Laël Cellier on Sun, 19 Jan 2025 11:58:52 +0100

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Is it possible to have several solutions in this way to this equation using Pari/ɢᴘ ?


I’ve the following equation where the aim is to find alpha and beta as integers given w and v as integers

alpha == w (v + w beta)

Of course finding several solution for the equation above is possible, but then I want nfroots() to return a second set of possible results given c and b and where x is an unknow


So I need to find several possible valid values of alpha and beta such as a different set of roots from xx are found in the last step based on different alpha and beta. Is it something possible ? If yes, how to do it 

currently, I’m using this code to find alpha and beta :


where W is a perfect square and V an integer.