Code coverage tests

This page documents the degree to which the PARI/GP source code is tested by our public test suite, distributed with the source distribution in directory src/test/. This is measured by the gcov utility; we then process gcov output using the lcov frond-end.

We test a few variants depending on Configure flags on the machine (x86_64 architecture), and agregate them in the final report:

The target is to exceed 90% coverage for all mathematical modules (given that branches depending on DEBUGLEVEL or DEBUGMEM are not covered). This script is run to produce the results below.

LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - language - init.c (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: PARI/GP v2.18.1 lcov report (development 29950-285c5b69ed) Lines: 1150 1496 76.9 %
Date: 2025-02-05 09:09:51 Functions: 135 162 83.3 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

Function Name Sort by function name Hit count Sort by hit count
bl_rotleft 63890363
bl_rotright 60868661
blockbalance 2744881711
blockdelete 1523985939
blockheight 11437490868
blockinsert 1665106570
blocksearch 753922317
cgetg_copy_avma 1006686899
cgetlist_avma 620
check_clone 1749141
chk_gerepileupto 0
clone_lock 377167877
clone_unlock 317835765
clone_unlock_deep 59316011
copy_bin 476929210
copy_bin_canon 16
dbg_fill_stack 0
dbg_gerepile 0
dbg_gerepileupto 0
debug_stack 0
dec_gerepile 5017939005
dflt_err_recover 0
dflt_pari_quit 0
dflt_sigint_fun 0
dochk_gerepileupto 0
err_init 13543
err_init_msg 13403
err_recover 12769
errname 27109
export_add 59
export_del 24
export_get 1500
exportall 6
f_getheap 6664
fix_height 2973906417
fix_size 672732
gclone 231519306
gclone_refc 0
gcloneref 37887
gcopy 4501078713
gcopy_av0 3909193699
gcopy_av0_canon 32
gcopy_avma 3277829085
gcopy_lg 742
gdisplay 3689
gerepile 1200830521
gerepileallsp 6332761
gerepilecoeffssp 307181691
gerepilemanysp 21500192
getabstime 1884
getdebugvar 334068
getheap 84
getstack 7
gettime 3662
getwalltime 8
gp_context_restore 12844
gp_context_save 141786
gsizebyte 175
gsizeclone 231519114
gsizeclone_i 3365298512
gsizeword 2214450
gunclone 382443670
gunclone_deep 3251422793
icopy_avma_canon 12
init_universal_constants 1872
list_internal_copy 7019
listassign 7019
listcopy 730
listinit 0
msgtimer 0
name_numerr 0
new_chunk_resize 14
newblock 232283556
numerr_name 27109
obj_check 4513676
obj_checkbuild 1032383
obj_checkbuild_padicprec 539
obj_checkbuild_prec 534815
obj_checkbuild_realprec 398834
obj_free 186683
obj_init 1622929
obj_insert 1749141
obj_insert_shallow 172963
obj_reinit 42
os_signal 20532
pari_add_defaults_module 1872
pari_add_module 1862
pari_close 1862
pari_close_blocks 330560
pari_close_export 1862
pari_close_opts 1862
pari_daemon 76
pari_err 56534
pari_err2GEN 56522
pari_err2str 21568
pari_err_display 12790
pari_err_last 87482
pari_exit 0
pari_handle_SIGINT 0
pari_init 0
pari_init_blocks 335936
pari_init_defaults 1872
pari_init_errcatch 336367
pari_init_export 1872
pari_init_functions 1872
pari_init_opts 1872
pari_init_timer 1872
pari_mainstack_alloc 336371
pari_mainstack_free 336361
pari_mainstack_malloc 336371
pari_mainstack_mextend 454324
pari_mainstack_mfree 336361
pari_mainstack_mreset 454324
pari_mainstack_resize 431
pari_mainstack_setsize 454324
pari_mainstack_use 335934
pari_sig_init 3734
pari_sighandler 0
pari_sigint 0
pari_stackcheck_init 337800
pari_thread_alloc 334068
pari_thread_close 335049
pari_thread_free 334068
pari_thread_get_global 334068
pari_thread_init 335932
pari_thread_set_global 333981
pari_thread_start 334065
pari_thread_valloc 0
pari_version 7
pari_warn 753
paristack_alloc 1872
paristack_newrsize 438
paristack_resize 0
paristack_setsize 0
parivstack_reset 117953
parivstack_resize 0
pop_entree_block 368305
rndus 215070
setalldebug 1900
setdebug 127
setdebugvar 333986
shiftaddress 3035586417
shiftaddress_canon 24
taille0 3908989232
taille0_canon 32
timer 0
timer2 0
timer_aux 215062
timer_delay 108417
timer_get 1890
timer_printf 0
timer_start 350617
timer_vprintf 0
timetoi 8
traverseheap 84
traverseheap_r 13412
type_dim 7308
unexportall 6
vec_gunclone_deep 128134206
walltimer_delay 104755
walltimer_get 0
walltimer_start 245894

Generated by: LCOV version 1.16