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bernfrac   bernpol   bernreal   bernvec   binomial   eulerfrac   eulerianpol   eulerpol   eulerreal   eulervec   fibonacci   hammingweight   harmonic   numbpart   numtoperm   partitions   permcycles   permorder   permsign   permtonum   stirling  

Permutations are represented in gp as t_VECSMALLs and can be input directly as Vecsmall([1,3,2,4]) or obtained from the iterator forperm:

  ? forperm(3, p, print(p))  \\ iterate through S3
  Vecsmall([1, 2, 3])
  Vecsmall([1, 3, 2])
  Vecsmall([2, 1, 3])
  Vecsmall([2, 3, 1])
  Vecsmall([3, 1, 2])
  Vecsmall([3, 2, 1])

Permutations can be multiplied via *, raised to some power using ^, inverted using ^(-1), conjugated as p * q * p^(-1). Their order and signature is available via permorder and permsign.

bernfrac HOME   TOP

Bernoulli number Bn, where B0 = 1, B1 = -1/2, B2 = 1/6,..., expressed as a rational number. The argument n should be a nonnegative integer. The function bervec creates a cache of successive Bernoulli numbers which greatly speeds up later calls to bernfrac:

  ? bernfrac(20000);
  time = 107 ms.
  ? bernvec(10000); \\ cache B0, B2, ..., B_20000
  time = 35,957 ms.
  ? bernfrac(20000); \\ now instantaneous

The library syntax is GEN bernfrac(long n).

bernpol HOME   TOP

Bernoulli polynomial Bn in variable v.

  ? bernpol(1)
  %1 = x - 1/2
  ? bernpol(3)
  %2 = x^3 - 3/2*x^2 + 1/2*x

The library syntax is GEN bernpol(long n, long v = -1) where v is a variable number.

bernreal HOME   TOP

Bernoulli number Bn, as bernfrac, but Bn is returned as a real number (with the current precision). The argument n should be a nonnegative integer. The function slows down as the precision increases:

  ? \p1000
  ? bernreal(200000);
  time = 5 ms.
  ? \p10000
  ? bernreal(200000);
  time = 18 ms.
  ? \p100000
  ? bernreal(200000);
  time = 84 ms.

The library syntax is GEN bernreal(long n, long prec).

bernvec HOME   TOP

Returns a vector containing, as rational numbers, the Bernoulli numbers B0, B2,..., B2n:

  ? bernvec(5) \\ B0, B2..., B_10
  %1 = [1, 1/6, -1/30, 1/42, -1/30, 5/66]
  ? bernfrac(10)
  %2 = 5/66

This routine uses a lot of memory but is much faster than repeated calls to bernfrac:

  ? forstep(n = 2, 10000, 2, bernfrac(n))
  time = 18,245 ms.
  ? bernvec(5000);
  time = 1,338 ms.

The computed Bernoulli numbers are stored in an incremental cache which makes later calls to bernfrac and bernreal instantaneous in the cache range: re-running the same previous bernfracs after the bernvec call gives:

  ? forstep(n = 2, 10000, 2, bernfrac(n))
  time = 1 ms.

The time and space complexity of this function are Õ(n^2); in the feasible range n ≤ 10^5 (requires about two hours), the practical time complexity is closer to Õ(nlog2 6).

The library syntax is GEN bernvec(long n).

binomial HOME   TOP

binomial coefficient binom{x}{k}. Here k must be an integer, but x can be any PARI object.

  ? binomial(4,2)
  %1 = 6
  ? n = 4; vector(n+1, k, binomial(n,k-1))
  %2 = [1, 4, 6, 4, 1]

The argument k may be omitted if x = n is a nonnegative integer; in this case, return the vector with n+1 components whose k+1-th entry is binomial(n,k)

  ? binomial(4)
  %3 = [1, 4, 6, 4, 1]

The library syntax is GEN binomial0(GEN x, GEN k = NULL).

eulerfrac HOME   TOP

Euler number En, where E0 = 1, E1 = 0, E2 = -1,..., are integers such that (1)/(cosh t) = ∑n ≥ 0 (En)/(n!) t^n. The argument n should be a nonnegative integer.

  ? vector(10,i,eulerfrac(i))
  %1 = [0, -1, 0, 5, 0, -61, 0, 1385, 0, -50521]
  ? eulerfrac(20000);
  ? sizedigit(%))
  %3 = 73416

The library syntax is GEN eulerfrac(long n).

eulerianpol HOME   TOP

Eulerian polynomial An in variable v.

  ? eulerianpol(2)
  %1 = x + 1
  ? eulerianpol(5, 't)
  %2 = t^4 + 26*t^3 + 66*t^2 + 26*t + 1

The library syntax is GEN eulerianpol(long n, long v = -1) where v is a variable number.

eulerpol HOME   TOP

Euler polynomial En in variable v.

  ? eulerpol(1)
  %1 = x - 1/2
  ? eulerpol(3)
  %2 = x^3 - 3/2*x^2 + 1/4

The library syntax is GEN eulerpol(long n, long v = -1) where v is a variable number.

eulerreal HOME   TOP

Euler number En, where E0 = 1, E1 = 0, E2 = -1,..., are integers such that (1)/(cosh t) = ∑n ≥ 0 (En)/(n!) t^n. The argument n should be a nonnegative integer. Return En as a real number (with the current precision).

  ? sizedigit(eulerfrac(20000))
  %1 = 73416
  ? eulerreal(20000);
  %2 = 9.2736664576330851823546169139003297830 E73414

The library syntax is GEN eulerreal(long n, long prec).

eulervec HOME   TOP

Returns a vector containing the nonzero Euler numbers E0, E2,..., E2n:

  ? eulervec(5) \\ E0, E2..., E_10
  %1 = [1, -1, 5, -61, 1385, -50521]
  ? eulerfrac(10)
  %2 = -50521

This routine uses more memory but is faster than repeated calls to eulerfrac:

  ? forstep(n = 2, 8000, 2, eulerfrac(n))
  time = 27,3801ms.
  ? eulervec(4000);
  time = 8,430 ms.

The computed Euler numbers are stored in an incremental cache which makes later calls to eulerfrac and eulerreal instantaneous in the cache range: re-running the same previous eulerfracs after the eulervec call gives:

  ? forstep(n = 2, 10000, 2, eulerfrac(n))
  time = 0 ms.

The library syntax is GEN eulervec(long n).

fibonacci HOME   TOP

x-th Fibonacci number.

The library syntax is GEN fibo(long x).

hammingweight HOME   TOP

If x is a t_INT, return the binary Hamming weight of |x|. Otherwise x must be of type t_POL, t_VEC, t_COL, t_VECSMALL, or t_MAT and the function returns the number of nonzero coefficients of x.

  ? hammingweight(15)
  %1 = 4
  ? hammingweight(x^100 + 2*x + 1)
  %2 = 3
  ? hammingweight([Mod(1,2), 2, Mod(0,3)])
  %3 = 2
  ? hammingweight(matid(100))
  %4 = 100

The library syntax is long hammingweight(GEN x).

harmonic HOME   TOP

Generalized harmonic number of index n ≥ 0 in power r, as a rational number. If r = 1 (or omitted), this is the harmonic number Hn = ∑i = 1^n (1)/(i). In general, this is Hn,r = ∑i = 1^n (1)/(i^r). The function runs in time Õ(r n), essentially linear in the size of the output.

  ? harmonic(0)
  %1 = 0
  ? harmonic(1)
  %2 = 1
  ? harmonic(10)
  %3 = 7381/2520
  ? harmonic(10, 2)
  %4 = 1968329/1270080
  ? harmonic(10, -2)
  %5 = 385

Note that the numerator and denominator are of order exp((r+o(1))n) and this will overflow for large n. To obtain Hn as a floating point number, use Hn = psi(n+1) + Euler.

The library syntax is GEN harmonic0(ulong n, GEN r = NULL). Also available is GEN harmonic(ulong n) for r = 1.

numbpart HOME   TOP

Gives the number of unrestricted partitions of n, usually called p(n) in the literature; in other words the number of nonnegative integer solutions to a+2b+3c+.. .= n. n must be of type integer and n < 1015 (with trivial values p(n) = 0 for n < 0 and p(0) = 1). The algorithm uses the Hardy-Ramanujan-Rademacher formula. To explicitly enumerate them, see partitions.

The library syntax is GEN numbpart(GEN n).

numtoperm HOME   TOP

Generates the k-th permutation (as a row vector of length n) of the numbers 1 to n. The number k is taken modulo n!, i.e. inverse function of permtonum. The numbering used is the standard lexicographic ordering, starting at 0.

The library syntax is GEN numtoperm(long n, GEN k).

partitions HOME   TOP

Returns the vector of partitions of the integer k as a sum of positive integers (parts); for k < 0, it returns the empty set [], and for k = 0 the trivial partition (no parts). A partition is given by a t_VECSMALL, where parts are sorted in nondecreasing order:

  ? partitions(3)
  %1 = [Vecsmall([3]), Vecsmall([1, 2]), Vecsmall([1, 1, 1])]

correspond to 3, 1+2 and 1+1+1. The number of (unrestricted) partitions of k is given by numbpart:

  ? #partitions(50)
  %1 = 204226
  ? numbpart(50)
  %2 = 204226

Optional parameters n and a are as follows:

* n = nmax (resp. n = [nmin,nmax]) restricts partitions to length less than nmax (resp. length between nmin and nmax), where the length is the number of nonzero entries.

* a = amax (resp. a = [amin,amax]) restricts the parts to integers less than amax (resp. between amin and amax).

  ? partitions(4, 2)  \\ parts bounded by 2
  %1 = [Vecsmall([2, 2]), Vecsmall([1, 1, 2]), Vecsmall([1, 1, 1, 1])]
  ? partitions(4,, 2) \\ at most 2 parts
  %2 = [Vecsmall([4]), Vecsmall([1, 3]), Vecsmall([2, 2])]
  ? partitions(4,[0,3], 2) \\ at most 2 parts
  %3 = [Vecsmall([4]), Vecsmall([1, 3]), Vecsmall([2, 2])]

By default, parts are positive and we remove zero entries unless amin ≤ 0, in which case nmin is ignored and we fix #X = nmax:

  ? partitions(4, [0,3])  \\ parts between 0 and 3
  %1 = [Vecsmall([0, 0, 1, 3]), Vecsmall([0, 0, 2, 2]),\
        Vecsmall([0, 1, 1, 2]), Vecsmall([1, 1, 1, 1])]
  ? partitions(1, [0,3], [2,4]) \\ no partition with 2 to 4 nonzero parts
  %2 = []

The library syntax is GEN partitions(long k, GEN a = NULL, GEN n = NULL).

permcycles HOME   TOP

Given a permutation x on n elements, return the orbits of {1,...,n} under the action of x as cycles.

  ? permcycles(Vecsmall([1,2,3]))
  %1 = [Vecsmall([1]),Vecsmall([2]),Vecsmall([3])]
  ? permcycles(Vecsmall([2,3,1]))
  %2 = [Vecsmall([1,2,3])]
  ? permcycles(Vecsmall([2,1,3]))
  %3 = [Vecsmall([1,2]),Vecsmall([3])]

The library syntax is GEN permcycles(GEN x).

permorder HOME   TOP

Given a permutation x on n elements, return its order.

  ? p = Vecsmall([3,1,4,2,5]);
  ? p^2
  %2 = Vecsmall([4,3,2,1,5])
  ? p^4
  %3 = Vecsmall([1,2,3,4,5])
  ? permorder(p)
  %4 = 4

The library syntax is GEN permorder(GEN x).

permsign HOME   TOP

Given a permutation x on n elements, return its signature.

  ? p = Vecsmall([3,1,4,2,5]);
  ? permsign(p)
  %2 = -1
  ? permsign(p^2)
  %3 = 1

The library syntax is long permsign(GEN x).

permtonum HOME   TOP

Given a permutation x on n elements, gives the number k such that x = numtoperm(n,k), i.e. inverse function of numtoperm. The numbering used is the standard lexicographic ordering, starting at 0.

The library syntax is GEN permtonum(GEN x).

stirling HOME   TOP

Stirling number of the first kind s(n,k) (flag = 1, default) or of the second kind S(n,k) (flag = 2), where n, k are nonnegative integers. The former is (-1)n-k times the number of permutations of n symbols with exactly k cycles; the latter is the number of ways of partitioning a set of n elements into k nonempty subsets. Note that if all s(n,k) are needed, it is much faster to compute ∑k s(n,k) x^k = x(x-1)...(x-n+1). Similarly, if a large number of S(n,k) are needed for the same k, one should use ∑n S(n,k) x^n = (x^k)/((1-x)...(1-kx)). (Should be implemented using a divide and conquer product.) Here are simple variants for n fixed:

  /* list of s(n,k), k = 1..n */
  vecstirling(n) = Vec( factorback(vector(n-1,i,1-i*'x)) )
  /* list of S(n,k), k = 1..n */
  vecstirling2(n) =
  { my(Q = x^(n-1), t);
    vector(n, i, t = divrem(Q, x-i); Q=t[1]; simplify(t[2]));
  /* Bell numbers, Bn = B[n+1] = sum(k = 0, n, S(n,k)), n = 0..N */
  { my (B = vector(N+1));
    B[1] = B[2] = 1;
    for (n = 2, N,
      my (C = binomial(n-1));
      B[n+1] = sum(k = 1, n, C[k]*B[k]);
    ); B;

The library syntax is GEN stirling(long n, long k, long flag). Also available are GEN stirling1(ulong n, ulong k) (flag = 1) and GEN stirling2(ulong n, ulong k) (flag = 2).