John Cremona on Mon, 12 Jul 2010 14:50:33 +0200

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Re: Dirichlet L-Functions

Apologies, I gave Vladimir Dokchitser's URL instead of his brother's
which is


On 12 July 2010 13:40, John Cremona <> wrote:
> Tim Dokchitser's address is now Cambridge:
> Also, Jeroen Demeyer and I have just yesterday edited Dokchitser's
> script so that it works with version 2.4.3;  I have
> attached the edited version here (which I sent to Tim today).
> John Cremona
> On 12 July 2010 13:04, Karim Belabas <> wrote:
>> * Charles Greathouse [2010-07-09 18:04]:
>>> 1. Is there a good way to compute a Dirichlet L-function in Pari?  In
>>> particular, I'd like to calculate one with chi = kronecker(D, p) and
>>> fixed D and s.
>> There are two "simple" ways, both available in the archive of
>> Contributed GP scripts,
>> Specifically, item #2 (by Henri Cohen):
>> and #3 (by Tim Dokchitser)
>>> 2. (Encroaching on pari-dev) If the answer to #1 is negative, and I
>>> write a function implementing it, should I submit it for inclusion in
>>> future versions?
>> Pascal Molin, a student of mine, is working on a more general
>> implementation of Dokchitser's script (with new ideas of his, as well as
>> from Booker, Rubinstein, and others), which will be directly available
>> in the PARI/GP package.
>> If you devise specific improvements to script #2 above, you may send
>> patches to me. (Script #3 is maintained directly by Tim Dokchitser.)
>> Cheers,
>>    K.B.
>> --
>> Karim Belabas, IMB (UMR 5251)  Tel: (+33) (0)5 40 00 26 17
>> Universite Bordeaux 1          Fax: (+33) (0)5 40 00 69 50
>> 351, cours de la Liberation
>> F-33405 Talence (France)  [PARI/GP]
>> `