    1812             :     {
    1813          14 :       s = (numerr != e_STACK || !GP_DATA->threadsize)? pari_mainstack->rsize
    1814          28 :                                                      : GP_DATA->threadsize;
    1815          14 :       sprintf(hint,"set '%s' to a nonzero value in your GPRC", var);
    1816             :     }
    1817          14 :     sprintf(buf, "the %s stack overflows !\n"
    1818             :                  "  current stack size: %lu (%.3f Mbytes)\n  [hint] %s\n",
    1819          14 :                  what, (ulong)s, (double)s/1048576., hint);
    1820          14 :     return buf;
    1821             :   }
    1822           0 :   case e_SYNTAX:
    1823           0 :     return pari_strdup(GSTR(gel(e,2)));
    1824        7418 :   case e_TYPE:
    1825       14836 :     return pari_sprintf("incorrect type in %Ps (%s).",
    1826        7418 :                         gel(e,2), type_name(typ(gel(e,3))));
    1827          14 :   case e_USER:
    1828          14 :     return pari_sprint0("user error: ", gel(e,2), f_RAW);
    1829         371 :   case e_VAR:
    1830             :     {
    1831         371 :       GEN x = gel(e,3), y = gel(e,4);
    1832        1113 :       return pari_sprintf("inconsistent variables in %Ps, %Ps != %Ps.",
    1833         371 :                           gel(e,2), pol_x(varn(x)), pol_x(varn(y)));
    1834             :     }
    1835             :   }
    1836             :   return NULL; /*LCOV_EXCL_LINE*/
    1837             : }
    1838             : 
    1839             : int
    1840       12951 : pari_err_display(GEN err)
    1841             : {
    1842       12951 :   long numerr=err_get_num(err);
    1843       12951 :   err_init();
    1844       12951 :   if (numerr==e_SYNTAX)
    1845             :   {
    1846         140 :     const char *msg = GSTR(gel(err,2));
    1847         140 :     const char *s     = (const char *) gmael(err,3,1);
    1848         140 :     const char *entry = (const char *) gmael(err,3,2);
    1849         140 :     print_errcontext(pariErr, msg, s, entry);
    1850             :   }
    1851             :   else
    1852             :   {
    1853             :     char *s;
    1854       12811 :     closure_err(0);
    1855       12811 :     err_init_msg(numerr==e_USER);
    1856       12811 :     s = pari_err2str(err); pariErr->puts(s); pari_free(s);
    1857       12811 :     if (numerr==e_NOTFUNC)
    1858             :     {
    1859        2709 :       GEN fun = gel(err,2);
    1860        2709 :       if (gequalX(fun))
    1861             :       {
    1862        2709 :         entree *ep = varentries[varn(fun)];
    1863        2709 :         const char *t = ep->name;
    1864        2709 :         if (cb_pari_whatnow) cb_pari_whatnow(pariErr,t,1);
    1865             :       }
    1866             :     }
    1867             :   }
    1868       12937 :   out_term_color(pariErr, c_NONE);
    1869       12937 :   pariErr->flush(); return 0;
    1870             : }
    1871             : 
    1872             : void
    1873       56702 : pari_err(int numerr, ...)
    1874             : {
    1875             :   va_list ap;
    1876             :   GEN E;
    1877             : 
    1878       56702 :   va_start(ap,numerr);
    1879             : 
    1880       56702 :   if (numerr)
    1881       56690 :     E = pari_err2GEN(numerr,ap);
    1882             :   else
    1883             :   {
    1884          12 :     E = va_arg(ap,GEN);
    1885          12 :     numerr = err_get_num(E);
    1886             :   }
    1887       56702 :   global_err_data = E;
    1888       56702 :   if (*iferr_env) longjmp(*iferr_env, numerr);
    1889       12962 :   mt_err_recover(numerr);
    1890       12951 :   va_end(ap);
    1891       25888 :   if (cb_pari_err_handle &&
    1892       12951 :       cb_pari_err_handle(E)) return;
    1893       25865 :   if (cb_pari_handle_exception &&
    1894       12935 :       cb_pari_handle_exception(numerr)) return;
    1895       12930 :   err_recover(numerr);
    1896             : }
    1897             : 
    1898             : GEN
    1899       87497 : pari_err_last(void) { return global_err_data; }
    1900             : 
    1901             : const char *
    1902       27109 : numerr_name(long numerr)
    1903             : {
    1904       27109 :   switch ((enum err_list) numerr)
    1905             :   {
    1906           0 :   case e_ALARM:    return "e_ALARM";
    1907           0 :   case e_ARCH:     return "e_ARCH";
    1908           0 :   case e_BUG:      return "e_BUG";
    1909           0 :   case e_COMPONENT: return "e_COMPONENT";
    1910           0 :   case e_CONSTPOL: return "e_CONSTPOL";
    1911           0 :   case e_COPRIME:  return "e_COPRIME";
    1912           0 :   case e_DIM:      return "e_DIM";
    1913          56 :   case e_DOMAIN:   return "e_DOMAIN";
    1914           0 :   case e_FILE:     return "e_FILE";
    1915           0 :   case e_FILEDESC: return "e_FILEDESC";
    1916           7 :   case e_FLAG:     return "e_FLAG";
    1917          49 :   case e_IMPL:     return "e_IMPL";
    1918       19101 :   case e_INV:      return "e_INV";
    1919           0 :   case e_IRREDPOL: return "e_IRREDPOL";
    1920           0 :   case e_MAXPRIME: return "e_MAXPRIME";
    1921           0 :   case e_MEM:      return "e_MEM";
    1922           0 :   case e_MISC:     return "e_MISC";
    1923           0 :   case e_MODULUS:  return "e_MODULUS";
    1924           0 :   case e_NONE:     return "e_NONE";
    1925           0 :   case e_NOTFUNC:  return "e_NOTFUNC";
    1926           0 :   case e_OP:       return "e_OP";
    1927           0 :   case e_OVERFLOW: return "e_OVERFLOW";
    1928           0 :   case e_PACKAGE:  return "e_PACKAGE";
    1929           0 :   case e_PREC:     return "e_PREC";
    1930           0 :   case e_PRIME:    return "e_PRIME";
    1931          49 :   case e_PRIORITY: return "e_PRIORITY";
    1932           0 :   case e_ROOTS0:   return "e_ROOTS0";
    1933           0 :   case e_SQRTN:    return "e_SQRTN";
    1934           0 :   case e_STACK:    return "e_STACK";
    1935           0 :   case e_SYNTAX:   return "e_SYNTAX";
    1936           0 :   case e_STACKTHREAD:   return "e_STACKTHREAD";
    1937           0 :   case e_TYPE2:    return "e_TYPE2";
    1938        7847 :   case e_TYPE:     return "e_TYPE";
    1939           0 :   case e_USER:     return "e_USER";
    1940           0 :   case e_VAR:      return "e_VAR";
    1941             :   }
    1942           0 :   return "invalid error number";
    1943             : }
    1944             : 
    1945             : long
    1946           0 : name_numerr(const char *s)
    1947             : {
    1948           0 :   if (!strcmp(s,"e_ALARM"))    return e_ALARM;
    1949           0 :   if (!strcmp(s,"e_ARCH"))     return e_ARCH;
    1950           0 :   if (!strcmp(s,"e_BUG"))      return e_BUG;
    1951           0 :   if (!strcmp(s,"e_COMPONENT")) return e_COMPONENT;
    1952           0 :   if (!strcmp(s,"e_CONSTPOL")) return e_CONSTPOL;
    1953           0 :   if (!strcmp(s,"e_COPRIME"))  return e_COPRIME;
    1954           0 :   if (!strcmp(s,"e_DIM"))      return e_DIM;
    1955           0 :   if (!strcmp(s,"e_DOMAIN"))   return e_DOMAIN;
    1956           0 :   if (!strcmp(s,"e_FILE"))     return e_FILE;
    1957           0 :   if (!strcmp(s,"e_FILEDESC")) return e_FILEDESC;
    1958           0 :   if (!strcmp(s,"e_FLAG"))     return e_FLAG;
    1959           0 :   if (!strcmp(s,"e_IMPL"))     return e_IMPL;
    1960           0 :   if (!strcmp(s,"e_INV"))      return e_INV;
    1961           0 :   if (!strcmp(s,"e_IRREDPOL")) return e_IRREDPOL;
    1962           0 :   if (!strcmp(s,"e_MAXPRIME")) return e_MAXPRIME;
    1963           0 :   if (!strcmp(s,"e_MEM"))      return e_MEM;
    1964           0 :   if (!strcmp(s,"e_MISC"))     return e_MISC;
    1965           0 :   if (!strcmp(s,"e_MODULUS"))  return e_MODULUS;
    1966           0 :   if (!strcmp(s,"e_NONE"))     return e_NONE;
    1967           0 :   if (!strcmp(s,"e_NOTFUNC"))  return e_NOTFUNC;
    1968           0 :   if (!strcmp(s,"e_OP"))       return e_OP;
    1969           0 :   if (!strcmp(s,"e_OVERFLOW")) return e_OVERFLOW;
    1970           0 :   if (!strcmp(s,"e_PACKAGE"))  return e_PACKAGE;
    1971           0 :   if (!strcmp(s,"e_PREC"))     return e_PREC;
    1972           0 :   if (!strcmp(s,"e_PRIME"))    return e_PRIME;
    1973           0 :   if (!strcmp(s,"e_PRIORITY")) return e_PRIORITY;
    1974           0 :   if (!strcmp(s,"e_ROOTS0"))   return e_ROOTS0;
    1975           0 :   if (!strcmp(s,"e_SQRTN"))    return e_SQRTN;
    1976           0 :   if (!strcmp(s,"e_STACK"))    return e_STACK;
    1977           0 :   if (!strcmp(s,"e_SYNTAX"))   return e_SYNTAX;
    1978           0 :   if (!strcmp(s,"e_TYPE"))     return e_TYPE;
    1979           0 :   if (!strcmp(s,"e_TYPE2"))    return e_TYPE2;
    1980           0 :   if (!strcmp(s,"e_USER"))     return e_USER;
    1981           0 :   if (!strcmp(s,"e_VAR"))      return e_VAR;
    1982           0 :   pari_err(e_MISC,"unknown error name");
    1983             :   return -1; /* LCOV_EXCL_LINE */
    1984             : }
    1985             : 
    1986             : GEN
    1987       27109 : errname(GEN err)
    1988             : {
    1989       27109 :   if (typ(err)!=t_ERROR) pari_err_TYPE("errname",err);
    1990       27109 :   return strtoGENstr(numerr_name(err_get_num(err)));
    1991             : }
    1992             : 
    1993             : /*******************************************************************/
    1994             : /*                                                                */
    1995             : /*                       CLONING & COPY                            */
    1996             : /*                  Replicate an existing GEN                      */
    1997             : /*                                                                 */
    1998             : /*******************************************************************/
    1999             : /* lontyp[tx] = 0 (non recursive type) or number of codewords for type tx */
    2000             : const  long lontyp[] = { 0,0,0,1,1,2,1,2,1,1, 2,2,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, 2,0,0,2,2,1 };
    2001             : 
    2002             : static GEN
    2003        7019 : list_internal_copy(GEN z, long nmax)
    2004             : {
    2005             :   long i, l;
    2006             :   GEN a;
    2007        7019 :   if (!z) return NULL;
    2008        1336 :   l = lg(z);
    2009        1336 :   a = newblock(nmax+1);
    2010       50018 :   for (i = 1; i < l; i++) gel(a,i) = gel(z,i)? gclone(gel(z,i)): gen_0;
    2011        1336 :   a[0] = z[0]; setisclone(a); return a;
    2012             : }
    2013             : 
    2014             : static void
    2015        7019 : listassign(GEN x, GEN y)
    2016             : {
    2017        7019 :   long nmax = list_nmax(x);
    2018        7019 :   GEN L = list_data(x);
    2019        7019 :   if (!nmax && L) nmax = lg(L) + 32; /* not malloc'ed yet */
    2020        7019 :   y[1] = evaltyp(list_typ(x))|evallg(nmax);
    2021        7019 :   list_data(y) = list_internal_copy(L, nmax);
    2022        7019 : }
    2023             : 
    2024             : /* transform a non-malloced list (e.g. from gtolist or gtomap) to a malloced
    2025             :  * list suitable for listput */
    2026             : GEN
    2027           0 : listinit(GEN x)
    2028             : {
    2029           0 :   GEN y = cgetg(3, t_LIST);
    2030           0 :   listassign(x, y); return y;
    2031             : }
    2032             : 
    2033             : /* copy list on the PARI stack */
    2034             : GEN
    2035         730 : listcopy(GEN x)
    2036             : {
    2037         730 :   GEN y = mklist(), L = list_data(x);
    2038         730 :   if (L) list_data(y) = gcopy(L);
    2039         730 :   y[1] = evaltyp(list_typ(x));
    2040         730 :   return y;
    2041             : }
    2042             : 
    2043             : GEN
    2044  4715967876 : gcopy(GEN x)
    2045             : {
    2046  4715967876 :   long tx = typ(x), lx, i;
    2047             :   GEN y;
    2048  4715967876 :   switch(tx)
    2049             :   { /* non recursive types */
    2050  3901504471 :     case t_INT: return signe(x)? icopy(x): gen_0;
    2051   484096386 :     case t_REAL:
    2052             :     case t_STR:
    2053   484096386 :     case t_VECSMALL: return leafcopy(x);
    2054             :     /* one more special case */
    2055         730 :     case t_LIST: return listcopy(x);
    2056             :   }
    2057   330366289 :   y = cgetg_copy(x, &lx);
    2058   482610059 :   for(i = 1; i < lontyp[tx]; i++) y[i] = x[i];
    2059  1360585005 :   for (; i < lx; i++) gel(y,i) = gcopy(gel(x,i));
    2060   330731322 :   return y;
    2061             : }
    2062             : 
    2063             : /* as gcopy, but truncate to the first lx components if recursive type
    2064             :  * [ leaves use their own lg ]. No checks. */
    2065             : GEN
    2066         742 : gcopy_lg(GEN x, long lx)
    2067             : {
    2068         742 :   long tx = typ(x), i;
    2069             :   GEN y;
    2070         742 :   switch(tx)
    2071             :   { /* non recursive types */
    2072           0 :     case t_INT: return signe(x)? icopy(x): gen_0;
    2073           0 :     case t_REAL:
    2074             :     case t_STR:
    2075           0 :     case t_VECSMALL: return leafcopy(x);
    2076             :     /* one more special case */
    2077           0 :     case t_LIST: return listcopy(x);
    2078             :   }
    2079         742 :   y = cgetg(lx, tx);
    2080         742 :   for(i = 1; i < lontyp[tx]; i++) y[i] = x[i];
    2081        2051 :   for (; i<lx; i++) gel(y,i) = gcopy(gel(x,i));
    2082         742 :   return y;
    2083             : }
    2084             : 
    2085             : /* cf cgetg_copy: "allocate" (by updating first codeword only) for subsequent
    2086             :  * copy of x, as if avma = *AVMA */
    2087             : INLINE GEN
    2088  1009935976 : cgetg_copy_avma(GEN x, long *plx, pari_sp *AVMA) {
    2089             :   GEN z;
    2090  1009935976 :   *plx = lg(x);
    2091  1009935976 :   z = ((GEN)*AVMA) - *plx;
    2092  1009935976 :   z[0] = x[0] & (TYPBITS|LGBITS);
    2093  1009935976 :   *AVMA = (pari_sp)z; return z;
    2094             : }
    2095             : INLINE GEN
    2096         620 : cgetlist_avma(pari_sp *AVMA)
    2097             : {
    2098         620 :   GEN y = ((GEN)*AVMA) - 3;
    2099         620 :   y[0] = _evallg(3) | evaltyp(t_LIST);
    2100         620 :   *AVMA = (pari_sp)y; return y;
    2101             : }
    2102             : 
    2103             : /* copy x as if avma = *AVMA, update *AVMA */
    2104             : GEN
    2105  3281150553 : gcopy_avma(GEN x, pari_sp *AVMA)
    2106             : {
    2107  3281150553 :   long i, lx, tx = typ(x);
    2108             :   GEN y;
    2109             : 
    2110  3281150553 :   switch(typ(x))
    2111             :   { /* non recursive types */
    2112  3073144836 :     case t_INT:
    2113  3073144836 :       if (lgefint(x) == 2) return gen_0;
    2114  2555506653 :       *AVMA = (pari_sp)icopy_avma(x, *AVMA);
    2115  2555506890 :       return (GEN)*AVMA;
    2116    63387137 :     case t_REAL: case t_STR: case t_VECSMALL:
    2117    63387137 :       *AVMA = (pari_sp)leafcopy_avma(x, *AVMA);
    2118    63387272 :       return (GEN)*AVMA;
    2119             : 
    2120             :     /* one more special case */
    2121         616 :     case t_LIST:
    2122         616 :       y = cgetlist_avma(AVMA);
    2123         616 :       listassign(x, y); return y;
    2124             : 
    2125             :   }
    2126   144617964 :   y = cgetg_copy_avma(x, &lx, AVMA);
    2127   169978403 :   for(i = 1; i < lontyp[tx]; i++) y[i] = x[i];
    2128   697358861 :   for (; i<lx; i++) gel(y,i) = gcopy_avma(gel(x,i), AVMA);
    2129   144673492 :   return y;
    2130             : }
    2131             : 
    2132             : /* [copy_bin/bin_copy:] same as gcopy_avma but use NULL to code an exact 0, and
    2133             :  * make shallow copies of finalized t_LISTs */
    2134             : static GEN
    2135  3919384447 : gcopy_av0(GEN x, pari_sp *AVMA)
    2136             : {
    2137  3919384447 :   long i, lx, tx = typ(x);
    2138             :   GEN y;
    2139             : 
    2140  3919384447 :   switch(tx)
    2141             :   { /* non recursive types */
    2142  2588368973 :     case t_INT:
    2143  2588368973 :       if (!signe(x)) return NULL; /* special marker */
    2144  1704795324 :       *AVMA = (pari_sp)icopy_avma(x, *AVMA);
    2145  1704995134 :       return (GEN)*AVMA;
    2146          49 :     case t_LIST:
    2147          49 :       if (list_data(x) && !list_nmax(x)) break; /* not finalized, need copy */
    2148             :       /* else finalized: shallow copy */
    2149             :     case t_REAL: case t_STR: case t_VECSMALL:
    2150   466448882 :       *AVMA = (pari_sp)leafcopy_avma(x, *AVMA);
    2151   466443964 :       return (GEN)*AVMA;
    2152             :   }
    2153   864566592 :   y = cgetg_copy_avma(x, &lx, AVMA);
    2154   964732957 :   for(i = 1; i < lontyp[tx]; i++) y[i] = x[i];
    2155  4307269207 :   for (; i<lx; i++) gel(y,i) = gcopy_av0(gel(x,i), AVMA);
    2156   865230034 :   return y;
    2157             : }
    2158             : 
    2159             : INLINE GEN
    2160          12 : icopy_avma_canon(GEN x, pari_sp AVMA)
    2161             : {
    2162          12 :   long i, lx = lgefint(x);
    2163          12 :   GEN y = ((GEN)AVMA) - lx;
    2164          12 :   y[0] = evaltyp(t_INT)|_evallg(lx); /* kills isclone */
    2165          12 :   y[1] = x[1]; x = int_MSW(x);
    2166          24 :   for (i=2; i<lx; i++, x = int_precW(x)) y[i] = *x;
    2167          12 :   return y;
    2168             : }
    2169             : 
    2170             : /* [copy_bin_canon:] same as gcopy_av0, but copy integers in
    2171             :  * canonical (native kernel) form and make a full copy of t_LISTs */
    2172             : static GEN
    2173          32 : gcopy_av0_canon(GEN x, pari_sp *AVMA)
    2174             : {
    2175          32 :   long i, lx, tx = typ(x);
    2176             :   GEN y;
    2177             : 
    2178          32 :   switch(tx)
    2179             :   { /* non recursive types */
    2180          20 :     case t_INT:
    2181          20 :       if (!signe(x)) return NULL; /* special marker */
    2182          12 :       *AVMA = (pari_sp)icopy_avma_canon(x, *AVMA);
    2183          12 :       return (GEN)*AVMA;
    2184           0 :     case t_REAL: case t_STR: case t_VECSMALL:
    2185           0 :       *AVMA = (pari_sp)leafcopy_avma(x, *AVMA);
    2186           0 :       return (GEN)*AVMA;
    2187             : 
    2188             :     /* one more special case */
    2189           4 :     case t_LIST:
    2190             :     {
    2191           4 :       long t = list_typ(x);
    2192           4 :       GEN y = cgetlist_avma(AVMA), z = list_data(x);
    2193           4 :       if (z) {
    2194           0 :         list_data(y) = gcopy_av0_canon(z, AVMA);
    2195           0 :         y[1] = evaltyp(t)|_evallg(lg(z)-1);
    2196             :       } else {
    2197           4 :         list_data(y) = NULL;
    2198           4 :         y[1] = evaltyp(t);
    2199             :       }
    2200           4 :       return y;
    2201             :     }
    2202             :   }
    2203           8 :   y = cgetg_copy_avma(x, &lx, AVMA);
    2204          16 :   for(i = 1; i < lontyp[tx]; i++) y[i] = x[i];
    2205          24 :   for (; i<lx; i++) gel(y,i) = gcopy_av0_canon(gel(x,i), AVMA);
    2206           8 :   return y;
    2207             : }
    2208             : 
    2209             : /* [copy_bin/bin_copy:] size (number of words) required for
    2210             :  * gcopy_av0_canon(x) */
    2211             : static long
    2212          32 : taille0_canon(GEN x)
    2213             : {
    2214          32 :   long i,n,lx, tx = typ(x);
    2215          32 :   switch(tx)
    2216             :   { /* non recursive types */
    2217          20 :     case t_INT: return signe(x)? lgefint(x): 0;
    2218           0 :     case t_REAL:
    2219             :     case t_STR:
    2220           0 :     case t_VECSMALL: return lg(x);
    2221             : 
    2222             :     /* one more special case */
    2223           4 :     case t_LIST:
    2224             :     {
    2225           4 :       GEN L = list_data(x);
    2226           4 :       return L? 3 + taille0_canon(L): 3;
    2227             :     }
    2228             :   }
    2229           8 :   n = lx = lg(x);
    2230          24 :   for (i=lontyp[tx]; i<lx; i++) n += taille0_canon(gel(x,i));
    2231           8 :   return n;
    2232             : }
    2233             : 
    2234             : /* [copy_bin/bin_copy:] size (number of words) required for gcopy_av0(x) */
    2235             : static long
    2236  3919499228 : taille0(GEN x)
    2237             : {
    2238  3919499228 :   long i,n,lx, tx = typ(x);
    2239  3919499228 :   switch(tx)
    2240             :   { /* non recursive types */
    2241  2588601013 :     case t_INT:
    2242  2588601013 :       lx = lgefint(x);
    2243  2588601013 :       return lx == 2? 0: lx;
    2244          49 :     case t_LIST:
    2245             :     {
    2246          49 :       GEN L = list_data(x);
    2247          49 :       if (L && !list_nmax(x)) break; /* not finalized, deep copy */
    2248             :     }
    2249             :     /* else finalized: shallow */
    2250             :     case t_REAL:
    2251             :     case t_STR:
    2252             :     case t_VECSMALL:
    2253   466444508 :       return lg(x);
    2254             :   }
    2255   864453707 :   n = lx = lg(x);
    2256  4306721376 :   for (i=lontyp[tx]; i<lx; i++) n += taille0(gel(x,i));
    2257   864842491 :   return n;
    2258             : }
    2259             : 
    2260             : static long
    2261  3368521661 : gsizeclone_i(GEN x)
    2262             : {
    2263  3368521661 :   long i,n,lx, tx = typ(x);
    2264  3368521661 :   switch(tx)
    2265             :   { /* non recursive types */
    2266  3073147994 :     case t_INT: lx = lgefint(x); return lx == 2? 0: lx;;
    2267    76046499 :     case t_REAL:
    2268             :     case t_STR:
    2269    76046499 :     case t_VECSMALL: return lg(x);
    2270             : 
    2271        7019 :     case t_LIST: return 3;
    2272   219320149 :     default:
    2273   219320149 :       n = lx = lg(x);
    2274  3500757664 :       for (i=lontyp[tx]; i<lx; i++) n += gsizeclone_i(gel(x,i));
    2275   219319283 :       return n;
    2276             :   }
    2277             : }
    2278             : 
    2279             : /* #words needed to clone x; t_LIST is a special case since list_data() is
    2280             :  * malloc'ed later, in list_internal_copy() */
    2281             : static long
    2282   231563934 : gsizeclone(GEN x) { return (typ(x) == t_INT)? lgefint(x): gsizeclone_i(x); }
    2283             : 
    2284             : long
    2285     2214450 : gsizeword(GEN x)
    2286             : {
    2287     2214450 :   long i, n, lx, tx = typ(x);
    2288     2214450 :   switch(tx)
    2289             :   { /* non recursive types */
    2290     1676416 :     case t_INT:
    2291             :     case t_REAL:
    2292             :     case t_STR:
    2293     1676416 :     case t_VECSMALL: return lg(x);
    2294             : 
    2295           7 :     case t_LIST:
    2296           7 :       x = list_data(x);
    2297           7 :       return x? 3 + gsizeword(x): 3;
    2298             : 
    2299      538027 :     default:
    2300      538027 :       n = lx = lg(x);
    2301     2752295 :       for (i=lontyp[tx]; i<lx; i++) n += gsizeword(gel(x,i));
    2302      538027 :       return n;
    2303             :   }
    2304             : }
    2305             : long
    2306         175 : gsizebyte(GEN x) { return gsizeword(x) * sizeof(long); }
    2307             : 
    2308             : /* return a clone of x structured as a gcopy */
    2309             : GENbin*
    2310   477467669 : copy_bin(GEN x)
    2311             : {
    2312   477467669 :   long t = taille0(x);
    2313   477583544 :   GENbin *p = (GENbin*)pari_malloc(sizeof(GENbin) + t*sizeof(long));
    2314   477632367 :   pari_sp AVMA = (pari_sp)(GENbinbase(p) + t);
    2315   477615586 :   p->rebase = &shiftaddress;
    2316   477615586 :   p->len = t;
    2317   477615586 :   p->x   = gcopy_av0(x, &AVMA);
    2318   477572189 :   p->base= (GEN)AVMA; return p;
    2319             : }
    2320             : 
    2321             : /* same, writing t_INT in canonical native form */
    2322             : GENbin*
    2323          16 : copy_bin_canon(GEN x)
    2324             : {
    2325          16 :   long t = taille0_canon(x);
    2326          16 :   GENbin *p = (GENbin*)pari_malloc(sizeof(GENbin) + t*sizeof(long));
    2327          16 :   pari_sp AVMA = (pari_sp)(GENbinbase(p) + t);
    2328          16 :   p->rebase = &shiftaddress_canon;
    2329          16 :   p->len = t;
    2330          16 :   p->x   = gcopy_av0_canon(x, &AVMA);
    2331          16 :   p->base= (GEN)AVMA; return p;
    2332             : }
    2333             : 
    2334             : GEN
    2335   231564491 : gclone(GEN x)
    2336             : {
    2337   231564491 :   long i,lx,tx = typ(x), t = gsizeclone(x);
    2338   231563644 :   GEN y = newblock(t);
    2339   231569709 :   switch(tx)
    2340             :   { /* non recursive types */
    2341   144479119 :     case t_INT:
    2342   144479119 :       lx = lgefint(x);
    2343   144479119 :       y[0] = evaltyp(t_INT)|_evallg(lx);
    2344   876093149 :       for (i=1; i<lx; i++) y[i] = x[i];
    2345   144479119 :       break;
    2346    12498279 :     case t_REAL:
    2347             :     case t_STR:
    2348             :     case t_VECSMALL:
    2349    12498279 :       lx = lg(x);
    2350   134828146 :       for (i=0; i<lx; i++) y[i] = x[i];
    2351    12498279 :       break;
    2352             : 
    2353             :     /* one more special case */
    2354        6403 :     case t_LIST:
    2355        6403 :       y[0] = evaltyp(t_LIST)|_evallg(3);
    2356        6403 :       listassign(x, y);
    2357        6403 :       break;
    2358    74585908 :     default: {
    2359    74585908 :       pari_sp AVMA = (pari_sp)(y + t);
    2360    74585908 :       lx = lg(x);
    2361   151825384 :       for(i = 0; i < lontyp[tx]; i++) y[i] = x[i];
    2362  2803095026 :       for (; i<lx; i++) gel(y,i) = gcopy_avma(gel(x,i), &AVMA);
    2363             :     }
    2364             :   }
    2365   231565546 :   setisclone(y); return y;
    2366             : }
    2367             : 
    2368             : void
    2369  3036887279 : shiftaddress(GEN x, long dec)
    2370             : {
    2371  3036887279 :   long i, lx, tx = typ(x);
    2372  3036887279 :   if (is_recursive_t(tx))
    2373             :   {
    2374   865485759 :     if (tx == t_LIST)
    2375             :     {
    2376          49 :       if (!list_data(x) || list_nmax(x)) return; /* empty or finalized */
    2377             :       /* not finalized, update pointers  */
    2378             :     }
    2379   865485717 :     lx = lg(x);
    2380  4308389309 :     for (i=lontyp[tx]; i<lx; i++) {
    2381  3443080617 :       if (!x[i]) gel(x,i) = gen_0;
    2382             :       else
    2383             :       {
    2384  2588512753 :         x[i] += dec;
    2385  2588512753 :         shiftaddress(gel(x,i), dec);
    2386             :       }
    2387             :     }
    2388             :   }
    2389             : }
    2390             : 
    2391             : void
    2392          24 : shiftaddress_canon(GEN x, long dec)
    2393             : {
    2394          24 :   long i, lx, tx = typ(x);
    2395          24 :   switch(tx)
    2396             :   { /* non recursive types */
    2397          12 :     case t_INT: {
    2398             :       GEN y;
    2399          12 :       lx = lgefint(x); if (lx <= 3) return;
    2400           0 :       y = x + 2;
    2401           0 :       x = int_MSW(x);  if (x == y) return;
    2402           0 :       while (x > y) { lswap(*x, *y); x = int_precW(x); y++; }
    2403           0 :       break;
    2404             :     }
    2405           0 :     case t_REAL:
    2406             :     case t_STR:
    2407             :     case t_VECSMALL:
    2408           0 :       break;
    2409             : 
    2410             :     /* one more special case */
    2411           4 :     case t_LIST: {
    2412           4 :       GEN Lx = list_data(x);
    2413           4 :       if (Lx) {
    2414           0 :         GEN L = (GEN)((long)Lx+dec);
    2415           0 :         shiftaddress_canon(L, dec);
    2416           0 :         list_data(x) = gcopy(L);
    2417             :       }
    2418           4 :       break;
    2419             :     }
    2420           8 :     default: /* Fall through */
    2421           8 :       lx = lg(x);
    2422          24 :       for (i=lontyp[tx]; i<lx; i++) {
    2423          16 :         if (!x[i]) gel(x,i) = gen_0;
    2424             :         else
    2425             :         {
    2426           8 :           x[i] += dec;
    2427           8 :           shiftaddress_canon(gel(x,i), dec);
    2428             :         }
    2429             :       }
    2430             :   }
    2431             : }
    2432             : 
    2433             : /********************************************************************/
    2434             : /**                                                                **/
    2435             : /**                INSERT DYNAMIC OBJECT IN STRUCTURE              **/
    2436             : /**                                                                **/
    2437             : /********************************************************************/
    2438             : GEN
    2439          42 : obj_reinit(GEN S)
    2440             : {
    2441          42 :   GEN s, T = leafcopy(S);
    2442          42 :   long a = lg(T)-1;
    2443          42 :   s = gel(T,a);
    2444          42 :   gel(T,a) = zerovec(lg(s)-1);
    2445          42 :   return T;
    2446             : }
    2447             : 
    2448             : GEN
    2449     1623207 : obj_init(long d, long n)
    2450             : {
    2451     1623207 :   GEN S = cgetg(d+2, t_VEC);
    2452     1623207 :   gel(S, d+1) = zerovec(n);
    2453     1623207 :   return S;
    2454             : }
    2455             : 
    2456             : /* as obj_insert. WITHOUT cloning (for libpari, when creating a *new* obj
    2457             :  * from an existing one) */
    2458             : GEN
    2459     1749596 : obj_insert(GEN S, long K, GEN O)
    2460             : {
    2461     1749596 :   GEN o, v = veclast(S);
    2462     1749596 :   if (typ(v) != t_VEC) pari_err_TYPE("obj_insert", S);
    2463     1749596 :   if (!check_clone(v))
    2464             :   {
    2465           0 :     if (DEBUGLEVEL) pari_warn(warner,"trying to update parent object");
    2466           0 :     return gclone(O);
    2467             :   }
    2468     1749596 :   o = gel(v,K);
    2469     1749596 :   gel(v,K) = gclone(O); /*SIGINT: before unclone(o)*/
    2470     1749596 :   if (isclone(o)) gunclone(o); return gel(v,K);
    2471             : }
    2472             : 
    2473             : GEN
    2474      172977 : obj_insert_shallow(GEN S, long K, GEN O)
    2475             : {
    2476      172977 :   GEN v = veclast(S);
    2477      172977 :   if (typ(v) != t_VEC) pari_err_TYPE("obj_insert", S);
    2478      172977 :   gel(v,K) = O;
    2479      172977 :   return gel(v,K);
    2480             : }
    2481             : 
    2482             : /* Does S [last position] contain data at position K ? Return it, or NULL */
    2483             : GEN
    2484     4532678 : obj_check(GEN S, long K)
    2485             : {
    2486     4532678 :   GEN O, v = veclast(S);
    2487     4532678 :   if (typ(v) != t_VEC || K >= lg(v)) pari_err_TYPE("obj_check", S);
    2488     4532678 :   O = gel(v,K); return isintzero(O)? NULL: O;
    2489             : }
    2490             : 
    2491             : GEN
    2492     1032375 : obj_checkbuild(GEN S, long tag, GEN (*build)(GEN))
    2493             : {
    2494     1032375 :   GEN O = obj_check(S, tag);
    2495     1032375 :   if (!O)
    2496      896597 :   { pari_sp av = avma; O = obj_insert(S, tag, build(S)); set_avma(av); }
    2497     1032368 :   return O;
    2498             : }
    2499             : 
    2500             : GEN
    2501      541947 : obj_checkbuild_prec(GEN S, long tag, GEN (*build)(GEN,long),
    2502             :   long (*pr)(GEN), long prec)
    2503             : {
    2504      541947 :   pari_sp av = avma;
    2505      541947 :   GEN w = obj_check(S, tag);
    2506      541947 :   if (!w || pr(w) < prec) w = obj_insert(S, tag, build(S, prec));
    2507      541947 :   set_avma(av); return gcopy(w);
    2508             : }
    2509             : GEN
    2510      398834 : obj_checkbuild_realprec(GEN S, long tag, GEN (*build)(GEN,long), long prec)
    2511      398834 : { return obj_checkbuild_prec(S,tag,build,gprecision,prec); }
    2512             : GEN
    2513         539 : obj_checkbuild_padicprec(GEN S, long tag, GEN (*build)(GEN,long), long prec)
    2514         539 : { return obj_checkbuild_prec(S,tag,build,padicprec_relative,prec); }
    2515             : 
    2516             : /* Reset S [last position], freeing all clones */
    2517             : void
    2518      186683 : obj_free(GEN S)
    2519             : {
    2520      186683 :   GEN v = veclast(S);
    2521             :   long i;
    2522      186683 :   if (typ(v) != t_VEC) pari_err_TYPE("obj_free", S);
    2523     1207948 :   for (i = 1; i < lg(v); i++)
    2524             :   {
    2525     1021265 :     GEN o = gel(v,i);
    2526     1021265 :     gel(v,i) = gen_0;
    2527     1021265 :     gunclone_deep(o);
    2528             :   }
    2529      186683 : }
    2530             : 
    2531             : /*******************************************************************/
    2532             : /*                                                                 */
    2533             : /*                         STACK MANAGEMENT                        */
    2534             : /*                                                                 */
    2535             : /*******************************************************************/
    2536             : INLINE void
    2537  5982223262 : dec_gerepile(pari_sp *x, pari_sp av0, pari_sp av, pari_sp tetpil, size_t dec)
    2538             : {
    2539  5982223262 :   if (*x < av && *x >= av0)
    2540             :   { /* update address if in stack */
    2541  5078549400 :     if (*x < tetpil) *x += dec;
    2542           0 :     else pari_err_BUG("gerepile, significant pointers lost");
    2543             :   }
    2544  5982224786 : }
    2545             : 
    2546             : void
    2547     6335818 : gerepileallsp(pari_sp av, pari_sp tetpil, int n, ...)
    2548             : {
    2549     6335818 :   const pari_sp av0 = avma;
    2550     6335818 :   const size_t dec = av-tetpil;
    2551             :   int i;
    2552     6335818 :   va_list a; va_start(a, n);
    2553     6335818 :   (void)gerepile(av,tetpil,NULL);
    2554    29644921 :   for (i=0; i<n; i++) dec_gerepile((pari_sp*)va_arg(a,GEN*), av0,av,tetpil,dec);
    2555     6336527 :   va_end(a);
    2556     6336527 : }
    2557             : 
    2558             : /* Takes an array of pointers to GENs, of length n.
    2559             :  * Cleans up the stack between av and tetpil, updating those GENs. */
    2560             : void
    2561    21501721 : gerepilemanysp(pari_sp av, pari_sp tetpil, GEN* gptr[], int n)
    2562             : {
    2563    21501721 :   const pari_sp av0 = avma;
    2564    21501721 :   const size_t dec = av-tetpil;
    2565             :   int i;
    2566    21501721 :   (void)gerepile(av,tetpil,NULL);
    2567    64550953 :   for (i=0; i<n; i++) dec_gerepile((pari_sp*)gptr[i], av0, av, tetpil, dec);
    2568    21505885 : }
    2569             : 
    2570             : /* Takes an array of GENs (cast to longs), of length n.
    2571             :  * Cleans up the stack between av and tetpil, updating those GENs. */
    2572             : void
    2573   321473326 : gerepilecoeffssp(pari_sp av, pari_sp tetpil, long *g, int n)
    2574             : {
    2575   321473326 :   const pari_sp av0 = avma;
    2576   321473326 :   const size_t dec = av-tetpil;
    2577             :   int i;
    2578   321473326 :   (void)gerepile(av,tetpil,NULL);
    2579   964992520 :   for (i=0; i<n; i++,g++) dec_gerepile((pari_sp*)g, av0, av, tetpil, dec);
    2580   321676076 : }
    2581             : 
    2582             : static int
    2583           0 : dochk_gerepileupto(GEN av, GEN x)
    2584             : {
    2585             :   long i,lx,tx;
    2586           0 :   if (!isonstack(x)) return 1;
    2587           0 :   if (x > av)
    2588             :   {
    2589           0 :     pari_warn(warner,"bad object %Ps",x);
    2590           0 :     return 0;
    2591             :   }
    2592           0 :   tx = typ(x);
    2593           0 :   if (! is_recursive_t(tx)) return 1;
    2594             : 
    2595           0 :   lx = lg(x);
    2596           0 :   for (i=lontyp[tx]; i<lx; i++)
    2597           0 :     if (!dochk_gerepileupto(av, gel(x,i)))
    2598             :     {
    2599           0 :       pari_warn(warner,"bad component %ld in object %Ps",i,x);
    2600           0 :       return 0;
    2601             :     }
    2602           0 :   return 1;
    2603             : }
    2604             : /* check that x and all its components are out of stack, or have been
    2605             :  * created after av */
    2606             : int
    2607           0 : chk_gerepileupto(GEN x) { return dochk_gerepileupto(x, x); }
    2608             : 
    2609             : /* print stack between avma & av */
    2610             : void
    2611           0 : dbg_gerepile(pari_sp av)
    2612             : {
    2613           0 :   GEN x = (GEN)avma;
    2614           0 :   while (x < (GEN)av)
    2615             :   {
    2616           0 :     const long tx = typ(x), lx = lg(x);
    2617             :     GEN *a;
    2618             : 
    2619           0 :     pari_printf(" [%ld] %Ps:", x - (GEN)avma, x);
    2620           0 :     if (! is_recursive_t(tx)) { pari_putc('\n'); x += lx; continue; }
    2621           0 :     a = (GEN*)x + lontyp[tx]; x += lx;
    2622           0 :     for (  ; a < (GEN*)x; a++)
    2623             :     {
    2624           0 :       if (*a == gen_0)
    2625           0 :         pari_puts("  gen_0");
    2626           0 :       else if (*a == gen_1)
    2627           0 :         pari_puts("  gen_1");
    2628           0 :       else if (*a == gen_m1)
    2629           0 :         pari_puts("  gen_m1");
    2630           0 :       else if (*a == gen_2)
    2631           0 :         pari_puts("  gen_2");
    2632           0 :       else if (*a == gen_m2)
    2633           0 :         pari_puts("  gen_m2");
    2634           0 :       else if (*a == ghalf)
    2635           0 :         pari_puts("  ghalf");
    2636           0 :       else if (isclone(*a))
    2637           0 :         pari_printf("  %Ps (clone)", *a);
    2638             :       else
    2639           0 :         pari_printf("  %Ps [%ld]", *a, *a - (GEN)avma);
    2640           0 :       if (a+1 < (GEN*)x) pari_putc(',');
    2641             :     }
    2642           0 :     pari_printf("\n");
    2643             :   }
    2644           0 : }
    2645             : void
    2646           0 : dbg_gerepileupto(GEN q)
    2647             : {
    2648           0 :   err_printf("%Ps:\n", q);
    2649           0 :   dbg_gerepile((pari_sp) (q+lg(q)));
    2650           0 : }
    2651             : 
    2652             : GEN
    2653  1268919942 : gerepile(pari_sp av, pari_sp tetpil, GEN q)
    2654             : {
    2655  1268919942 :   const size_t dec = av - tetpil;
    2656  1268919942 :   const pari_sp av0 = avma;
    2657             :   GEN x, a;
    2658             : 
    2659  1268919942 :   if (dec == 0) return q;
    2660  1065558490 :   if ((long)dec < 0) pari_err(e_MISC,"lbot>ltop in gerepile");
    2661             : 
    2662             :   /* dec_gerepile(&q, av0, av, tetpil, dec), saving 1 comparison */
    2663  1065978722 :   if (q >= (GEN)av0 && q < (GEN)tetpil)
    2664   723592128 :     q = (GEN) (((pari_sp)q) + dec);
    2665             : 
    2666 31636947800 :   for (x = (GEN)av, a = (GEN)tetpil; a > (GEN)av0; ) *--x = *--a;
    2667  1065978722 :   set_avma((pari_sp)x);
    2668  6973286249 :   while (x < (GEN)av)
    2669             :   {
    2670  5906385075 :     const long tx = typ(x), lx = lg(x);
    2671             : 
    2672  5906385075 :     if (! is_recursive_t(tx)) { x += lx; continue; }
    2673  1272159530 :     a = x + lontyp[tx]; x += lx;
    2674  6545324681 :     for (  ; a < x; a++) dec_gerepile((pari_sp*)a, av0, av, tetpil, dec);
    2675             :   }
    2676  1066901174 :   return q;
    2677             : }
    2678             : 
    2679             : void
    2680           0 : dbg_fill_stack(void)
    2681             : {
    2682             : #ifdef LONG_IS_64BIT
    2683           0 :   const long JUNK = 0xBADC0FFEE0DDF00D;
    2684             : #else
    2685           0 :   const long JUNK = 0xDEADBEEF;
    2686             : #endif
    2687           0 :   GEN x = ((GEN)pari_mainstack->bot);
    2688           0 :   while (x < (GEN)avma) *x++ = JUNK;
    2689           0 : }
    2690             : 
    2691             : void
    2692           0 : debug_stack(void)
    2693             : {
    2694           0 :   pari_sp top = pari_mainstack->top, bot = pari_mainstack->bot;
    2695             :   GEN z;
    2696           0 :   err_printf("bot=0x%lx\ttop=0x%lx\tavma=0x%lx\n", bot, top, avma);
    2697           0 :   for (z = ((GEN)top)-1; z >= (GEN)avma; z--)
    2698           0 :     err_printf("%p:\t0x%lx\t%lu\n",z,*z,*z);
    2699           0 : }
    2700             : 
    2701             : void
    2702      335900 : setdebugvar(long n) { DEBUGVAR=n; }
    2703             : 
    2704             : long
    2705      335981 : getdebugvar(void) { return DEBUGVAR; }
    2706             : 
    2707             : long
    2708           7 : getstack(void) { return pari_mainstack->top-avma; }
    2709             : 
    2710             : /*******************************************************************/
    2711             : /*                                                                 */
    2712             : /*                               timer_delay                             */
    2713             : /*                                                                 */
    2714             : /*******************************************************************/
    2715             : 
    2716             : #if defined(USE_CLOCK_GETTIME)
    2717             : #if defined(_POSIX_THREAD_CPUTIME)
    2718             : static THREAD clockid_t time_type = CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID;
    2719             : #else
    2720             : static const THREAD clockid_t time_type = CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID;
    2721             : #endif
    2722             : static void
    2723             : pari_init_timer(void)
    2724             : {
    2725             : #if defined(_POSIX_THREAD_CPUTIME)
    2726             :   time_type = CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID;
    2727             : #endif
    2728             : }
    2729             : 
    2730             : void
    2731             : timer_start(pari_timer *T)
    2732             : {
    2733             :   struct timespec t;
    2734             :   clock_gettime(time_type,&t);
    2735             :   T->us = t.tv_nsec / 1000;
    2736             :   T->s  = t.tv_sec;
    2737             : }
    2738             : #elif defined(USE_GETRUSAGE)
    2739             : #ifdef RUSAGE_THREAD
    2740             : static THREAD int rusage_type = RUSAGE_THREAD;
    2741             : #else
    2742             : static const THREAD int rusage_type = RUSAGE_SELF;
    2743             : #endif /*RUSAGE_THREAD*/
    2744             : static void
    2745        1893 : pari_init_timer(void)
    2746             : {
    2747             : #ifdef RUSAGE_THREAD
    2748        1893 :   rusage_type = RUSAGE_SELF;
    2749             : #endif
    2750        1893 : }
    2751             : 
    2752             : void
    2753      354178 : timer_start(pari_timer *T)
    2754             : {
    2755             :   struct rusage r;
    2756      354178 :   getrusage(rusage_type,&r);
    2757      354180 :   T->us = r.ru_utime.tv_usec;
    2758      354180 :   T->s  = r.ru_utime.tv_sec;
    2759      354180 : }
    2760             : #elif defined(USE_FTIME)
    2761             : 
    2762             : static void
    2763             : pari_init_timer(void) { }
    2764             : 
    2765             : void
    2766             : timer_start(pari_timer *T)
    2767             : {
    2768             :   struct timeb t;
    2769             :   ftime(&t);
    2770             :   T->us = ((long)t.millitm) * 1000;
    2771             :   T->s  = t.time;
    2772             : }
    2773             : 
    2774             : #else
    2775             : 
    2776             : static void
    2777             : _get_time(pari_timer *T, long Ticks, long TickPerSecond)
    2778             : {
    2779             :   T->us = (long) ((Ticks % TickPerSecond) * (1000000. / TickPerSecond));
    2780             :   T->s  = Ticks / TickPerSecond;
    2781             : }
    2782             : 
    2783             : # ifdef USE_TIMES
    2784             : static void
    2785             : pari_init_timer(void) { }
    2786             : 
    2787             : void
    2788             : timer_start(pari_timer *T)
    2789             : {
    2790             : # ifdef _SC_CLK_TCK
    2791             :   long tck = sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK);
    2792             : # else
    2793             :   long tck = CLK_TCK;
    2794             : # endif
    2795             :   struct tms t; times(&t);
    2796             :   _get_time(T, t.tms_utime, tck);
    2797             : }
    2798             : # elif defined(_WIN32)
    2799             : static void
    2800             : pari_init_timer(void) { }
    2801             : 
    2802             : void
    2803             : timer_start(pari_timer *T)
    2804             : { _get_time(T, win32_timer(), 1000); }
    2805             : # else
    2806             : #  include <time.h>
    2807             : #  ifndef CLOCKS_PER_SEC
    2808             : #   define CLOCKS_PER_SEC 1000000 /* may be false on YOUR system */
    2809             : #  endif
    2810             : static void
    2811             : pari_init_timer(void) { }
    2812             : 
    2813             : void
    2814             : timer_start(pari_timer *T)
    2815             : { _get_time(T, clock(), CLOCKS_PER_SEC); }
    2816             : # endif
    2817             : #endif
    2818             : 
    2819             : /* round microseconds to milliseconds */
    2820             : static long
    2821      218157 : rndus(long x) { return (x + 500) / 1000; }
    2822             : static long
    2823      218149 : timer_aux(pari_timer *T, pari_timer *U, void (*settime)(pari_timer *))
    2824             : {
    2825      218149 :   long s = T->s, us = T->us;
    2826      218149 :   settime(U); return 1000 * (U->s - s) + rndus(U->us - us);
    2827             : }
    2828             : 
    2829             : /* return delay, set timer checkpoint */
    2830             : long
    2831      109971 : timer_delay(pari_timer *T) { return timer_aux(T, T, &timer_start); }
    2832             : /* return delay, don't set checkpoint */
    2833             : long
    2834        1911 : timer_get(pari_timer *T) {pari_timer t; return timer_aux(T, &t, &timer_start);}
    2835             : 
    2836             : static void
    2837           0 : timer_vprintf(pari_timer *T, const char *format, va_list args)
    2838             : {
    2839           0 :   out_puts(pariErr, "Time ");
    2840           0 :   out_vprintf(pariErr, format,args);
    2841           0 :   out_printf(pariErr, ": %ld\n", timer_delay(T));
    2842           0 :   pariErr->flush();
    2843           0 : }
    2844             : void
    2845           0 : timer_printf(pari_timer *T, const char *format, ...)
    2846             : {
    2847           0 :   va_list args; va_start(args, format);
    2848           0 :   timer_vprintf(T, format, args);
    2849           0 :   va_end(args);
    2850           0 : }
    2851             : 
    2852             : long
    2853           0 : timer(void)  { static THREAD pari_timer T; return timer_delay(&T);}
    2854             : long
    2855        3704 : gettime(void)  { static THREAD pari_timer T; return timer_delay(&T);}
    2856             : 
    2857             : static THREAD pari_timer timer2_T, abstimer_T;
    2858             : long
    2859           0 : timer2(void) {  return timer_delay(&timer2_T);}
    2860             : void
    2861           0 : msgtimer(const char *format, ...)
    2862             : {
    2863           0 :   va_list args; va_start(args, format);
    2864           0 :   timer_vprintf(&timer2_T, format, args);
    2865           0 :   va_end(args);
    2866           0 : }
    2867             : long
    2868        1905 : getabstime(void)  { return timer_get(&abstimer_T);}
    2869             : 
    2870             : void
    2871      249338 : walltimer_start(pari_timer *ti)
    2872             : {
    2873             : #if defined(USE_CLOCK_GETTIME)
    2874             :   struct timespec t;
    2875             :   if (!clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME,&t))
    2876             :   { ti->s = t.tv_sec; ti->us = rndus(t.tv_nsec); return; }
    2877             : #elif defined(USE_GETTIMEOFDAY)
    2878             :   struct timeval tv;
    2879      249338 :   if (!gettimeofday(&tv, NULL))
    2880      249338 :   {  ti->s = tv.tv_sec; ti->us = tv.tv_usec; return; }
    2881             : #elif defined(USE_FTIMEFORWALLTIME)
    2882             :   struct timeb tp;
    2883             :   if (!ftime(&tp))
    2884             :   { ti->s = tp.time; ti->us = tp.millitm*1000; return; }
    2885             : #endif
    2886           0 :   timer_start(ti);
    2887             : }
    2888             : /* return delay, set timer checkpoint */
    2889             : long
    2890      106267 : walltimer_delay(pari_timer *T) { return timer_aux(T, T, &walltimer_start); }
    2891             : /* return delay, don't set checkpoint */
    2892             : long
    2893           0 : walltimer_get(pari_timer *T)
    2894             : {
    2895             :   pari_timer t;
    2896           0 :   return timer_aux(T, &t, &walltimer_start);
    2897             : }
    2898             : 
    2899             : static GEN
    2900           8 : timetoi(ulong s, ulong m)
    2901             : {
    2902           8 :   pari_sp av = avma;
    2903           8 :   return gerepileuptoint(av, addiu(muluu(s, 1000), m));
    2904             : }
    2905             : GEN
    2906           8 : getwalltime(void)
    2907             : {
    2908             :   pari_timer ti;
    2909           8 :   walltimer_start(&ti);
    2910           8 :   return timetoi(ti.s, rndus(;
    2911             : }
    2912             : 
    2913             : /*******************************************************************/
    2914             : /*                                                                 */
    2915             : /*                   FUNCTIONS KNOWN TO THE ANALYZER               */
    2916             : /*                                                                 */
    2917             : /*******************************************************************/
    2918             : 
    2919             : GEN
    2920         127 : setdebug(const char *s, long n)
    2921             : {
    2922         127 :   long i, l = numberof(pari_DEBUGLEVEL_str);
    2923             :   GEN V, V1, V2;
    2924         127 :   if (s)
    2925             :   {
    2926         120 :     if (n > 20)
    2927           0 :       pari_err_DOMAIN("setdebug", "n", ">", utoipos(20), stoi(n));
    2928        2276 :     for (i = 0; i < l; i++)
    2929        2248 :       if (!strcmp(s, pari_DEBUGLEVEL_str[i])) break;
    2930         120 :     if (i == l)
    2931          28 :       pari_err_DOMAIN("setdebug", s, "not a valid",
    2932             :                       strtoGENstr("debug domain"), strtoGENstr(s));
    2933          92 :     if (n >= 0) { *pari_DEBUGLEVEL_ptr[i] = n; return gnil; }
    2934          42 :     return stoi(*pari_DEBUGLEVEL_ptr[i]);
    2935             :   }
    2936           7 :   V = cgetg(3,t_MAT);
    2937           7 :   V1 = gel(V,1) = cgetg(l+1, t_COL);
    2938           7 :   V2 = gel(V,2) = cgetg(l+1, t_COL);
    2939         427 :   for (i = 0; i < l; i++)
    2940             :   {
    2941         420 :     gel(V1, i+1) = strtoGENstr(pari_DEBUGLEVEL_str[i]);
    2942         420 :     gel(V2, i+1) = stoi(*pari_DEBUGLEVEL_ptr[i]);
    2943             :   }
    2944           7 :   return V;
    2945             : }
    2946             : 
    2947             : GEN
    2948           7 : pari_version(void)
    2949             : {
    2950           7 :   const ulong mask = (1UL<<PARI_VERSION_SHIFT) - 1;
    2951           7 :   ulong major, minor, patch, n = paricfg_version_code;
    2952           7 :   patch = n & mask; n >>= PARI_VERSION_SHIFT;
    2953           7 :   minor = n & mask; n >>= PARI_VERSION_SHIFT;
    2954           7 :   major = n;
    2955           7 :   if (*paricfg_vcsversion) {
    2956           7 :     const char *ver = paricfg_vcsversion;
    2957           7 :     const char *s = strchr(ver, '-');
    2958             :     char t[8];
    2959           7 :     const long len = s-ver;
    2960             :     GEN v;
    2961           7 :     if (!s || len > 6) pari_err_BUG("pari_version()"); /* paranoia */
    2962           7 :     memcpy(t, ver, len); t[len] = 0;
    2963           7 :     v = cgetg(6, t_VEC);
    2964           7 :     gel(v,1) = utoi(major);
    2965           7 :     gel(v,2) = utoi(minor);
    2966           7 :     gel(v,3) = utoi(patch);
    2967           7 :     gel(v,4) = stoi( atoi(t) );
    2968           7 :     gel(v,5) = strtoGENstr(s+1);
    2969           7 :     return v;
    2970             :   } else {
    2971           0 :     GEN v = cgetg(4, t_VEC);
    2972           0 :     gel(v,1) = utoi(major);
    2973           0 :     gel(v,2) = utoi(minor);
    2974           0 :     gel(v,3) = utoi(patch);
    2975           0 :     return v;
    2976             :   }
    2977             : }
    2978             : 
    2979             : /* List of GP functions: generated from the description system.
    2980             :  * Format (struct entree) :
    2981             :  *   char *name   : name (under GP).
    2982             :  *   ulong valence: (EpNEW, EpALIAS,EpVAR, EpINSTALL)|EpSTATIC
    2983             :  *   void *value  : For PREDEFINED FUNCTIONS: C function to call.
    2984             :  *                  For USER FUNCTIONS: pointer to defining data (block) =
    2985             :  *                   entree*: NULL, list of entree (arguments), NULL
    2986             :  *                   char*  : function text
    2987             :  *   long menu    : which help section do we belong to
    2988             :  *                   1: Standard monadic or dyadic OPERATORS
    2989             :  *                   2: CONVERSIONS and similar elementary functions
    2990             :  *                   3: functions related to COMBINATORICS
    2991             :  *                   4: TRANSCENDENTAL functions, etc.
    2992             :  *   char *code   : GP prototype, aka Parser Code (see libpari's manual)
    2993             :  *                  if NULL, use valence instead.
    2994             :  *   char *help   : short help text (init to NULL).
    2995             :  *   void *pvalue : push_val history.
    2996             :  *   long arity   : maximum number of arguments.
    2997             :  *   entree *next : next entree (init to NULL, used in hashing code). */
    2998             : #include "init.h"
    2999             : #include "default.h"

Generated by: LCOV version 1.16