hermann on Tue, 16 Jul 2024 10:58:42 +0200

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Re: vector of t_FRAC questions

On 2024-07-16 10:18, Karim Belabas wrote:

Detailed doc "??gcd" mentions t_VEC only if x and y are passed.

Not sure what you mean here:

(08:44) gp > ??gcd

Creates the greatest common divisor of x and y. If you also need the u and v such that x*u + y*v = gcd(x,y), use the gcdext function. x and y can have rather quite general types, for instance both rational numbers. If y is omitted and x is a vector, returns the gcd of all components of x, i.e. this is
equivalent to content(x). [...]



Thanks, you are absolutely right.
I am victim of very slow dvi viewer that gets opened on "??gcd", which displays
at a very small font. Increasing window and zooming takes a lot of time.
I missed that last sentence you showed, which describes behavior exactly.

How can I get "??gcd" help in terminal instead of dvi viewer?

Nice, "d/gcd(d)" seems to always scale (valid) vector of t_FRAC to vector of t_INT:

$ gp -q
? d=[5/2,7/3]
[5/2, 7/3]
? gcd(d)
? d/gcd(d)
[15, 14]

